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Advice Please!

Painted Lady

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What can I do to stop my dogs jumping up at people? Coco and Daisy are the worst for it,if anyone comes up and says hello to them they are just up in their faces,especially if one of the other dogs are getting all the attention.Just come back from a walk and this lad came up asking about them and the girls are just uncontrollable,jumping up all the time.Luckily he didn't mind.Blue and Murph do as they are told but it's like the girls have to out do each other.I have them on a couple joiner so have two one side and the other two the other.I have just brought them back early from walk cos I am getting really stressy with them, it makes the walks not enjoyable cos I am beginning to dread someone coming up to me. Please any advice would be appreciated,I am going to have a cup of coffee and try to calm down :wacko:
:huggles: aww sarah hun i feel your pain hun ,my lot are exactly the same and even worst if somone come to the house ...ask gillian :- " they constantly jump up it drives me mad so will be interesting to see what people suggest :cheers:
Gypsy used to do this, i started taking a water pistol everywhere with me, everytime she jumped up at anyone i gave her a quick squirt (not in the face)

she soon reaslised (after the third go :thumbsup: ) that it was not a good thing to do :thumbsup:

she hasn't done it since :thumbsup:

i have also used it for when she tries to nick the kids food as well.....................she now goes straight to her bed when she see's their food being put on the table :thumbsup:

if she is feeling a bit cheeky.........all it takes is for me to pick up the water pistol and look at her :)

im sure there are lots of other ways to go about this, but this worked wonders for my gypo :thumbsup:
nicky12 said:
:huggles: aww sarah hun i feel your pain hun ,my lot are exactly the same and even worst if somone come to the house ...ask gillian  :- " they constantly jump up it drives me mad so will be interesting to see what people suggest  :cheers:
God my are awful when someone comes round the can literally see people grin and bear it when the dogs are about. I just feel out of control with them when I am on my own walking them,must look like a right loon.
hely said:
Gypsy used to do this, i started taking a water pistol everywhere with me, everytime she jumped up at anyone i gave her a quick squirt (not in the face)she soon reaslised (after the third go :thumbsup: ) that it was not a good thing to do :thumbsup:

she hasn't done it since :thumbsup:

i have also used it for when she tries to nick the kids food as well.....................she now goes straight to her bed when she see's their food being put on the table :thumbsup:

if she is feeling  a bit cheeky.........all it takes is for me to pick up the water pistol and look at her :)

im sure there are lots of other ways to go about this, but this worked wonders for my gypo :thumbsup:

Oh that sounds great! Will go out and buy one,kids only have the massive mega blaster guns so would look mad walking them and carrying that (w00t) mind you bet it would work...... :D thanks luv xxxx
your welcome :thumbsup: , i bought 3 of them and placed them around the house where i knew they would be needed!

although when i was out for a walk one day and had one in my pocket, it leaked and it looked like i had pee'd myself (w00t)

good luck :thumbsup:
good thinking thanks hely im off to get one later to :D aww sarah i know what ya mean the amount of times iv been head butted in the face from my lot when i come home is nobodys buissness little :rant: as they are ,hopfully this water pistal thing will do the trick :cheers:
i've used an old Jif Lemon bottle filled with water :thumbsup:

fits in your pocket better and you are less likely to get shot by over-reactive firearms police :lol:
beaker said:
i've used an old Jif Lemon bottle filled with water  :thumbsup:
fits in your pocket better and you are less likely to get shot by over-reactive firearms police  :lol:

pmsl...................yes but i have 3 different colours to go with what ever i am wearing that day (w00t)

i like to match my guns (w00t)
beaker said:
i've used an old Jif Lemon bottle filled with water  :thumbsup:
fits in your pocket better and you are less likely to get shot by over-reactive firearms police  :lol:

(w00t) (w00t)
well guess what ive just found,a jiffy lemon bottle and i bet it works on certain dogs that eat poo too :x :thumbsup:
I was advised to use a water gun but Pixie thinks its a game when you squirt her so that didn't work for me. They go mad when people come to visit and you do feel like you can't control them, i find it very embarrassing! but i don't know what else to do.
mine are all ok inside we just have a probel with molly outside peoepl come over to stock her and if shs about to jump I aske them to stop but the normal comment is "its ok I dont mine my dog does it) :angry: . The troubel is I do mine what if its a young child or an old lady. I think its the people I will squirt with the water pistol not the dog :lol:
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sarahloveland said:
What can I do to stop my dogs jumping up at people? Coco and Daisy are the worst for it,if anyone comes up and says hello to them they are just up in their faces,especially if one of the other dogs are getting all the attention.Just come back from a walk and this lad came up asking  about them and the girls are just uncontrollable,jumping up all the time.Luckily he didn't mind.Blue and Murph do as they are told but it's like the girls have to out do each other.I have them on a couple joiner so have two one side and the other two the other.I have just brought them back early from walk cos I am getting really stressy with them, it makes the walks not enjoyable cos I am beginning to dread someone coming up to me. Please any advice would be appreciated,I am going to have a cup of coffee and try to calm down :wacko:
First of all Sarah, easy for me to say, but you really shouldnt let the fact that because your dogs jump up at folks stress you out, they can read this believe you me, both my dogs jumped up at folks on there walks with me, so what i did was take them out one at a time and put them in a position where they would jump up at folks, as my dog sally went to jump up to greet, i corrected her, then the same with jill, she was a bugger for it, not now, i can safely take out my dogs with no worries, certain folks in my life love my dogs to jump up and greet others not so, so to them i say up yours, pity you are so far away i would gladly help

keith :cheers:
Hi sarah,one of the dogs I walk does this or used too :- " She nearly knocked an old lady over and I thought right something has to be done.So I went to pets at home and bought a can of compressed air.When she went to jump up I would send a short blast close to her this then made her jump away or lay down.It took only 3 goes and this has stopped her.Even from a distance the noise from the spray still worked.This method can be used to discourage allsorts of unwanted behaviour. :thumbsup: Now the sight of the can stops her.It also worked on stopping two killer westies I walk,one spray and and the aggresive behaviour was interupted.Make sure praise is given for the correct behaviour once the spray has been used.It is harmless to animals.Just a method I tried that worked in my opinion.Good luck :cheers:
i bought some pet correcter just in case the water pistols didnt work.............still in the packet as gypsy is a good girl and likes to please her mum (or maybe she didnt liked being squirted) :- "
sarahloveland said:
hely said:
Gypsy used to do this, i started taking a water pistol everywhere with me, everytime she jumped up at anyone i gave her a quick squirt (not in the face)she soon reaslised (after the third go :thumbsup: ) that it was not a good thing to do :thumbsup:

she hasn't done it since :thumbsup:

i have also used it for when she tries to nick the kids food as well.....................she now goes straight to her bed when she see's their food being put on the table :thumbsup:

if she is feeling  a bit cheeky.........all it takes is for me to pick up the water pistol and look at her :)

im sure there are lots of other ways to go about this, but this worked wonders for my gypo :thumbsup:

Oh that sounds great! Will go out and buy one,kids only have the massive mega blaster guns so would look mad walking them and carrying that (w00t) mind you bet it would work...... :D thanks luv xxxx

Got mine from poundland :- "

Its the type a hairdresser would use to keep hair moist whilst cutting etc. And Its PINK! Adjustable nozzle for wide misty spray or a few tweaks for a direct hit :*

Works though!
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Thanks everyone for all your advice,really appreciated :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I have had all the kids helping me walk them through the school holidays so to go out yesterday on my own I just found difficult.I will get back into the swing of it :D :thumbsup: