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Dog facts!


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Seeing as its my 100th post here I thought I'd put together a list of dog related facts (thanks google).

If you have any dog related facts please feel free to add :)

A dog by the name of Laika was launched into space aboard the Russian spacecraft Sputnik 2 in 1957.

The Dalmatian dog is named after the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia, where it is believed to have been originally bred.

Boxers were named after their habit of playing. At the beginning of play with another dog, a Boxer will stand on his hind legs and 'box' at his opponent.

The real name of Toto the dog in "The Wizard Of Oz" was Terry.

Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second, while dogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second.

Newfoundlands are such great swimmers because of their webbed feet. Basset Hounds cannot swim at all.

The bible mentions dogs 14 times

A dogs nose print is as unique as a humans finger print and can be used to accurately identify them.

Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic a Newfoundland, a Pomeranian, and a Pekingese.

A one year old dog is as mature, physically, as a 15 year old human
Canis Familiaris is the Latin name for dog.
rottweilers were actually bred for herding sheep.

kerdish kangals have the most powerful bite force of all dogs while pitbulls are amongst the lower rank.

irish staffys have topped the record for the highest jump at almost 10 feet high because of there well known stamina and agility.

Worlds tallest dog is named zeus and weighs 155 lbs and measures 44 inch from paw to top.
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I have the best video to share but can't figure out how :/ lol
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sorry about my dog fact above about irish staffy i put 10 feet, it was 7 feet this information is from ccn news i found it on there website. Im not 100% certain this registered with guiness world records but im sure it said it was done around year 2010 i think ??
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dogs have 3 eyelids,the third lid,is called nictitating membrane or "haw",keeps the eye lubricated and protected!

get back to me as soon as you can! :> !
true fact
Dogs are naturally warmer than humans, having a body temperature of between 100 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the breed.

The only place that dogs can sweat is on their pads, which helps them with not slipping when they're running.

Modern dogs are more diverse in size than almost any other species. The average St Bernard is over 100 times heavier than a Chihuahua.

All apart from two breeds of dog have pink tongues. The exception to this are Chows and Sharpeis, who have blue/black tongues.

Dachshunds aren't cute little lap dogs. They were bred to fight badgers.

Dogs may see better than humans in details, but cats see even better than that.
Dogs see in color, but not the same way that we do. Veterinary ophthalmologists have found that dogs are similar to people with red/green color blindness, meaning they can see bluish and greenish shades but not reddish ones. To a dog, a bright orange ball on a grassy lawn appears as a light greenish ball in greenish grass. Go fetch!
scientists still haven't decided when dogs were first domesticated, but they are guessing between 100,000 and 10,000 years ago. Hopeless fact!

I have now stopped feeling guilty about using my dog as a hand/foot warmer, thanks eingana!