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Indigo & Tarka In A Tragic Accident Yesterday

So pleased to hear Tarka will be back home later today :)) There is no place like home for getting better quickly - for dogs and humans alike. Hugs to you all, Janet
Jillb said:
I've already left an earlier message but after reading how your poor husband is feeling I thought i'd just add that IMO Bach Flower Remedies can be helpful.  As a complementary therapist I use them myself and often recommend them to clients.  You can get them in Boots and health shops, Star of Bethlehem is good for shock. 
I can understand how your husband must feel, no matter what people say you still keep thinking but what 'if' - when you are in that sort of turmoil you aren't really thinking rationally.  I keep thinking about what happened to your lovely whippets so god know's how you must all be feeling.

I am so happy that Tarka is doing well and is coming home today.

Thanks Jill, I will look to get some of that today.

great news for tarka and your family :thumbsup: ,maybe all your focus on him and his recovery will help heal some pain of losing indigo.

sending you all :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Marvellous news about Tarka. Bet you are counting the minutes! :huggles:
p.s. I forgot to say you can use Bach Flowers for animals too so may also be good to give to Tarka - i've used remedies before when Merlin's had a nasty experience (such as being bitten by a dog and kicked by a horse). I just put in his water or if I want him to take it quickly put it in some goats milk or drop it on his tongue.
What fab news :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Thank goodness he is coming home. Wishing you and your family all the best :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: . Don't forget to keep us all updated on how he is doing. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Brilliant new about Tarka coming home :thumbsup:

Whippets are strong little dogs and are amazing how they pull though with alot TLC

Thinking of you :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: Give Tarka a big hug from me :huggles:
So glad Tarka will be home soon - I hope his prescence at home will make things all feel a little less raw :huggles:
Glad Tarka can come home at teatime today.

Best wishes, take care

So glad to hear that Tarka is on the mend and is coming home :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Once he is at home with lots of TLC he recover much better :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Do tell your husband we're thinking of him (and all of you).

Dogs do unpredictable things and they don't understand cars and this was just a terrible, terrible accident. I'm sure he'll re-live it for a long time to come but the pain will ease with time and you do have to let time do the healing for your grief. :( Trying to think of the good times you all had together does help and dear Indigo will never be forgotten. I've been in agony over losing a dog and questioned over and over all the things we did, but you have to let what happened 'go' in time and build on your future with Tarka.

I hope everything goes well with Tarka and he makes a good recovery - he sounds like a very brave boy.

Best wishes from the Zilloot household xx
What a terrible time youv'e had. It's all been said but just know that the K9 crew are all thinking of you and wishing we could help.

We are sending positive thoughts for Tarka's recovery, - how much better he will feel when he is back with the people he loves most.

Once he is home you can begin to get back to some kind of routine again which should help you. How we feel for you.

Give Tarka a (gentle) cuddle from us :huggles: ( and remember to cuddle each other, - even if you can't talk about things, actions speak louder than words!) :thumbsup:

Take care of each other, and :luck: :luck: :luck: with Tarka

RIP Indigo. The brightest flames burn fastest. :(

What a terrible turn of events, a real nightmare. I hope your hubby is OK it must have been horrific to see that happen. Our Obi was killed by a wagon (whilst on his lead) and the driver didnt stop either, not that it would change anything if he had, but its so unfair that there are no repercussions.

:luck: for Tarka, I hope he heals well and can defy the odds and enjoy a good gallop again.

This could happen to anyone of us ( some of mine went off after a deer 2 days ago and could well have ended on the road had the deer gone that way)

Thinking of you, run free forever Indigo.
Tarka is back at home now.

The vet said he had only had one lung working on Monday and Tuesday as the other one had been punctured and his heart had been displaced by this. But now on the Xray you can see the heart back in the right place and the area is no longer looking so swollen and the lung has repaired itself. How amazing animals are at healing!

Tarka was wagging his tail and pleased to come home. Upon his arrival after greeting the kids he went to his food bowl and was given boiled chicken and rice which he ate happily. Then he went and got himself up on the sofa completely ignoring the crate I had set up and made so snuggly! Some things never change thankfully :- )

We are very pleased to have him back, my husband seems perkier. He said after seeing him being hit he never thought Tarka would return from the vets.

I am officially naming Tarka "Super Dog of the Week!" :)

He is sleeping peacefully now, still has his dressings and morphine patch. I will try and take some pictures tomorrow so you can see him.

To have one dog back after that horrendous afternoon is a blessing. Today their "Chilly Dog coats" arrived in the post. I haven't the heart to send Indigo's back to Canada so I have put it away for now.

Going back to cuddle my superhero now :wub:
That is the most lovely piece of news I have heard all day. It's brought a tear to my eye. Welcome home Tarka and I know you will have lots of cuddles and love.

Welcome home Tarka Super Dog :cheers: - isn't he amazing! :huggles: Hope he goes from strength to strength now he is home :luck: :huggles: :luck:
Having Tarka back, will be a comfort to both of you....and some normality back in your house. Im so glad you have both perked up seeing her again.

Felt like crying for you when I read about the coats... :(

Tarka is one very very ucky girl and Im so glad shes home again. :huggles: Good luck with her recovery.. :luck:
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So glad you have Tarka home with you again :huggles: he sounds like he's making a remarkable recovery.

I wish you and your family all the best.