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  1. S

    Kennels In East Anglia

    that#s a great idea - I'd happily have someone else's dog from time to time. I'll start a NEW TOPIC on it! £20 a day is a helluva lot. If needs be and I can't find anywhere suitable, I'll just not go on holiday!!!
  2. S

    Small 6yr Old Poodle Needs Home

    what's the background to this?
  3. S

    Zoomie Can't Contain Himself...

  4. S

    Kennels In East Anglia

    Does anyone know of good kennels in Norfolk/ Suffolk? Am getting increasingly desperate over a holiday planned over the Whit half term... My dog is only 6 months old and it feels a huge deal to leave him at all, and the kennels I had my heart set on is full....
  5. S

    Good Luck Zoomie

    Good luck Zoomie! My Freddie wants to know if you'll need a wardrobe assistant on the big day! Or a design consultant!
  6. S

    Eating Mud.......

    mine eats soil. he'll scratch and scratch at one particular place on the walk I take him on, and eat the mud all around it.
  7. S

    Crufts Preview Bbc2 Sunday

    me too; I'm voting for Yogi... What a difference that dog has made to that little boy's life!
  8. S

    Help Needed

    yup, his preference is for kitty treats - and rabbits' and foxes', and cows' and horses but :b generally not other dogs. But an immediate cat pooh makes him very very very happy.
  9. S

    Help Needed

    someone I know 'planted' poohs around their garden and sprinkled them liberally with chilli powder. Dog ate...and never touched a poo again. I'm too much of a softie to dare try this. It might well work...
  10. S

    Guess Who Came To Visit?

    Thanks Juley for uploading this! Can't seem to do it myself. Freddie's been asleep ever since we left yous, apart from waking up to consume a 'kitty treat' plus the cat's dinner! Revolting habits from one so elegant...
  11. S

    Pictures Of Frankie

    hey - we've got this one's brother, Freddie! Will attempt to post some photos l8r. Hope he had a settled night.
  12. S

    New Years Day...

    what a lovely start to the New Year! Have a good one! :))
  13. S

    Puppy - Walks Out?

    Thanks for this. Wow! Will cut down on the mad runs then... :))
  14. S

    Puppy - Walks Out?

    I've a 14 week old pup and want to know how ok it is to run him/ walk him? At the moment we take him to the park where he runs off the lead a bit - mainly with other dogs, sometimes children - and I'm wondering if this is ok? He loves it but is it ok for his legs? Advice appreciated....
  15. S

    Living With A Cat!

    you'd also need a water gun on a holster at the ready (impractical). I YELL as loud as I can, but it's the cat who freaks at that rather than the puppy!! And the cat is only having half a life - spent under beds, on top of wardrobes etc, exactly as you suggest. Ah well, I'll keep up the yelling...
  16. S

    Living With A Cat!

    thanks for this... My great fear is a DEAD cat! But I suspect it's that the puppy wants to play..not much else...
  17. S

    Living With A Cat!

    we do have a crate, which kind of works but the problem arise the minute he's out of the crate!! And the cat still doesn't dare go into the room with the crate in it!!! Maybe it's just a question of patience...from other replies it looks like it might be!!
  18. S

    Living With A Cat!

    brilliant! inspirational!!!
  19. S

    Living With A Cat!

    Anyone out there who's got a successful whippet/ cat domestic situation? I have a puppy - 11 weeks - who chases our cat whenever he sees her. The cat races upstairs - and at the moment the puppy can't follow. I really am at a loss as to how to handle this one. I think the cat would scratch and...
  20. S

    Finally Winter

    beautiful pix... makes England look muddy and pale green