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My Little Soloman Is Poorly !

Poor little Solomon :( we are thinking of you in this anxious time -_- please God Solomon will be fine do keep us posted :luck:
Oh poor Soloman and poor you- it must be so frustrating :(

Hoping for some positive news soon :luck:

Liz and the Monellis
How has Soloman been today??

Hope he is feeling better :huggles:
Poor Soloman :( - this must be your worst nightmare, can't imagine what you are going through. Thinking of you all and hope they find out what is making him poorly and that he makes a wonderful recovery :luck:
How's Soloman today? Any improvement? I do hope he's back to full health soon. :luck: :luck: :luck:
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Thank you everyone for your support, it really means a lot.

Got Solly back from the vets tonight as they say that he is maintaining his temperature now. I hope so, I am checking every two hours and if it goes up he is going straight back in again. As for getting any further forward, well they are still waiting for results of further bloods and urine samples. They have however got us booked in to see the specialist at Davies in Bedfordshire for Monday 17th for him to have tests on his spinal fluid and possibly an MRI scan. When he was younger he would have this mild head tremour, or more of a shake really that would happen very periodically just for a couple of minutes. When his temperature was really high the other night he did it then, he hadn't done it for months and months. Apparently whilst in the vets today they saw him do it again. Vet wants this looking at as it may be part and parcel of the same thing. Still think it is possibly meningitis or possibly something neurological - seems to think a tumour would be remote but other possibilities with not such good prognosis. Well I am not happy we have got to wait for over a week but vet says that the Davies surgery would really be better informed if they were in possession of the results of the tests, which are not due in till up to mid next week. I guess if Solly is holding his own over the weekend then we will probably be OK to wait, but I think my hsuband is going to get involved and maybe phone the vets and the clinic on Monday to try to speed something along. I just want an answer now, be it good or bad, I can't stand looking at my dog looking poorly, I just want him back to normal. I will keep you informed as and when I know anything.

Thanks again everyone.
How awful for you and poor Solly :(

Why does it take over a week for results of tests, when it seems to me that it is a matter of urgency :rant: Can't they speed things up a bit? You must be worried sick :eek:

Glad they have managed to stabilise his temperature though- hope he remains stable :luck:

Thinking of you both.

Liz and the Monellis
any updates on little Soloman? :( :luck:
I'm not sure I can cope with the emotional rollercoaster I seem to be on. Solly was sent home again last night and other than being very quiet and wanting to sleep the whole time, seemed to be manageable. But as usual, get to bedtime and he started to shake, so much that there was no way I was going to be able to sleep with him shaking the bed so much. His temperature went back up to 104 although he just seemed to try to sleep through it all. First thing this morning I was back on the phone to the vets - told them I was not happy to leave him to suffer like this for a week and that I wanted him seen as an emergency. He has gone back to my vets for the weekend so they can keep him on a drip and keep him comfortable. I am picking him up early on Monday morning and hopefully taking him straight to the clinic in Hertfordshire for the possible MRI and lumber puncture. I have stressed in the strongest possible terms that I am not willing to leave him any longer in this state and I want him seen as an emergency. So hopefully I will start to get some answers. Finding this all very difficult to deal with. Thanks everyone again for your support.
Chills said:
I'm not sure I can cope with the emotional rollercoaster I seem to be on.  Solly was sent home again last night and other than being very quiet and wanting to sleep the whole time, seemed to be manageable.  But as usual, get to bedtime and he started to shake, so much that there was no way I was going to be able to sleep with him shaking the bed so much.  His temperature went back up to 104 although he just seemed to try to sleep through it all.  First thing this morning I was back on the phone to the vets - told them I was not happy to leave him to suffer like this for a week and that I wanted him seen as an emergency.  He has gone back to my vets for the weekend so they can keep him on a drip and keep him comfortable.  I am picking him up early on Monday morning and hopefully taking him straight to the clinic in Hertfordshire for the possible MRI and lumber puncture.  I have stressed in the strongest possible terms that I am not willing to leave him any longer in this state and I want him seen as an emergency.  So hopefully I will start to get some answers.  Finding this all very difficult to deal with.  Thanks everyone again for your support.
How aweful for you, :( not knowing what on earth is wrong

I just hope they can get to the bottom of this for you all and most of all get little Solomon sorted out once and for all...... :huggles: Good luck for next week and let us know what happens wont you please.
this must be a terrible worry and a stress for you.when my cat had some tests a few months ago for cancer they took just over a week to get back from the keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for your boy. :luck: :luck: :luck: hope they can get to the bottom of it and sort him out prayers are with you for his recovery.try not to worry,hes in the best place :)
:( I so hope that this can be sorted very quickly.

Poor little Solly, you must be devastated at seeing him so poorly. :huggles:

I'm sending all the best wishes I can for his speedy recovery :luck: :luck:
Just to update, I actually feel a lot more positive today after seeing the specialist, a very nice vet at the specialist clinic in Hertfordshire. Basically he looked at him for a long time and was extremely thorough. He does not think it is anything neurological and, as I had suspected, thinks that the head wobble has nothing to do with this present illness. He also said that the head wobble is nothing to worry about at all.

He has however kept him there to take fluid from his spine and joints, further blood tests and a further possible scan of his abdomen as they look much closer and more in depth than the high street vets. He seemed very positive about Solly and said that even if it was to be meningitis that in most cases it is completely treatable.

Hate leaving him yet again, the poor think has dropped quite a bit of weight over the last week and I just wanted to take him home, but at least I now feel that they are actually doing absolutely everything that they can for him to try to get to the bottom of it all.

I'll keep you posted. Thanks again everyone :thumbsup:
Chills said:
Just to update, I actually feel a lot more positive today after seeing the specialist, a very nice vet at the specialist clinic in Hertfordshire.  Basically he looked at him for a long time and was extremely thorough.  He does not think it is anything neurological and, as I had suspected, thinks that the head wobble has nothing to do with this present illness.  He also said that the head wobble is nothing to worry about at all.He has however kept him there to take fluid from his spine and joints, further blood tests and a further possible scan of his abdomen as they look much closer and more in depth than the high street vets.  He seemed very positive about Solly and said that even if it was to be meningitis that in most cases it is completely treatable.

Hate leaving him yet again, the poor think has dropped quite a bit of weight over the last week and I just wanted to take him home, but at least I now feel that they are actually doing absolutely everything that they can for him to try to get to the bottom of it all. 

I'll keep you posted.  Thanks again everyone  :thumbsup:

So pleased that you made the vets take Solly in.I know what its like waiting and hoping.I hope Solly makes a full recovery he is in the best place.If its the vet collage at Hatfield then they really are very good :thumbsup: Sending lots of :luck: and :wub: to solly and you X
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Best of luck with Soloman, I know you must be missing him like crazy but he's in the right place and hopefully when he comes home he'll be 100%. :luck: :huggles:
:luck: :luck: Hope Soloman gets better soon and it is nothing too serious :luck: