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  1. Chatterdog

    How many dogs have you

    Always at least one lab in the house, occaionally a foster dog (any breed)
  2. Chatterdog

    Pulling fur out

    Salt water is great, something like sudocrem is also good as long as they can't lick it off again so may need to supervise that one. Sounds like the fleas either havn't gone or something similar. Keep up with flea treatment and best to see the vet.
  3. Chatterdog

    Fussy eater sproodle

    I personally use Natural Dog Food Company and would never change. Stay on one food for at least a few months, swapping and changing can't be helping As far as fussy dogs go, I have to agree with Lurcherman, I don't really believe in them. Dogs will eat anything, put the chosen food down at the...
  4. Chatterdog

    Potential dog owner - why do dogs need a back garden?

    I think with all things a little bit of common sense goes a long way. Look at the needs of the dog and your lifestyle. If you live in a small flat, no garden and work a lot leaving the dog alone then dont get a mastiff/husky/collie etc. seems like you have a sensible heads on your shoulders so...
  5. Chatterdog

    Should she stay or should she go?

    As for positive trainers, some of them are hardly worth it. Stilwell adviced a couple to put the dog down when she couldn't 'fix it'. That is not acceptable and I have no time for her. The way you are applying discipline may not work with her, try a more corrective way such as sound, a sharp...
  6. Chatterdog

    New bed for old dog

    I use a memory foam rectangle with a duvet on top, easy to wash and the foan give extra support.
  7. Chatterdog dog food

    Not sure about this. Nothing wrong with whole grains, but they use Mazie and maize feed whatever that is. Also it there are a lot of suppliments that will be artificially added as are in the ingredients list. How good is it if the food needs all those Vitamins etc added?? Try looking for one...
  8. Chatterdog

    She isn't telling me it's time

    MariaChristina, you are a very caring doggy mum. It is the hardest decision but I feel when in these sort of situations, it is a necessary decision to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering. Your dog was clearly cared for and loved, her gentle and welcoming nature shows she was not in distress...
  9. Chatterdog

    Raiding cupboards and eating anything - help!

    First of all a quick fix or at least slow him down is child locks on cupboards. Also could it be a bordom issue? Could you leave him with a raw carrot to chew or a game to keep his mind busy? Also if it is a behaviour issue it may be worth walking before you leave to drain excess energy.
  10. Chatterdog

    How to send a pup to his crate

    Have you tried training at another time of day? For example at another time of day, make it a game or part of a training session. Reward if he enters the crate with food or praise, then invite him out and move on a sit or lay down. This way he doesn't think oh no it's bed time they are going to...
  11. Chatterdog

    She isn't telling me it's time

    Our retriever grew very weak, the pain meds for arthritis didn't seem to help and were all ready at top dose with regular blood tests. She struggled to get up and take herself to the loo. We realised that although her soul could go on forever but it wasn't fair to let her be in pain or struggle...
  12. Chatterdog

    6 year old dog has started urinating inside - diet?

    Could it be he just can't hold it and needs to be let out more frequent? Try letting him out a few extra times a day to rule it out?
  13. Chatterdog

    Regular eating times

    Agree with some above. Put food down at the times you want to feed, if they don't eat take it away, do not leave it down. We feed 2/3 in the morning and 1/3 at night. They will soon now when it's feeding time. Not all grains are bad, processed grains, wheat and maize are bad however, whole...
  14. Chatterdog

    Concerns for old dog

    I think most dogs would keep going until thier bodies failed completely, no dog ever wants gives up but I think it's a balance. We made the decision with our 16yr old retriever, she had severe arthritis but with pain relief it never stopped her. She ate welll and was happy in herself. We...
  15. Chatterdog

    Bad breath and antibiotics

    Could it be that some of the teeth are infected, so when on antibiotics the infection was reduced and so smell reduced? We had similar issue with our lab but we decided that we would take the risk. Turned out she had several rotten which must have been painful. It is a risk with an older dog...
  16. Chatterdog

    Advice on exercising an older dog

    We have a nearly 16 year old lab. She started having a similar cough and panting a lot more than usually, this was a sign of a heart issue. If you are concerned it may be best to take her to the vet just to check, it could be nothing but it might put your mind at ease. If she is otherwise in...
  17. Chatterdog

    What bed is better for my dog a hi-k9 or memory foam?

    I have a 15 1/2 yr lab. We use memory foam padding with a single duvet on top in winter, if it's warm then a couple of blankets on top. The Hi-K9 beds look good but I know my dog wouldn't get on it, not only is she a wuss but she doesn't like stepping up onto things, maybe because of her joints.
  18. Chatterdog

    Garden hazards

    Agreed, most dogs eat grass and other plants, puppies may not know when enough is enough though. Keep walking or supervise in the garden. Encourage other play?
  19. Chatterdog

    Barking during the night

    Pen/crate is not the issue, my dog has only ever had a bed in the kitchen. I agree with above, if he is used to sleeping in your mums bed twice a week or even yours in the morning it may be giving mixed signals?
  20. Chatterdog

    Keep or get rid?

    Sorry to say I agree, even though this is a small dog it isn't a good life in a cage all day. If you don't have your own place where you can take him, find another home where someone will give him the time.