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My Little Soloman Is Poorly !

Poor you and of course Soloman. Hope that the specialist can find out what is going on and the little chap can be tucked up at home in bed again soon :huggles:
Poor little Solly- but at least you seem to be nearer to finding out what is wrong with him. :huggles:

Thinking of you

Liz and the Monellis
That sounds more positive. Hope the specialist gets to the bottom of it soon. :luck: Soloman :wub:
:luck: :huggles:
My heart goes out to you :huggles: :huggles: we are both in the same boat :( if you want to chat anytime just PM me,as i broke down tonight with worry for my little boy.
Thinking of you and Solly it must be so stressful :luck: :luck: Jan
Wishing you and Solly the best of :luck: :luck: and hope that you have a possitive outcome .

Sending loads of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
I've just been updated again by the specialist. Apparently all tests have come back negative, so no meningitis etc. He is really at a bit of a loss. He says that Solly has kept his temperature down to near normal for the last twenty four hours so that at least is good. He has done the head wobble a couple of times though. He has recommended that tomorrow he does a scan on his heart just to double check there is no infection there, another ultrasound on his abdomen and an MRI on his brain. He doesn't think he is going to find anything but these are the only tests that have not been done. If all these come back negative they want to watch him for a further twenty four hours after that and then all being well he can come home. I really wonder now whether, after some of the kind messages people have sent me of similar cases with their dogs, that it was some weird undetectable virus and he will just get better over time. After all the only real symptom we have is feverishness. Very frustrating, but I am going to keep positive and hope that my lovely little boy will be back in my bed by Friday night.

Surely all I can do is feel positive now???
Really hope your lad recovers fully and is home very soon. :huggles: :huggles: :luck:
I hope this works - this should be a piccie of my little Soloman

good luck to you and sol on his further tests,hope he goes from strength to strength now :wub: :huggles:
:thumbsup: Hope Soloman improves every day and you can take him home soon:luck:
It's sounding better ;)

Just sending a bit more :luck: :luck: for Solly :huggles:
Something nasty has definitely been lurking but sounds like Soloman's wee body is managing to fight it off - I do hope he continues to improve. :luck: Get well soon :luck:
Chills said:
Thanks everyone - it does feel better to share your worries - especially with people who know whippets.  It does get annoying when people just say "oh whippets are wimps anyway!""  Makes me mad  :rant:
Only just seeing this now Claire. Actually the Whippets are whimps thing is soooo untrue! Often you'll never know how much pain a whippet is in beause they're so darn stoic when it comes to the really serious stuff. If they knock themselves on the door or something they'll play it for all it's worth, but impale themselves on a sharp object and you'll never know until they hit you with it.

Was nice chatting with you today and I'm sorry they've not found anything definite yet, but fingers crossed it will all resolve itself and he'll be his normal self soon.

New Update. The vet has just called me. The MRI on his brain and the ultrasound scans on his heart and abdomen are all negative. He feels very positive about Solly now and says that really all the nasties have been ruled out :D He also said that his temperature has stayed down the whole time he has been there, so maybe whatever it is or was, is finally getting out of his system. Just to make doubly sure he asked for Solly to stay in another day so they can monitor him and then he will be sent home on Friday :D :D

I am soooooo relieved - that poor little dog has scared the wits out of me. Its been a very good diet though, its kick started me with a stone in weight loss over the last ten days - so some good has come out of it hee hee. :lol:

Just cant wait to get him back now. I could kiss the vet - he is actually quite nice :- "

Thank you so, so, so much everyone for all your support. It has really helped being able to express my feelings on here and reading all your comments. Thank you to everyone :huggles: :huggles: to you all.

PS: Wendy - was great to chat to you today, scary though, I think we could have stayed on the phone all day :D Look forward to hearing from you with great news :thumbsup:
I'm so glad you have some really positive news at last! :cheers:

I bet that little man will be pleased to be home on Friday! :wub: :huggles:

Liz and the Monellis
Chills said:
New Update.  The vet has just called me.  The MRI on his brain and the ultrasound scans on his heart and abdomen are all negative.  He feels very positive about Solly now and says that really all the nasties have been ruled out  :D   He also said that his temperature has stayed down the whole time he has been there, so maybe whatever it is or was, is finally getting out of his system.  Just to make doubly sure he asked for Solly to stay in another day so they can monitor him and then he will be sent home on Friday  :D   :D I am soooooo relieved - that poor little dog has scared the wits out of me.  Its been a very good diet though, its kick started me with a stone in weight loss over the last ten days - so some good has come out of it hee hee.  :lol:

Just cant wait to get him back now.  I could kiss the vet - he is actually quite nice  :- "

Thank you so, so, so much everyone for all your support.  It has really helped being able to express my feelings on here and reading all your comments.  Thank you to everyone  :huggles:   :huggles:   to you all.

PS:  Wendy - was great to chat to you today, scary though, I think we could have stayed on the phone all day  :D   Look forward to hearing from you with great news  :thumbsup:

YAY - what absolutely fantastic news. And yes, I could have stayed on the phone all day. I can talk whippets forever LOL.

Ooh I'm so thrilled for you that so shortly after we talked the vet called with this news. Keeping EVERYTHING crossed that he continues healing up.

We are so pleased to hear Solly is on the mend :thumbsup: I bet you cant wait to see him on friday :D Grace sends big :huggles: and :wub: I know what you mean about the diet,Grace helped me lose weight when we were in your situation. :- " But I did attack the chocolate when she came home (w00t) Really pleased for you both :cheers: