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Indigo & Tarka In A Tragic Accident Yesterday

I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. This is just so sad :(

How anyone can hit an animal & not even stop is beyond me, how can they sleep at night :rant:

RIP little girl
I am so very sorry for you, what a dreadful thing to happen.

RIP Indigo and best wishes to Tarka for a speedy recovery.

Our thoughts are wiith you both.

I am so sorry how awful for you :( I hope Tarka is on the mend :huggles:

RIP Indigo and run free :huggles:
I am so, so sorry. I can't think of words to write for you except that my thoughts are with you and I'm sending you :huggles: :huggles: to try and help the pain

Bless you Tarka - get well soon little boy :wub: :wub:

And Indigo, you beautiful girlie, run free now without fear xx
I too would like to add my heartfelt condolences. What a tragic series of events.

My sincere best wishes to you all... for Tarka and his speedy recovery and also for Indigo may she rest in peace.
Mort said:
Heartfelt sympathy from OZ. Wishing Tarka a speedy and complete recovery from this horrific accident. What horrid drivers not to stop and assist.

R.I.P. Indigo (another shining star in heaven)
So sorry to read about this tragic accident. Hoping that Tarka makes a speedy recovery :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

As others have said try not to keep going over what happened in your mind I still do it from when my dog was hit by a car

What if I'd done this What if this person hadn't come.It doesn't make things better .Try to remember the good times with her. She may have had a short life but at least it was full of love and happiness

All of these messages are bringing comfort at a terrible time - thank you so much for your thoughts and kindness.

I can't sleep without relaying the events in my head so I have decided to get up and read some of the topics in the forum to take my mind off the last 18 hours.

I should be able to telephone the vet at 8am to see how Tarka is and if I can go and see him this morning, poor boy. I will give you an update on his progress later.
So very sorry to hear this. It hard to even know what to say, I can't begin to imagine what you are feeling. I really hope that Tarka's recovery goes well :luck:

RIP Indigo.

Oh my goodness - how terrible :( I am so very sorry and want to wish Tarka a speedy recovery. How awful that 2 car drivers did not stop :(

RIP Indigo
I'm so sorry. It's unthinkable that those drivers didn't stop.

:luck: for Tarka and r.i.p dear Indigo :(
I am so so sorry to be reading this, i hope Tarka makes a quick recovery :huggles:

RIP Indigo o:) o:) :wub:
So sorry to hear this.

I hope Tarka recovers quickly. :luck:
I was so upset to read your post and can only imagine how hearbroken you must feel at the loss of Indigo.

Sending healing thoughts and good wishes to Tarka. :luck: I hope his recovery is speedy and he will soon be home with you.
Really sorry to read this. Its a nightmare we all have. I'm just so sorry its happened to you. Fingers crossed for Tarka

RIP Indigo
How are things going with Tarka? I hope he is improving. And I hope you and your hubby are well.

Take care.

kitty1972 said:
Yesterday afternoon a terrible turn of events took place.  Roger was walking Indigo & Tarka up at the woods when they both suddenly shot off in full chase after something, possibly a deer but Roger could not see. Roger whistled them back but they were in full chase mode and had at this point got to a bed in the road near the woods.

Roger heard a yelp and ran up to find Indigo had been knocked down by a car. The driver did not stop and within seconds another car had run over Indigo. This car did not stop either.  She died on impact.

Roger ran to her and lifted her from the road to hear another yelp and looked around to see Tarka being knocked down by another car.  He put Indigo in some heather as she was very obviously dead and ran over to Tarka who had managed to pick himself up. The driver of this car did stop.

A very kind lady stopped to help Roger. She offered to take him and Tarka to the vets not realising another dog had been involved. Roger said he couldn’t just leave Indigo there and would have to carry her to his van. The lady said she would drive Tarka to me as I was closer than the vets which she did.

Tarka has been at the vets and was today transferred to another clinic. His Hip is badly damaged. The socket has been shattered and the pelvic bone has been damaged.

The vet has said this is a salvage job rather than a repair job and it is unlikely Tarka will enjoy his running anymore. He also has a small air sac on his lungs and severe bruising, has many tears and is in a terrible state of shock as you can imagine.

We are all finding the events terribly hard to accept. Indigo was only 17 months old and an absolute ray of sunshine. She was a very happy girl who was active non-stop and not a day would go by where she didn’t make you laugh with her antics. She also was like a sheep following everyone around the house inquisitively.  We will miss her so much.

We are very lucky to still have Tarka, who is 5 years old and equally as precious. He will really miss his lively girlfriend.

It doesn’t seem real at the moment and the house is so empty.

I hope soon it will be easier to bear but I wanted to post a picture of Tarka and Indigo and acknowledge what has happened in some way.

How terrible.I could have cried when i read it.That,s the trouble with dogs keen to chase,it could happen to any of us.My dog did a similar thing,but luckily he was not hurt.My heart goes out to you.
