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Indigo & Tarka In A Tragic Accident Yesterday

Sorry I missed this thread yesterday - I can't begin to think of how you must be feeling. This is something we all dread happening. We have to let our whippets run free at some point, so they have a happy life, and you were just very unlucky.

Indigo's life was short, but better a short and happy one, than some of these we hear who have miserable lives without the love of owners like yourselves.

I hope Tarka's recovery is swift, and that he will not miss his little girlfriend too much. I'm sure with your TLC, he will be up and about in no time.

Sending you :luck: lots of luck, and :huggles: to you all.
How awful :( i am so sorry whats happened,my heart goes out to you all,this is very tragic thing to happen.I hope Tarka gets better very soon :huggles: :huggles:
The orphopaedic surgeon has called today to say that Tarka's operation went ok. Today he has even managed to stand on all 4 legs- what a boy!

They want to xray him again to see if the air sac in his lung is still present and I have been told I may not be allowed him home until Friday as he is on alot of medication still.

I am allowed to go and visit him after 4pm and I desperately want to. Then I wondered if I was being selfish and if he would feel abandoned again when I went? I know he will just want to be at home.

Roger is barely talking or looking at anyone, he keeps getting flashbacks of the event and is wondering what he could have done differently. He feels he has let Indigo and Tarka down and all of us. I keep telling him it is not his fault and it could have happened to anyone but unfortunately he cannot see that yet.

As for me, I keep suddenly bursting into tears as it seems I cannot look or go anywhere or do anything without something reminding me of my darling Indigo.

All of your messages are giving me strength and hope, I will try and get Roger to read them as it me alleviate some of his pain.
Your poor husband he must be going through hell :( all of you.....

It could have happened to any one of us, tell him not to blame himself. The circumstances were totally out of his control but he has a good right to have flashbacks... anyone would from such an event.

I do hope things get a bit easier for you all, and it seems good news for Tarka poor love.. :huggles:

We are all thinking of you on K9.. :huggles: :luck:
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I have only just seen this and I can only echo what has already been said by everyone on here.
So sorry to hear this news :( you must be very devastated R.I.P little one :( & hope your other one makes a full recovery :huggles:

Only just read this thread so sad news
I have only just read this and my tears are flowing. I am so sorry about your loss. I wish you all well and hope that Tarka gets well soon.

When Jasper was in the vets when he was a puppy I thaught the same as you about going to see him and then leaving him, but the nurses assured me that he seemed to pick up after we had left, and actually looked forward to seeing us as we went the same time on a daily basis.

All the best and thinking of you at this sad time.

Keep us updated on Tarka, sending him lots of :huggles: :huggles: .

R.I.P. INDEGO, run free and fast!!
Im sorry I missed this yesterday

Iam sitting here with the tears rolling down my cheeks

I am so so sorry for the tragic events of yesterday

Big hugs to you husband and yourself :huggles:

I hope that Tarka recovers well and that the pain fades a little every day for you both

Indigo is now waiting at Rainbow bridge


Hello, Glad Tarka s op went well, im sure it will help for him to see you and he will be home very soon.

The shock will take time to wear off and your poor hubby could do nothing to change things it was a tragic accident that has indeed happened to a few on here.

Sometimes you have to go over things to realise there was nothing you could do or probably will do in the future.

Good luck with Tarka, keep us posted :huggles: Jan
So pleased to hear that Tarka's operation went well.

Your poor husband, I can not begin to imagine the pain that you must both be feeling at the moment. It was a tragic accident and Roger couldn't have done anything differently to change things, hopefully he will come to see that with time.

Thinking of you all and hope that Tarka is back home with you as soon as possible
:( Your poor husband. It is all of our worst nightmares that something like this will happen to our running dogs. It is part and parcel of their nature that they will take off on a chase - this could have happened to any of us and it was just appalling, appalling luck :( :(

I'm sure Indigo knows that you gave her the perfect home during her life :wub: :wub: There's really nothing more you can do.

My parents lost a really beloved dog in the same way last year and while you can never replace a special soul, time does heal.

Let it out and cry, cry, cry as much as you need :huggles:
So so sorry and shocked to read this :( :eek: . What a horiffic thing to happen.

I obviously dont know what type of person your husband is ...but it may help for him to maybe see someone to talk about it?, especially if he's having flashbacks :unsure: I know everyones different and alot of people like to deal with things in their own time and way but its just a thought.

Please keep us updated on the progress of Tarka, All the luck in the world to him :luck: :luck:

and run free Indigo X xx
How terrible for you and your OH. I am so, so sorry for you both. It brings back awful memories for me but you can't change fate unfortunately.

[SIZE=8pt]RIP Indigo[/SIZE]

and lots of good wishes for a speedy recovery for Tarka. I would definitely go and visit him, then he will know you haven't abandoned him.
I have got back from visiting Tarka and I am so pleased we went. He managed to hobble out of his cage and come over wagging his tail even though you could see he was in tremendous discomfort. I am so proud of him.

I took his blanket and teddy and settled him down as by the end of the visit he was shattered and got back in the cage. I know now that it is best he stays with the vets so that he can get the right dosage of pain relief.

He has to have another xray tomorrow to see if the air sac in his chest has got bigger or changed in any way. Fingers crossed it is not a problem.

Then maybe, all being well he can come home on friday. :))

That will be so good, my Mum has lent me her whippet, Jessie tonight as I cannot bear the house without my two. It just feels totally empty without them. So Jessie is good at cuddling so she will be a great source of comfort tonight. Also, funnily enough it is reallly hard to sleep without a whippet taking up all the room and squashing you in bed so that will be nice too. :))

My husband still won't talk about the events, maybe in a few days. After we saw Tarka tonight he did manage to cry in the car so that is a good thing.

I cannot tell you how much your comments on this forum have helped to comfort me. Knowing that people understand your grief is very consoling at such a painful time.
So pleased you saw Tarka, she will feel better Im sure for seeing you too :huggles: :huggles:

I hope she goes from strength to strength... :luck: Good luck for the X-Ray. :luck:
:( The tears are roling down my face, I am truly so sorry to hear of your tragic loss. Know that you are in all of our thoughts, and we hope you somehow manage to get through these tough times :(

RIP and run free little angel...

All our love,

Emma and Jesse

im sorry i missed this thread yesterday, im pleased that tarka is better today, but im so sorry about indigo :( what a terrible accident and i cant believe those two cars didnt stop :rant:

i think its good to cry, (im sat here crying for you) i wish i could say something to make it better :(

thinking of you both :huggles:

RIP Indigo x
Thanks for the update. Bless Tarka, he must have been so pleased to see you - they make you want to cry don't they, when they are so stoic.

Your poor husband - I don't know if he is any good at talking about his feelings - mine isn't. When his German Shepherd had to be put to sleep 20 years ago (heart problem which had come on very quickly and got very serious, very quickly) he couldn't talk about it, at all.

But in time, he was able to remember the good times even tho he still didn't want to discuss it.

We're all different aren't we, in how we deal with emotional stuff.

All the best to you, anyway.
So very sorry for your loss. Glad to read that Tarka has had his op and is starting to recover.

My thoughts are will you and your family especially your husband. Time will make things easier for him. He will realise it was a horrible accident and that he should not blame himself. Life can be so hard to bare sometimes but we can't change fate.

Rest in peace little Indigo and enjoy running with the wind.

So upset to read what's happened, my heart goes out to you both.

kitty1972 said:
Roger is barely talking or looking at anyone, he keeps getting flashbacks of the event and is wondering what he could have done differently. He feels he has let Indigo and Tarka down and all of us.  I keep telling him it is not his fault and it could have happened to anyone but unfortunately he cannot see that yet.

All I would say to Roger is there's nothing he could of done to prevent this tragedy. All sighthounds are swines when something comes to ground in front of them, they switch off and no amount of screaming, shouting and chastising deters them. I have 4 peddy whippets exactly the same and have been on their case for years. It is a case of instinct, you'd struggle to stop a pit bull fighting, a terrier ragging and Newfoundlands from swimming, the same applies to whippets who live to run.

You can keep them indoors or tethered to leads all their lives and they might live to a grand old age but what quality of life is that? I admire the whippet, they live fast, take risks and live their lives to the max, even if it is sometimes a short life, it is never a poor one.

Rest In Peace Indigo, may the wind keep running through your ears. :huggles:

Get well soon Tarka, may your body be as strong as your spirit. :luck:
