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Dog Front Leg Amputation

I think I'm hooked on this board already! You are all so supportive and kind. My husband loves it because rather than crying to him Im crying to you! :)

Took Arnie for a really nice, slow walk. He loved all the sniffing and roaming around. I let him determine the pace and length of walk and he looked happy. Ears up and tail wagging!

Now we are home and he's back in his basket but not looking as stressed.

Thanks again guys. Lots of love

:luck: :luck: Lots of luck for Arnie. Ill be thinking about you both tomorrow and sending lots of good vibes your way.

Tina with Ozzy n Vinnie :huggles: :huggles:
Arnie sounds a lovely boy, I think you've been really brave and made 100% the correct decision for him, you will be saving his life by giving up his leg, dogs don't have the same hang ups and prejudices as us humans , he won't think he's 'disabled' he'll know he's got rid of his pain once he's recovered, he's a lucky boy to have you looking after him.

We'll be thinking of you all day Friday sending healing thoughts, :luck: :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:

wishing for a great recovery so you can both love each other more ;)
I'm glad you enjoyed your walk together :thumbsup:

Just one thing ....... what should we call you?

I, for one, feel I know you quite well already but I don't even

know your name!

I hope you don't mind me asking :unsure:

I'm Jane :) (jinnyfizz is a combination of two of my dogs' names)
Hi Jane my name is Sarah (and yes it does feel like I've known you guys for ages, infact I've had more support from you than so called friends!!!!).

I know not everyone is a dog person but some people just don't get it do they? Oh well, its their loss....anyone who has never known the love of an animal hasn't known real love!

I had a little smile to myself this morning thinking about all the things Arnie and I have been through. When I was in labour with my son (don't worry guys, not going to get all squeamish and start discussing birth stories!!!), Arnie stayed with me the entire time. I was sleeping in the spare room and Arnie never left my side. As I paced the house he paced with me. He was the one that went and woke my husband when things started to get too much (I'm not one to make a fuss but Arnie knew I wasn't doing so well!) when I look back this little guy has been at my side through every life experience I have had in the past 10 years....I'm sure I can help him recover from losing a leg!

We are having a nice day..lots of cuddles and kisses and I have to admit I have been feeding him some extra treats (but do know I have to watch his food bowl from now on!).

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your support. I really do feel that I am among friends and am so glad that I stumbled across this site. I don't know anyone else I could have poured all this out to and got back the responses you guys gave me.

Thank you.
Good luck with Arnie :luck:

He looks the right size etc to be a good candidate for this op.

We had to seek advice for our young whippet as he was/may still be looking at amputation if his leg doesn't hold up-it's been broken twice-

Unfortunately Barney isn't a good candidate so we won't be going down that route-

Therefore....... Arnie is much luckier than some. :luck:
Best Wishes Sarah for you and Arnie tomorrow :luck: :luck:


Pauline & Ruby
Good luck for tomorrow,k9 is a truly wonderful forum ,im glad that in such a short time you feel you are amongst friends ,we will give you all the help and support you need and you can pm me at any time if you need to talk or let of steam :huggles:
Well, Sarah, I expect you'll be leaving early in the morning so I thought

I would drop you a quick line now :thumbsup:

I wanted to let you know that I am sending all the positive vibes

I can muster for Arnie tomorrow and I shall be thinking of you both all

day long :huggles:

The very best of luck :luck: :luck: and you stay positive for Arnie, eh?

Try to make sure he doesn't get worried because you are scared and upset :unsure:

I know that is so much easier said than done but you obviously have one hell of a

connection with him so he will feel every emotion you are going through :blink:

We're all going to be here waiting for news so you're certainly not alone :thumbsup: :huggles:
Hi guys,

well its almost 8pm and im doing my best to stay busy. just had a little cry in the bathroom but had to laugh because someone stuck their nose around the door to see what was going on! so, you are right that he feels my emotions.

trying to think positive thoughts. thank you all so much for the positive vibes for sure we will need them.

i will check in tomorrow (have to leave just before 7am) and will let you know any updates as i get them.

thanks again to everyone.

Hi guys,well its almost 8pm and im doing my best to stay busy. just had a little cry in the bathroom but had to laugh because someone stuck their nose around the door to see what was going on! so, you are right that he feels my emotions.

trying to think positive thoughts. thank you all so much for the positive vibes for sure we will need them.

i will check in tomorrow (have to leave just before 7am) and will let you know any updates as i get them.

thanks again to everyone.

they have always got to have there nose in :D my staff follows me everywhere :wub: hope everything goes well tomorrow :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Thinking of you and Arnie tomorrow Sarah - all my most positive vibes being sent your way :luck: :luck: (along with hugs for you both :huggles: :huggles: ). :flowers:
Lots of :luck: for you and arnie tomorrow... :thumbsup:

I'm away from home until tomorrow evening so just taking a chance to catch up on the latest with you and Arnie now.

Best wishes for tomorrow; I'll hopefully get a chance to log in and hear any updates tomorrow evening.


Good Luck Sarah to you and Arnie, will be thinking of you both :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hi Sarah.

I have been watching this topic from almost day one.I have been though, just what your going through. My lad got his front right leg off at 11 months old. We spent week's (12 in total) trying to save it, but on the 31st Nov he got it off.

He could not use the leg, so in the end, he was that used to 3 leg's he coped from day 1.

We got BJ home the same day,,yes a huge shock for us and the pain he was in, I told John to take him back and get him pts,,,I could not cope with his pain, but just a day later, the pain was under control and he was hobbling around, about 1 week later,,on a check up at the vet, he was attcked by a staffie,,at the car,,I threw him into the car and kick the staffie,,,BJ was okay,,stitches still in place. BJ was trying to fight back :blink: :clown:

When the stitches came out, you could still see the brusing, but after about 4 weeks, the coat was coming through again, and he was bouncing about as normal, in no pain. BJ could run up the stairs, still chase cat's and drive up nut's as he was 100mph all the time

The first week is the worst for you,,not the dog.

I think time's have changed for the best if you boy has to say at the vet's for a few days. They can control the pain better than we can.

He will be fine, give him 2 weeks and he will be running again.

Keep the weight off him,,not a fat boy,, in time,,get him walking as normal,,he's still a dog, even with 3 legs :thumbsup:

My mother in law has a 3 legged dog,,hind leg gone,,,Jack does not know he's just got 3 legs as he get's a normal walk. Still teated the same as a normal dog.

BJ has long gone to doggy heaven and I bet he's still racing about on 3 legs :teehee:

:luck: Susan and the boys :D
good luck sarah for tomorrow,will be thinking about you and arnie :huggles:
hi,just read the forum,wishing you and your wee staff all the best of luck gonna keep my fingers crossed and will be thinking of yous tomoz,and your right this is a great site everyone helps you through bad times i know they helped me,so good luck love, :thumbsup: :luck:
I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope all goes well for him. :luck:

Hey everyone, thanks for the best wishes and Susan, thanks for sharing your story.

The vet explained that he would need to be in for 4-5 days as they will need to drain him a fair bit. As he has a lot of muscles around his shoulder area he will need more drains than a different breed apparently.

I think I am at the stage now where I just want this over with. Was planning on trying to get an early night but doesn't look like that's going to happen. Have been telling Arnie all night that he has to be brave and I know he will be (I can't say that I will be but I'm going to do my best).

Thank you all for telling me your stories and for understanding how I feel, it means a lot to me.

Okay, better get back to my boy as he is looking like he needs more cuddles (I definitely think he's sick of me talking to him though!) :)