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  1. K9art

    "portrait" Of Libby

    Libby with artistic effects (playing with Photoshop!) in her favorite doughnut position :))
  2. K9art

    Our Site

    I had no problem getting into your website. Very nice creative layout! :thumbsup: Dogs are lovely too! :wub: :wub:
  3. K9art

    Todays Walk

    Beautiful pictures and obviously happy whippets! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  4. K9art

    Mouse Is One

    Happy Birthday Mouse! What a cutie!
  5. K9art

    Oh Dear Sienna's Not Feeling Very Well

    :luck: :luck: :luck:
  6. K9art

    Look What Happened

    Congratulations! :cheers: Nice healthy looking pups! There must be one buried in there somewhere...
  7. K9art

    What Do You Think

    FIRE HUGGERS I like that :D :D :D
  8. K9art

    What Do You Think

    Thanks Leslie, I definitely will try to make an appearance. I may have to wait for warmer weather as Libby is a seriously "wimpy whippet" and not used to being cold at all. :p The dates only go through the end of February... do you continue after that?
  9. K9art

    What Do You Think

    Would seriously like to come sometime. How do I find out when/where?
  10. K9art

    What Do You Think

    Well i hope to meet you crazy whippet people someday :clown: (w00t) :clown:
  11. K9art

    New Whippet Lover To Site

    Shadow is the right word...I have to watch where I walk (and turn) because she is always right there. We have only had her for a month, so we are still getting to know each other. The advantages of having one are that I can take her in the car with me everywhere and we can easily sleep in bed...
  12. K9art

    What Do You Think

    good luck in finding other whippet people ive been here my whole life and i havent met anyone yet!!! :b (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most of my friends and neighbors who have met Libby (and my previous whippets as well) have never seen a Whippet. Most people assume we have a very small...
  13. K9art

    Searching High And Low

    Congratulations on finding your new whippy. :cheers: In 6 months he will be an all-new person! Your lurcher sounds like a real sweetheart and perfect companion. :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. K9art

    There She Goes....

    Great action pics! :thumbsup: I'll bet she had a nice long nap afterwards! -_-
  15. K9art

    Picture Of Dolly

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, Dolly! :luck: :luck: :luck:
  16. K9art

    New Whippet Lover To Site

    Welcome! Nice pics in your gallery. Glad to see I'm not the only one with a single whippet! ;) This snugglesafe heat pad sounds like something Libby would love. Where do you find them?
  17. K9art

    Can't Keep Libby Out Of Bed

    But she is so cute I can't kick her out.... I just want to join her! :wub: :wub: :wub: (That is my son's "paw" in the 2nd pic) :p
  18. K9art

    What Do You Think

    I wasn't worried about YOU -- honest!!! :lol: The comments just made me think how easy it would be for someone with devious intentions.... I would would love to find people near me to do whippet walks and fun things with. I will need to get out more and meet people, as I am new to this area...
  19. K9art

    Me And My Shadow!

    Sunny days make such nice pics :) :) :)
  20. K9art


    Awwwwwwww :wub: :wub: :wub: Love that face!