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Nicknames for your dog(s)


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We call Oreo various things including dogbert, dog, bert, Or, Rio, chewy (from star wars as she makes noises exactly the same) and others that I have forgotten :)

Do you have a nickname for your dog?
Dixie - Dixel/Dix/Pixel/Pix/Pixie Dixie/Dixie dean/Dixie Doo/Mentalist

Winston - You stinky get................/Mr Winston/Baby.

Our foster dog Lab called Monty but we always call him Moo
got to be honest i just call his name as i want them to react to what he is called so a bit boring responce im afraid
Dude gets; dude, dudey, doodlebug, buggalugs, dudas, dudeface, judas (when he foresakes me for my mum) dufus, nimrod when he won't stop stalking things. And duke, his original name when he's in trouble, or just plain baddog!

He also answers(comes) to wendy (bless him), and gets called sweetpea, or sweetness when i'm trying to weedle him into following me somewhere he doesn't want to go.

The neighbours thought my granny's dog (yella) was called drop-it, as thats all they ever heard over the fence!

Coco, the springer i bring with me to work somedays, is either cocopops, or goato, or goatdog, as when i first met him he would eat anything!
My late husband always called Lily Pongo, she answers to both names
The dogs are collectively known as the "Snips" and Verity has somehow been renamed "Moose" or "Peppa" and the silly thing is she answers to all 3 :teehee:

The cats have the worst nicknames- they are "Devils Dumpling," "Sir Kennington Montague," "Princess of Darkness" and "Queen of Mean".... fortunately they just ignore all such stupid behaviour, and they are really called Beans, Spooky, Kenny and Kiwi :b
My homers nickname is Benjamin button! Other half says he has an old wrinkly face on a puppy body! image.jpg
Salem answers to Saily, Snaily & Snail Pig :>

Maisie answers to Maisington & Trouble lol
Ours for our girls are many and varied, but recently Lily whippet has become known as "frog box" for rather obvious reasons!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
mine is a bit silly! I call Milo - moot moots?!? also he gets Miles x
Oh God - mine have so many nicknames...

Too ridiculous to post! :lol:
Rocky is Mr Snugglebumpkins when he is sleeping on my lap in the evenings :*
Being as he is a Terrier i some times call him, and call him, and call him, but eventually he comes.

Sorry, no nick name.
We call our smaller Ridgeback "Pig", simply because when we was small (like a lot of dogs) she had a pink belly like a pig :- )