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Dog Front Leg Amputation

Thanks for the comments and the positive vibes.

Jinnyfizz, thank you so much for putting it straight. You are so right...and I too have a Mum who survived breast cancer 4 years ago..that kind of puts it into perspective doesn't it?

I know its the right thing and after re-reading what the vet had said I really didn't have a choice. To tell him to try and preserve the leg would have been wrong. The guy was saying that he couldn't promise he would get all the cancer and that it would be a hugely painful surgery with not much chance of success. I guess at least this way I am giving him the best chance and it's out of my hands from there.

Im trying to be positive but I'm finding this hugely difficult right now. I know its the right thing but its so hard to think about. This little guy has been through so much with me and I hate the thought of losing him. Im so afraid for him.

Thanks again for all the kind words...I really really appreciate it.

Lots of love to everyone.

I haven't posted previously but have been following this thread and thinking about you and Arnie. Although it is difficult to cope with just now and it's understandable that you feel so sad in two or three weeks I am sure you will feel on top of the world when you see him tearing around without any pain. All the best for Friday. :luck:

A K9 GROUP HUG FOR YOU :huggles: :huggles:

I think you've made 100% the right decision - Arnie will adapt and I'm sure he will be so relieved to be free from the pain that the leg is causing him now. You're giving him a new lease of life - good luck to you both for Friday :luck: :luck: :luck:



You have made your brave decision, now you have to carry on being brave for Arnie. We are all here to support you :huggles:

So sorry you are so far away from him when he has his op - we will keep our fingers crossed that he has a super speedy recovery, and maybe will be able to come home sooner than expected. Keep your chin up, we are all rooting for your brave boy. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: lots of luck for Arnie for Friday xx
Thank you for my hugs....I just got a really special hug from a very special dog.

Sitting on the sofa trying not to cry and along comes Arnie, barely putting any weight on his bad leg he gingerly jumped onto the chair beside me. After nudging my arm out of the way he snuggled down onto my lap (at 25kg, he's no lap dog!).

So, now that's upset me as well, its like he wanted to tell me something.

Thanks again for your hugs and good wishes. We are going to need all the good vibes we can get on Friday. I guess at least its at 9am and I won't have time to think about it before we leave.

I'm off to cuddle my boy :)
jinnyfizz couldnt have put it better :thumbsup: arnie will soon be back to his old self like hula said you are saving his life what more could he ask for i will be thinking about you both friday it will be a nerve racking day for you but once its over its oly onwards and upwards for you both good luck !! xxxx :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
Thank you all again for your kind words and support last night. After sleeping on it (or not as the case may be!), I have woken up with a clear head and know that it's the right thing to do. We have no choice, this is a life saving operation and is necessary. It's sad but he's one tough little cookie so fingers crossed he will be okay.

Just want Friday to be out of the way now! I'll let you all know how he's doing.

Happy New year everyone, have a safe, happy and healthy one :)
Sending you lot's of {{{HUGS}}}.

From what you have said here it def sounds like you've made the best choice. With regards to the vet removing the shoulder; this is best with regards to both the cancer and from what I have heard dogs recover easier from the op having the shoulder removed as well as the limb below; plus he won't have to carry round the weight of that once he's up and about again.

Please keep us all updated on his progress. He's a gorgeous fellow. xx
:) :) :) :)

Thank you FifeJillandIan...I am going to wait to hear from the vet on Monday or Tuesday and ask him what he suggests is the best for a positive outcome. My guess is that amputation is best but I will wait and see.
Thank you for the photobucket tip. I managed to do it!!!!

hi i know how you feel my lhasa apso who is an old man had a cancerous lump on he's right front leg my vet gave me the same options as yourself i had a week to decide what to do i didnt have the leg removed but he had a operation to remove the very large lump it covered half of he's leg the operation was very sucessful that was done last year and touch wood he has been fine the cancer hasent returned he has just had he's 11 th birthday he is still a grumpy old man so good luck with arnie
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Liza, what a gorgeous little fella he is! I'm glad you had the option of surgery on his leg and I'm really glad it worked out. Unfortunately when it came down to it there was no options for Arnie. At first the vet had said surgery could be an option but yesterday he said he doubted he could remove the tumours and leave him with a functioning leg as the tumours had enveloped the entire limb.

Evie, vet said he was removing the shoulder in order to cut well above the cancer and also that removing the shoulder blade would mean just cutting between muscles (ewwwww!) therefore making it less painful for him.

Thanks for the good wishes and Evie, thanks again for your help with tripods :)

Happy new year everyone.
I think you have made 100% the right decision for Arnie.

18 months ago my show greyhound escaped from the house and was hit by a car. The vet said he had radial paralysis and would have to have his front leg amputated. We were worried about the weight issue with it being a front leg but the vet said if he is not using the leg already it would just become a hindrance to him and if he could manage without using the affected leg he would manage on 3 legs perfectly well after an amputation.

With William we took a chance and rested him and fortunately the amputation never happened as he started to use the leg again and is now completely sound again.

I know with Arnie you do not have that choice but what I am trying to say is if he is not using the leg now he will find it much easier getting round on 3 legs after his operation.

Rest assured along with every other k9er our thoughts will be with you on Friday. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for both you and for Arnie
Thank you Oakmoorehill, Im so glad to hear William was okay..what a relief that must be for you!

I am praying he can get through this. He looks in so much pain right now and is constantly licking the leg. He came and layed on me and elevated the leg onto mine and then went to sleep. I assume its throbbing and really bothering him. Luckily have some painkillers to give him and trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

Thank you for the hugs and best wishes for Friday. Im keeping it all crossed for him too.
Loads of positive vibes for you both on Friday, for your strength and calmness and for his healing and charactor to shine straight back out at you when you pick him up again :thumbsup:
Fingers crossed here for a Happy New Year for you, and a specially happy and pain free one for Arnie - lots of love to you xx
would just like to say,i too will be thinking of you and arnie on friday :huggles: sending arnie a gentle hug :huggles:
Hi there, I am Sonia and I know that you have read our story about our beloved Jesse :wub: I wanted to post before but still get so very emotional when posting on a story like this.

I am truly sorry to hear the sad news about Arnie, but you have made the best decision possible, and that is the one to save his life. :huggles:

I will be thinking of you on Friday and sending you lots of :luck: :luck:

I'm sure it will go better than you think, but I know exactly how you are feeling :huggles:

I have pm'd you :thumbsup:

Sonia xXx
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Hi there, I am Sonia and I know that you have read our story about our beloved Jesse :wub: I wanted to post before but still get so very emotional when posting on a story like this. I am truly sorry to hear the sad news about Arnie, but you have made the best decision possible, and that is the one to save his life. :huggles:

I will be thinking of you on Friday and sending you lots of :luck: :luck:

I'm sure it will go better than you think, but I know exactly how you are feeling :huggles:

I have pm'd you :thumbsup:

Sonia xXx
Sonia, Thank you so much for putting your emotions aside to offer me support. I appreciate it. I did read your story, thank you for sharing it.

Thanks again for all the support. I just have to get through today and then tomorrow it all happens. Finding it hard to be positive today, keep thinking that each walk will be his last. I know that sounds silly but I am so worried about him.

Anyway, going to make the best of today and try and get him out for a bit. He seems in a fair bit of pain when lying there but livens up when he moves around...not sure what to do for the best but I think he wants some outside time.

Happy New year everyone.

That's the ticket!

It's about quality of life for Arnie today, and having some

out and about time is heaven for a staffie :thumbsup:

All those lovely smells and sights to take his mind off

his discomfort - perfect!!! :D

Have a quality day together and enjoy yourselves :huggles:
Sending good thoughts to you and Arnie for tomorrow. He will soon be feeling so much better. - and hopefully you will too. :)

Hope the New Year is a good one for both of you. :luck: :luck: :luck: