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Sore Nose


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had millie to the vets today as she as had a sore nose for sometime now.

it started when we muzzled her last year when we use to walk in a certain park,because she was very good at catching squirrels and some of the public dont like it,anyhow she wasnt keen on it and rubbed her nose until it was dripping blood,so we stopped using it after that,since then the area just above the black nose bit is scar tissue and when in the sun makes it scabby,tried sunblock but she justs licks it off,the vet is worried it could be auto immume disease,but is trying her with steriods and antibitotics first.

im really hoping this medication will do the trick but wondered if anyone else as more info on auto immune problems.
sorry, can't offer any advice, but hopefully its just extra sensitive dry skin that gets better

:luck: Millie
doris said:
sorry, can't offer any advice, but hopefully its just extra sensitive dry skin that gets better
:luck: Millie

im hoping thats all it is,because she as a area in her ear too where phoebe caught her with her tooth awhile back and that area looks the same as her nose.
Which vet did you see Pat??

It could be how the scar tissue has healed, sometimes it can heal a bit funny and be irritating.

Fingers crossed its nothing serious.
trish and graham said:
doris said:
sorry, can't offer any advice, but hopefully its just extra sensitive dry skin that gets better
:luck: Millie

im hoping thats all it is,because she as a area in her ear too where phoebe caught her with her tooth awhile back and that area looks the same as her nose.

that's exactly why I thought it, my whippet Devon has ears with flakey skin on, my first iggie Genie chewed them so much in the early years that they look terrible!
hellybobs said:
Which vet did you see Pat??
It could be how the scar tissue has healed, sometimes it can heal a bit funny and be irritating.

Fingers crossed its nothing serious.

we saw david marsden,which i wanted to see him as he as a lot more experience than the others,i know he looks at the worse case scenario but at least he gives you it straight.

she as had that patch for some time now and when she is in the sun it gets scabby then she loses more fur so the area gets bigger,without the scab it just looks like scar tissue,same as the piece in her ear,whch phoebe caught with her tooth ages ago,that also gets scabby when she as been in the sun.

so your thinking the same as me helen its scar tissue that is irratated by the sun,but she will have to have blood tests and a biopsy if it isnt any better just to rule it out.
With a bit of luck thats all it will be.

David should be able to sort her out.

I'm seeing him on Tuesday with Inca's leg.
is incas leg any better,how did she do it
Its healing very slowly.

Clumbsy little bugger sprained it and tried putting weight on it and it gave way.

She took a bit lump of flesh/fur off and just missed the tendons.
god they dont do things by half do they,between me and you we keep them at tower woods going in bussiness dont we :lol:
trish and graham said:
had millie to the vets today as she as had a sore nose for sometime started when we muzzled her last year when we use to walk in a certain park,because she was very good at catching squirrels and some of the public dont like it,anyhow she wasnt keen on it and rubbed her nose until it was dripping blood,so we stopped using it after that,since then the area just above the black nose bit is scar tissue and when in the sun makes it scabby,tried sunblock but she justs licks it off,the vet is worried it could be auto immume disease,but is trying her with steriods and antibitotics first.

im really hoping this medication will do the trick but wondered if anyone else as more info on auto immune problems.

Colloidal silver is a wonderful healing aid in most situations. For this I would definitely use it. Chelsea rubbed all the skin of part of her nose reaching through the car crate for something last year. Using the Colloidal Silver it healed in a few days to a week or so rather than the several weeks it had taken in the past for similar healing.

I use it on all their cuts and scrapes and mine. It's an antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial - it aids in healing because it keeps all the nasty stuff away. It's also safe for internal use so doens't matter if they lick it. I'd apply it a few times a day (it's a spray).

The brand I recommend is Rivers of Health, so do a google search to see if you can find it, or this lady makes it herself in a very similar way to the Rivers of Health (she was my RoH supplier till she started making her own, and now I buy from her what she makes)

Hope this helps.


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chelynnah said:
trish and graham said:
had millie to the vets today as she as had a sore nose for sometime started when we muzzled her last year when we use to walk in a certain park,because she was very good at catching squirrels and some of the public dont like it,anyhow she wasnt keen on it and rubbed her nose until it was dripping blood,so we stopped using it after that,since then the area just above the black nose bit is scar tissue and when in the sun makes it scabby,tried sunblock but she justs licks it off,the vet is worried it could be auto immume disease,but is trying her with steriods and antibitotics first.

im really hoping this medication will do the trick but wondered if anyone else as more info on auto immune problems.

Colloidal silver is a wonderful healing aid in most situations. For this I would definitely use it. Chelsea rubbed all the skin of part of her nose reaching through the car crate for something last year. Using the Colloidal Silver it healed in a few days to a week or so rather than the several weeks it had taken in the past for similar healing.

I use it on all their cuts and scrapes and mine. It's an antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial - it aids in healing because it keeps all the nasty stuff away. It's also safe for internal use so doens't matter if they lick it. I'd apply it a few times a day (it's a spray).

The brand I recommend is Rivers of Health, so do a google search to see if you can find it, or this lady makes it herself in a very similar way to the Rivers of Health (she was my RoH supplier till she started making her own, and now I buy from her what she makes)

Hope this helps.


thanks for that info wendy,we had been reading about it just this afternoon,so i will definatley buy some,its worth a try for sure.
I thought it looked bad in the other pic. Hope it's not AI disease :eek: :huggles:
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Try Aloe Vera gel. Works really well on all cuts and abraisons and will heal most things. Might have to source it through animal suppliers. I think you will be able to do this via Internet. Good Luck!
I've come across a fair bit of info about Collodial silver and it does appear to be fantastic stuff. I'm still reading up on it but I would consider it's use for certain situations.

However I would hold fire on using anything at the mo, firstly it appears there is some kind of issue with the dogs ability to heal, this could be for lots of reasons for example, poor blood supply, recurrent infection, AI reactions etc etc. (It should be noted, humans can have AI type reactions to scar tissue know commonly as Keloids, they can be exascerbated / irritated by sunlight.)

The reason I would recommend you wait before trying any form of treatment is because you don't really know the cause yet. Certain creams can contain lanolin, which can induce allergies, some antiseptics can damage delicate fibroblast tissue involved with healing in the same time that they destroy bacteria that can be causing infection, etc etc. K9's great for useful tips on promoting healing from knowledgable members but I'd defo hold fire here as this doesn't seem to be a routine situation.

Personally, if there was no response following steroids and anti-biotics, I would want swabs to investigate what microbial bacteria are present and if they're resistant to certain anti-biotics.

If nothing became evident then I would consider a biopsy, firstly, the possible additional advantage here may be the procedure itself could produce better quality tissue drawn together to produce better healing and thus a better scar. However, the possible major risk of wound breakdown occuring post operatively needs to be discussed and it's possible future management needs to be planned prior to going ahead with the biopsy.

I really hope this is nothing eventful in nature and the healing process takes over soon :luck:

Incidently I must have an allergy to Aloe Vera, typically it burns my skin and jees I ain't going to mention the time I got toilet roll impregnated with it!! :eek: But I have yet to meet anyone else whose had a reaction and again it's something that usually promotes excellent healing, especially sunburn.
wild whippies said:
I've come across a fair bit of info about Collodial silver and it does appear to be fantastic stuff. I'm still reading up on it but I would consider it's use for certain situations.
However I would hold fire on using anything at the mo, firstly it appears there is some kind of issue with the dogs ability to heal, this could be for lots of reasons for example, poor blood supply, recurrent infection, AI reactions etc etc. (It should be noted, humans can have AI type reactions to scar tissue know commonly as Keloids, they can be exascerbated /  irritated by sunlight.)

The reason I would recommend you wait before trying any form of treatment is because you don't really know the cause yet. Certain creams can contain lanolin, which can induce allergies, some antiseptics can damage delicate fibroblast tissue involved with healing in the same time that they destroy bacteria that can be causing infection, etc etc. K9's great for useful tips on promoting healing from knowledgable members but I'd defo hold fire here as this doesn't seem to be a routine situation.

Personally, if there was no response following steroids and anti-biotics, I would want swabs to investigate what microbial bacteria are present and if they're resistant to certain anti-biotics.

If nothing became evident then I would consider a biopsy, firstly, the possible additional advantage here may be the procedure itself could produce better quality tissue drawn together to produce better healing and thus a better scar. However, the possible major risk of wound breakdown occuring post operatively needs to be discussed and it's possible future management needs to be planned prior to going ahead with the biopsy. 

I really hope this is nothing eventful in nature and the healing process takes over soon :luck:

Incidently I must have an allergy to Aloe Vera, typically it burns my skin and jees I ain't going to mention the time I got toilet roll impregnated with it!! :eek:   But I have yet to meet anyone else whose had a reaction and again it's something that usually promotes excellent healing, especially sunburn.

The colloidal silver won't harm it. The least it will do is keep it sterile. Because of it's properties it will keep all the bad bacteria, fungus, microbes out of it. It has helped many friends of mine when they had something they just couldn't put their fingers on. It cleans up the area enough to allow it to heal. But like I said, it certainly won't hurt. It's just silver suspended in ionized water (a very simple explanation of it) so it's completely sterile.

I do understand your point, but there would be no risk with the CS while waiting for results from tests, and very possibly a benefit.

If it were my dogs that's what I would be doing. JMO.

All I was wondering was that I had come across some info about argyria - what appears to be a rare condition that requires large doses to produce a visible effect but I wondered if given on a small scale whether it would be visible in tissues observed under electron microscopy etc?

It's really hard trying to find decent medical papers on Colloidal silver and you'd think with the issues we have with drug resistance these days, there'd be people falling over themselves to research something that seems to be a natural anti-biotic. :(
thanks for your info wild whippies,

millie as been on her medication now for three days and we have got a small improvment,there is hair growth coming back and the area is some what smaller.

the pic is of it at its worst .we went to the beach yesterday and used sunblock on it and they was no more damage done, we are a little more hopeful now that she will be fine.

you can also see the patch in her ear on the photo and even this is looking smaller.

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wild whippies said:
All I was wondering was that I had come across some info about argyria  - what appears to be a rare condition that requires large doses to produce a visible effect but I wondered if given on a small scale whether it would be visible in tissues observed under electron microscopy etc?
It's really hard trying to find decent medical papers on Colloidal silver and you'd think with the issues we have with drug resistance these days, there'd be people falling over themselves to research something that seems to be a natural anti-biotic. :(

You're right, there aren't a lot of papers on the colloidal silver, but hospitals are more and more using bandaging with silver in it, esp on burn victims. Elastoplast (I believe that's the right brand) has just started marketing plasters with silver in them, so it's really research on silver that's appropriate. The colloidal silver is just a way to keep silver on hand in a suspension form. The properties of silver as a healing agent have been known for ages.

Hope this helps.


ps - you'd probably never believe it, but usually I'm NOTa huge fan of homeopathic/natural type remedies, so when I do find one that works well, I get behind it 100%