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  1. leethomas1988

    Dogs in neckerchief/bandanas - what's the reason behind it?

    I wanted 1 for my irish bull terrier mitchell lookin for an irish flag sort of thing cant seem to find one anyway !!
  2. leethomas1988

    Would a Boxer be a Good Dog Choice?

    boxers are pretty goods dogs. very fun, friendly and loyal however my uncle got one and it get green discharge from the penis all over the walls, carpets, almost every were he shakes himself and vet says it natuaral for boxers and dobers ect
  3. leethomas1988

    Should all dogs be muzzled in public ?

    Well i saw it somewhere that i think it was (dogs trust) not sure that they were trying to get this law into place. How ever i do agree with eingana Not all dogs should were a muzzled. But of course if my dog becomes a risk to public to the point i feel a muzzle is needed then i will muzzle him...
  4. leethomas1988

    Should all dogs be muzzled in public ?

    If all dogs were muzzled in public. Do you think that this will reduce the amount of dog related attacks ?. Also how do you feel about the new micro chip law personaly im against but in a way its a good thing. But if dogs arent muzzled the police will easily reconise that and enforce the...
  5. leethomas1988

    Uk law regards to defending your dog **Distressing Content**

    my dog was almost attacked today because the owner wasnt holding the lead properly luckily they were other people to help me
  6. leethomas1988

    Girl in manchester found dead after suspected dog attack

    The dogs was proberly realy stressed because they get very defencive with food if there is more than 1 of them. There is nothing any body can and the government will panic now because have to ban sumert to keep us quiet
  7. leethomas1988

    Help needed for my dog rabbit

    He may have had a bad dream or something and its confused him.
  8. leethomas1988

    Pet bereavement

    my very first dog as a child was a black lab x rotty. He was my best friend and i thought the world of him. he followed me every were and never left my side. He was very popular with alot of people and even saved a lady from being mugged and pulled my friend from out of the river don once. he...
  9. leethomas1988

    Who Suppports The rspca?

    I once found a dog that had been kicked out of its home because is was no longer wanted. We took it home and fed it and watered it but we couldnt keep because it had a skin condition and i didnt want my dog to get it in case it was contagious. We called alot of places but only rspca would take...
  10. leethomas1988

    Thinking of getting a dog!

    My first dog was a black Labrador x rotweiler. as a child i grew up with him and he became my best friend. So i have to say a black lab would be 1 of the recomended breeds. chocolate labs from what i heard are good first time pets. you can get information about breeds including well known health...
  11. leethomas1988

    Is raw meat good for your dog ? opinions welcome

    Many people claim that raw meat is the best to feed your dog without a doubt. But some people believe the can turn nasty ???. In my opinion dogs need raw meat for genuine protein and without processed dog food they would have no choice but to hunt i.e raw meat. What do you think ????. And also...
  12. leethomas1988

    Dog facts!

    sorry about my dog fact above about irish staffy i put 10 feet, it was 7 feet this information is from ccn news i found it on there website. Im not 100% certain this registered with guiness world records but im sure it said it was done around year 2010 i think ??
  13. leethomas1988

    Uk law regards to defending your dog **Distressing Content**

    I would personaly take off my jacket and use it to deter the dog away from your own or cover its head if the other dog as a grip on yours thats just me but if it wud turn on me i wud feel no choice but to kill it probs by standing on its back. if your dog isnt too heavy you can picking it up and...
  14. leethomas1988

    What to do with dog poo?

    personaly i have dug a hole at the bottom of my garden so when my dog leaves is mess i get a spade a scoop it into the hole. After a few days i cover back up with soil and dig a new hole but sumtimes i get these sented baby nappy sacks from wilkos and pick it up with them i find they reduce the...
  15. leethomas1988

    My dog is scared of the slightest of sounds - advice needed

    When i first got my irish staffy at 15months old. He was very timid and frightened wouldnt even eat and was very afreaid of doors and shouting especialy swearing. he was poorly treated too by previous owner but i found the best way to over come them is to try playing with them while the noises...
  16. leethomas1988

    Most embarrassing moment with your dog ?

    Mine would have to be when i went to the bathroom for a wee and while doing so my dog came in a weed up my legs my socks were soaked lol.
  17. leethomas1988

    Can anyone relate to this?

    yep lol. and i bin kicked off bed at 1 time now my dog dont sleep in bed now.
  18. leethomas1988

    Dog facts!

    rottweilers were actually bred for herding sheep. kerdish kangals have the most powerful bite force of all dogs while pitbulls are amongst the lower rank. irish staffys have topped the record for the highest jump at almost 10 feet high because of there well known stamina and agility. Worlds...
  19. leethomas1988

    How did you choose your dog's name?

    my dog (domino irish staffy) was called mittu when i got him at 15mnth old from a polish guy. so i changed it to mitchell and it suits him better for his looks and size.