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Dog Front Leg Amputation

Sending positive thoughts for you and Arnie for tomorrow. :luck: :luck: I am sure it will be much easier for you both when he has had the op. Dogs are so amazing in the way they seem to bounce back after such major surgery, and they don't suffer the same emotions over losing a limb that we would do. :huggles: :huggles:
Probably missed you now Sarah, but just adding my love and good wishes for Arnies op tomorrow. Will keep checking in for updates during the day, we are all sharing this with you. Keep your chin up - he will be home before you know it - in fact, I bet he's home before 4-5 days are up :thumbsup: Give him a hug from us :huggles:
Good luck to Arnie for today , will be thinking of you :luck:
Good luck arnie for today :luck: :luck: :luck: , i will be thinking of you sarah :huggles:
:luck: :luck: :luck: Hope everything goes well today Sarah, thinking of Arnie :luck: :luck: :luck: jan
Thinking of the big smiler today :luck: :luck: :luck:
I know you'll already be gone to the vets but just wanted to say we are all thinking of you here :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Just seen this thread and want to add my best wishes for Arnie and you. My friends Weimaraner lost his leg 3 years ago, more traumatic for the owner than the dog, he does everything his sister does. My thoughts are with Arnie for a quick recovery.
Hi guys, thanks for the good vibes this morning. I was up at 5.30 and out the door before I had chance to think about anything. My husband was going to come along with my 17month old son but in the end I decided to go alone. The drive there took a good couple of hours and it gave me chance to have a little chat with Arnie. It's like he understood.

We got there and I was fine until I had to walk in. Went to pieces when the nurse was trying to check him in. I know that I talked for way too long about what they should and shouldn't do for him. I'm sure they are used to it because she just sat nodding her head. She was very sweet to him and he made friends iwth her straight away by rolling on his back and letting her tickle his tum!

Hardest part was when she led him off wearing his rope collar and lead. Makes you look a liar but he was walking perfectly on his bad leg! I got to give him a big kiss and tell him to be brave and then ran back to the car. Had a good ol cry and then made my way home.

So now its wait and see. The op is planned for 12 and I'm goingto get a call straight afterwards.

Praying for my little man right now and hoping all is well....In the meantime trying to keep myself busy, I think I feel some cleaning coming on! :)

Thank you all again for the great support and best wishes. Please keep them up so we can will Arnie to a full recovery...

Much love

We are all praying and sending positive vibes with you hun
Do let us know how Arnie is as soon as you can :huggles:
The op will be underway by now, and soon over. Everything crossed here, and waiting for news. :luck: All the best Arnie :huggles:
won't suppose you've heard yet, just thinking of you both and keeping everything crossed :luck: shall give our dog a big love to send over to Arnie.

Bet your house is sparkling by now !!!
Just heard from the vet. The operation is over and he is in recovery. He said everything went as planned and a nurse will call me later with his progress.

So, he made it!!!!!! What a big brave boy! Now we just have to get him better and get him home.

Thank you all so much for the vibes, keep em coming because he needs them now!!!!
so glad the ops finished,now sending lots of healing thoughts to arnie,hope hes soon up and about bless him ...what a day for you all xxx
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so glad the ops finished,now sending lots of healing thoughts to arnie,hope hes soon up and about bless him ...what a day for you all xxx
Oh Trish, what a day! This has to go down in history as one of the worst days ever! I have cleaned like a mad woman and just been through so many emotions today. A friend of mine just asked me how much more I want to torture myself, i seem to move from one worry to the next. First was will he get through the op, now Im worried about him healing! Just me I guess.
Fantastic news - first enormous hurdle over, all be a doodle in comparison now, thank you so much for updating us so soon, we really appreciate it :thumbsup:

Big hugs to you and your big brave boy when you see him
so glad its over for you and Arnie,thinking of you all ,sending lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for you and Arnie .wishing him a speedy recovery
So glad the first (and worst I'd imagine) part is over now and Arnie is through his operation. :luck: for Arnie - lets hope he is home sooner than you've been told and you can give him a big cuddle.

Sending you both lots of :huggles: :luck: and good vibes and wishes. x :flowers: