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Dog Front Leg Amputation

staffs are made of strong stuff,our staff has had four opps on her legs over the years and coped very well.Sending lot of :luck: :luck: and :huggles:

Arne is gorgeous. I'm sorry to read about his cancer.

I have a whippet x that had her front leg removed over two years ago due to a break that didn't heal. She flys around and it doesn't seem to slow her down at all. She even cocks her back leg to pee sometimes which is quite a sight, lol.

I can't advise on what would be best for you dog, but wsh you the very best with it. If you do decide to amputate and have any questions, no matter how silly they seem, I'm happy to answer as best I can from the experiance I've had with Willow.

Best wishes. xx
Chill36, its nice to see that your staffie is doing well...I smiled at her picture as she lays like Arnie. They do love a back leg stretch don't they! :)

Fifejill&ian - Yeah I think he's handsome! He is a real striking little chap.

Evie, thank you so very much. I am sure I'm going to have tons of questions. One of them was how do they pee afterwards, but you already answered that one! I have one question, roughly how long in your experience did it take for Willow to be back on her feet? The vet already told me that he would probably be there for 4-5 days after the op and then be able to come home. I am concerned about leaving him to go to work (and will have to arrange some leave) so wondering roughly how long they take to move around after?

Had a chat with a very straight talking friend today. Her words were simply that if amputation means saving his life then what am I even having to consider!? I guess she's right. I think I have it straight in my mind now. Just wish the vet would ring with final results so we can get the show on the road so to speak. Arnie is feeling very low and not moving around much, when he does he is on 3 legs or walking very gently on the bad one. Lots of licking the bad leg and he seems sad to me....maybe it's all in my mind, or maybe he's trying to tell me it's the right thing.

I want to get moving so I can stop thinking about it. I'm such an emotional wreck right now and I'm normally made of much stronger stuff than this! Hopefully you will all see my lighter side very soon :)

Thanks again for all the support, if only I could explain how much you guys have made me feel better.
I admire you for your strength and sensible, clear thinking - even though I know

you feel all torn up inside. Hang in there, it sounds as though you have a very

sensible friend as she has said it how it is, and she is right, bless her :thumbsup:

I guess Arnie licks his leg because he knows it's not feeling right anymore. That

action must help you as it demonstrates his discomfort with his current situation.

As you say, onwards and upwards :thumbsup: We are all here as shoulders to

cry on :'( or to have a rant to :rant: , whatever you need, at whatever time of day!!!

:luck: :luck: :luck:

With Wills she wasn't able to be walked due to her injury prior to the op. The day after the op when I rang to see how she was to my surprise they said she was doing great and had been out for her morning walk!

Dogs are remarkable. They just get up on those three legs and get on with what they have, no mourning the missing limb so to speak. Obviously there will be pain and bruising to cope with after the op and exercise should be kept gentle for awhile till it's all healed up; but they are pretty much back on their feet straight away.

I dare say you will be surprised at how much happier Arnie will be once the source of all his pain and discomfort is gone. Wills came home the day after her op; but that probably varies from dog to dog and vet to vet. I also have the advantage of being at home all day. If you are able to take the first few days off work after the op it would be a help.

Each dog will vary in how they look on coming home as well. Some are bandaged up, some aren't and you will see the stitches etc, some have drains put in to help prevent swelling around the site. Wills didn't have bandages and had two dains in top and bottom. The area was of course all shaved. Although I was prepared for it, it still brought a few tears to the eyes when I seen her post op on the day she came home. My youngest kid found it quite upsetting despite me having spoke to her about how it would appear etc. But the following day she was fine with it and giving Wills lots of gentle bedside attention.

Really stopping them moving around too much initially is the main issue. Stuffed kongs, bones to chew on etc help with this.

Owning a tripod also makes for a great way to meet new people since everyone will want to stop, have a pet and find out Arnie's story. :)

Hope this all is of some help to you. x
Jinnyfizz, not so sure about the clear thinking or the strength! Torn up inside is more like it. But as you said, he does seem to be licking the leg as it is causing him discomfort. It sounds silly but his fur doesn't look right either. Normally its all lying flat and smooth but it seems to be messy and sticking up, like he's not feeling well.

I'm gonna need those shoulders I think, so thanks. Every time my phone goes my tummy is flipping because I think it's the vet...

Evie, thank you so much for sharing Willow's story. What an absolutely amazing story! Of course it brought many tears to my eyes but was wonderful to see such a beautiful animal restored to health. Bless you.

Well today is D Day I think. Vet should call today with results and we can get the ball rolling. Im guessing its going to be an after new year op now but we shall see.

I'll be onlater with news if I get any.

Thank you all again for being such wonderful people and showing such amazing kindness to a stranger :)
Jinnyfizz, not so sure about the clear thinking or the strength! Torn up inside is more like it. But as you said, he does seem to be licking the leg as it is causing him discomfort. It sounds silly but his fur doesn't look right either. Normally its all lying flat and smooth but it seems to be messy and sticking up, like he's not feeling well. I'm gonna need those shoulders I think, so thanks. Every time my phone goes my tummy is flipping because I think it's the vet...

Evie, thank you so much for sharing Willow's story. What an absolutely amazing story! Of course it brought many tears to my eyes but was wonderful to see such a beautiful animal restored to health. Bless you.

Well today is D Day I think. Vet should call today with results and we can get the ball rolling. Im guessing its going to be an after new year op now but we shall see.

I'll be onlater with news if I get any.

Thank you all again for being such wonderful people and showing such amazing kindness to a stranger :)
Stranger no more Sarah, you are amongst friends here, and we feel we are sharing this with you. :luck: Good luck for news today, and give Arnie a gentle squeeze from me :huggles: Will look in later for news
Thank you so much...gave him a little squeeze and he gave me a smile.

He has been very cleverly trying to scratch the front leg with his back leg today (with not much success). He's sitting there with his legs akimbo getting into all sorts of positions to try and get at it!

Its clearly bothering him now and I'm trying to make him as comfy as possible. He's not complaining though..bless his heart.
I keep popping back for news. Very good luck with Arnies op ... he's gorgeous, and very lucky to have a 'Mum' who will get him through this I'm sure.

Hugs to Arnie and to you.

Annie friends.gif
Hi guys, just put the phone down to the vet (I managed not to cry for the entire conversation and have now just turned into a blubbering wreck!).

Im just going to type what he told me (I wrote notes to keep myself focussed):

He has a soft tissue sarcoma coming from the nerve, he said they tend to be locally aggressive and he has no evidence that it has spread from the chest scans. He said down the line there is a chance that he will develop another but nothing so far. How to manage his leg is not a straightforward one but he feels that amputation above the tumour is hte best option. He is not confident that he can successfully operate and get all the cancer without leaving any behind, and the cancer has completely taken over his forelimb. An operation would probably not leave him with a functioning leg and would be incredibly painful for him. Amputation is a sacrifice but the most straightforward.

At this point I told him that if amputation was best I would take his advice and he said that he was pleased I had come to that conclusion (made me feel better).

He is positive that he can cut above the tumour by removing the entire shoulder which will leave him with a smooth chest wall.

I asked about recovery and he said that as he is a staffie he has lots of weight in his front but he expects him to be up within 24 hours and will be able to come home after 4-5 days. he will have to do a fair bit of drain management due to the amount of muscle in that area.

His advice was to just make life easier for him with stairs and making sure he doesnt go flying around like a staffie! Operation is booked for 9am on Friday (sad thing is, we live 2 hours away so I can't just pop and see him)

OKAY,, so deep breaths now, I know I have made the right decision but I'm so incredibly sad. I am going to try and be positive and keep telling myself its the best thing to do.

I'm looking for someone to tell me that I'm doing the right thing....

Thanks guys.
I don't think you had any other option to save his life .

Fingers crossed the op goes well and you soon have him bouncing around again :luck:
I don't think you had any other option to save his life .
Fingers crossed the op goes well and you soon have him bouncing around again :luck:
Yes, I think you are right. Thanks Hula..appreciated.
Is he having or has he had his chest x-rayed before the operation ?
Is he having or has he had his chest x-rayed before the operation ?
When he had the scan of his leg last week they took one of the chest as well. Thats why he was confident it hadn't spread as there was no evidence of anything in that chest scan.
As tough as this sounds, Arnie's leg isn't any use to him anymore and is

causing him pain and discomfort.

Add to this the fact that this disease is now doing it's best to transfer itself

to the rest of his body, and you will know without question that you have made

absolutely the right choice!

My mum had breast cancer just over two years ago. She was told she could have

a partial lumpectomy and radiotherapy. She had no use for a body part which was

potentially going to kill her and opted to have a full mastectomy with no radiotherapy.

Apart from recovery from the surgical incision, she was back to normal within days and

had the all-clear a month or so later :thumbsup:

I truly hope that Arnie will have the same story and that you can put paid to this cancer

once and for all with a high level amputation.

I intend to devote the whole of Friday to sending positive vibes for Arnie and you :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
can't say much,just hope all goes well and give him lots of love :huggles: and sending lots of :luck: :luck:
At least now you have made a final decision and can move forwards, it really sounds as though it's the only option for him.

I will be thinking of you and Arnie on Friday :huggles:
I haven't posted in this topic until now but have been 'popping in' to see what is happening and have been hoping you'd get some good news.

I can honestly said I would do exactly the same as you in your position ...... I would feel I had no other option. As jinnyfizz has already said his leg is no longer any use to him - if anything it will only cause him more problems. :(

I will be thinking of you on Friday ...... and hope by next week Arnie is up and about and feeling much better. :flowers: :thumbsup: