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    Heart Will It Effect Colt ?

    Hi there! If it is a young dog then it is quite possible that he will "grow out of it". I have a terrier bitch who had a murmur til about a year old.. Hope that helps.
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    Rottweiler Situation

    Hi All Agree with lots that has been said. As far as the topic of how the dog is raised it is all down to the exposure the dogs get. My four are well behaved and friendly in adult company but have not been in contact with babies and small children therefore I would never trust them 100%. My...
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    Been To The Vet's - Dog Undescended Testicle

    Hope all goes well for you! Will be thinking of you
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    Calcium Oxidate Stones

    Beautiful Belle! Glad to hear all is going well with her! :))
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    Puppy Pictures

    Just Beautiful :))
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    Calcium Oxidate Stones

    Pressure caused by tumours in the kidney or adjacent to the urinary tract may restrict the flow of urine. This may cause ischaemia and necrosis( death of tissue) or predispose to infection. Necrotic debris and tumour fragments provide a focul point for the deposit of solutes in the urine...
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    Calcium Oxidate Stones

    Hi ! The answer to your question is quite complex! The Kidneys are filtration systems which do produce urine to be excreted by the bladder, but there is filtration and reabsorbsion of nutrients from the blood taking place too thats why diet plays a big part. Stones form in the kidneys and...
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    Morgan's Tumour

    Best Wishes to you! Try not to worry! Thinking of you.
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    R I P Tilly

    So very very sorry to hear this news Mally but take comfort that you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. Have been very touched by the support you have received. Its nice to know that there are some wonderful people out there who truly care. Run Free beautiful Whippy. Love Jules x
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    Tendon Injuries

    Hi! Sorry to hear your bad news. Dont know if this will help but several years ago I had a horse who damaged a ligament and my vet gave him ultrasound treatment. It increases blood flow and reduces swelling and oedema. It will help repair damaged tissue, ligaments and tendons and reduce scar...
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    Sore Nose

    Hi! Try Aloe Vera gel. Works really well on all cuts and abraisons and will heal most things. Might have to source it through animal suppliers. I think you will be able to do this via Internet. Good Luck!
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    Puppy For Sale

    Hi Paul! Interested in lure coursing in Suffolk/Norfolk and understand you may be the person I need to contact
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    Helllo All! I would like thank you all for your experienced comments and advice regarding my query on the "height" word! As you may be aware I am not an experienced Whippy "exibitor" but want to do the best I can in the show ring! My parti colour bitch (eighteen months) has done reasonably...
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    Blood In Stool...

    It will certainly help! Good luck to both of you! :))
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    Blood In Stool...

    Hello! Glad you have a diagnosis! Collitis is a nasty inflamatory bowel disorder! Ow! Dont know if you are into herbal stuff but Aloe Vera Juice is excellent for this type of thing. You can buy it at Holland a Barrett. Much cheaper than the animal version( which is exactly the same)...
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    Thank you all. Now doing a search! :))
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    If you dont want to comment then dont! Just asking for advice. Some members may not have been around as long as others. Does not mean that their questions are any less important to them. Thought this was meant to be a "friendly community"
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    Sorry! Will do a search! Just asking for advice :oops:
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    Told you I was naive! Did not realise that some breeds get measured! Why not all?
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    Thanks for your reply! So does that mean that over height standard IS marked as a fault?