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Dog Front Leg Amputation

Just knew your boy would be strong for you. If he's doing so well so quickly, he may come home sooner than you thought. I know his op will have been painful, but with pain relief and the nasty tumour gone, he's probably in less pain now, and happier - thanks to his wonderful owner - YOU! Sleep well tonight Sarah, you deserve a good rest :huggles:
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Keep your chin up love and you get enough rest cos you will know it when he is back to normal, :luck: wishing yous all the best,give a big hug from me.
I'm gonna have stop reading this thread - my eyes fill up every time...previously with sadness and worry - and now with happiness! Keep up with the recovery Arnie :luck:
i quite agree with you - so glad alls well . hope Arnie continues to improve :thumbsup:
So pleased to read Arnie is doing very well :huggles: Hope he contiues to recover day by day and he will be home with you soon :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:
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Morning guys....I SLEPT!!!! Its been the first full nights sleep Ive had since 23rd December (day we found out he had cancer!)....Sleep is an amazing thing isn't it? I actually feel like me today :)

So, I have a clean house, a baby and husband that are asleep and no dog to walk! Mmmmmm, what to do?! I guess the ironing is a last resort.

Thank you all so very much for following Arnie's story and for all the good vibes. I hope that he continues to do well. Im sure that he has plenty of pain relief so hopefully he is able to have some good rest in order to recover.

Can't wait for my boy to come home...I'll let you all know how he's doing when I hear anything and I will definitely post pictures when he gets home.

Lots of love to all the K9'ers

Thats fantastic news - Im thrilled that Arnie is doing so well. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Good morning Sarah!!

Lovely to hear that you may be getting the ironing done :lol:

.......... looking forward to today's Arnie update :thumbsup:

This has become the most watched thread on k9 - first point of call!

So glad you slept Sarah - make all things so much better now, and they are!! Look forward to hearing how the big chap is doing - enjoy your ironing! :teehee:
looking forward to hearing how he is doing :thumbsup:
So pleased to be reading this Sarah - Arnie being up and about so soon after his operation :thumbsup: he'll be home soon and you'll just want to sit and cuddle him :huggles: so you'll be pleased you've done all the housework ;) :teehee:

Looking forward to reading your next update. :luck: :flowers: x
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So pleased to hear the brilliant news that Arnie is doing so well. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Dogs really are amazing aren't they. Sending big hugs to Arnie and lots of good luck. :huggles: :wub: :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Enjoy your ironing - I don't think so!!! You should have a you day instead. Put your feet up, and watch a film, and think about how lovely it will be to have Arnie home soon, and how brilliant it is that he has come through it all so well. Will look back later for an update :thumbsup: Lots of love to you x
so glad you got a good night sleep sarah,spoil yourself today ,you deserve it :huggles:
Really pleased Arnie is up and about. Woohoo...out for walks... :thumbsup:

Loking forward to seeing pics of him when you get him home.

:luck: :luck: for Arnie's continuing recovery

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Most watched thread? (blushes!) It just goes to show how great you all are! I've been here pouring my heart out to you all and you have responded with some marvellous comments and words of comfort. It means so much to me, thank you all.

Okay, update for today.....Arnie is doing well and is coming along how they would expect him to. She said he has been up and about and is very quiet and calm (I'm glad to hear this as he is a little stress head when he's in the vets). they are continuing to give him intravenous fluids as they are aware that his stress sometimes leads to upset tummy, so they want to keep him nice and hydrated. He is on strong painkillers and is responding well. I asked how his wound was healing (stupid question day after the op), but she very kindly pointed out that it was too early to tell and there was a dressing on it...

I am a little concerned about his healing process as they told me he was borderline Cushings (although he displays no symptoms that I can see). So fingers crossed he continues to go from strength to strength.

Its hard to think of my little man being so far away and all alone, but I keep trying to remind myself that he is in the best place for right now and I can always give him lots of cuddles when he comes home.

I cleaned my car today....that may not seem unusual but what you have to understand is that I cant remember the last time my car was, was it dirty!!!!! I even vacuumed it out?

Is this normal behaviour? I keep avoiding sitting down. I think subconsciously Im trying to avoid it so that I don't have to think....At least the house and car will be clean for when he comes home.

Thanks again for all your support and I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday.

Big hugs to all and their pups

Glad to hear Arnie is doing well :thumbsup:

Good news about all the cleaning too as when Arnie comes home you will be able to devote lots of time to Arnie without feeling guilty o:)
That all sounds very positive :thumbsup:

And at least once he's home you'll not need to clean a thing for a month it'll all be so sparkling (w00t) all the more time for cuddles and little potters, he has obviously made a big impact on the veterinary staff so he's being loved and hugged.

Hope he's home to you soon, did they give you any idea when that might be?

im so glad to hea your little man is doing ok it did take time for max to get right after his amputation im not going to lie and say otherwise but a few months down the line its the best thing i could have done and im sure arnie will do equally well :thumbsup:

ive got a car that needs cleaning :teehee:
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Meddling, they said it would be 4 to 5 days before hes allowed home. Something about the drains needing to be in that long as he is very muscular around the shoulders being a staffie. So, Im guessing that with the op on Friday he will be ready around Wednesday or cant come quick enough!

I have to admit that I am a little scared. Im scared of how Im going to take care of him and don't want him to get hurt around the house. It will take some time for us both Im sure.

Affieluver, thanks for the card. Im guessing its not going to be an easy ride for him but fingers crossed we can make it through the next few months okay....Im not a great car cleaner Im afraid but I do a mean pile of ironing!!!!!

Hula, house is soooo clean! At least i wont have to worry about him getting dirty when he comes home!

Thanks for the replies guys...much appreciated as always.
