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  1. G

    Help Please

    HIBISCRUB is excellent stuff. :thumbsup: Always used it on cuts/wounds and cleans them up great.I get mine from our chemist(or horsey place).Its cheap too. :)
  2. G

    Does Anyone Use Safety Blinkers At Night??

    Grace has one and its great.She has not broken it yet and have had it for 2 winters.My husband said he could see it from the car and its very bright.Brilliant in the fields in the dark,not that grace is off lead in the dark as she is too clumsy :lol: The funny bit is our one flashes red,white...
  3. G

    Good Pet Insurance

    Grace is with direct line.Due to very bad luck our claims total £5000 in five and a half years.They have never questioned any of her claims.Very helpfull on the phone and the call centre is in england :thumbsup: We have lifetime cover and its not cheap,but in Graces case worth every penny...
  4. G

    Just Wondered ??

    My Grace is a single whippet and very very happy that way. :D She is great when were out with other dogs but will not have any in the house.She knows she is the only one and it suits her just fine :teehee: Lots of love,no one nicking her toys,favourite chair,and best of all no one steals her...
  5. G

    9 Go To 8

    R.I.P Little one :huggles:
  6. G

    Ouch Murphy Has Been Nipped

    Poor Murphy hope he feels better soon Grace sends :huggles: for him.
  7. G

    My Little Soloman Is Poorly !

    We are so pleased to hear Solly is on the mend :thumbsup: I bet you cant wait to see him on friday :D Grace sends big :huggles: and :wub: I know what you mean about the diet,Grace helped me lose weight when we were in your situation. :- " But I did attack the chocolate when she came...
  8. G

    The Joy Of A Snuggle Bed

    I had to post this picture of Grace in her snuggle bed from Alfyn.There was a lot of debating wether Grace would use it but as you can see I dont think its a problem (w00t) The only problem is I cant get her up to come to work with me :D
  9. G

    My Little Soloman Is Poorly !

    So pleased that you made the vets take Solly in.I know what its like waiting and hoping.I hope Solly makes a full recovery he is in the best place.If its the vet collage at Hatfield then they really are very good :thumbsup: Sending lots of :luck: and :wub: to solly and you X
  10. G

    A Little Good Luck For Ginni Please

    Wishing Ginni lots of :luck: and hopes she is better soon.Sending wishes to you all :huggles:
  11. G


    My husband and I are on 3,and our step daughter too.Husband had a problem with the phone but sorted quickly.My step daughter has the same phone as me and all going well :thumbsup:
  12. G

    So Worried Mojo In Vets

    So sorry to hear about Mojo.Wishing him well and hope he is home with you soon :huggles:
  13. G

    Advice Please!

    Hi sarah,one of the dogs I walk does this or used too :- " She nearly knocked an old lady over and I thought right something has to be done.So I went to pets at home and bought a can of compressed air.When she went to jump up I would send a short blast close to her this then made her jump away...
  14. G

    Post A Favourite Piccy...

    This is one of my favourites at west Bay somerset.Grace posing like a good girl as usual :D
  15. G

    A Few Pics From Today

    Lovely pictures and lovely doggies too :wub: Grace had blackberries for lunch on our walk too :D
  16. G

    My Accident Prone Murphy!

    Grace sends Murphy a big lick :wub: ,hope he is better soon :luck:
  17. G

    To Jo (jok) Thankyou From Grace

    Of course you can Jo.Grace is such a poser,bless her she is a good model :thumbsup: They are great coats as wanted a coat thats light enough to carry with us when the weather turns. :thumbsup:
  18. G


    Ahhh bless rifle.Once they are in there snuggle bed they dont come out.I should know Grace has one (w00t)
  19. G

    New Forest Today

    Lovely doggies and pictures.I love the new forest,taking Grace there next week whilst I have a week off. :thumbsup:
  20. G

    Brought Back To Hand

    Jill is looking really fit,and what a good girl bringing the bunny back.You have her well trained keith :thumbsup: