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  1. deegee

    Dog won't loose leash walk or learn new tricks

    Collies are natural learners so if you taught her a couple of things and can't go further something has gone wrong with the dynamics between you! (it happens in the best relationships!) Certainly consult a professional if you're able. Don't think though that there's a flaw in her - it's the...
  2. deegee

    Total hip replacement or fho surgery in cocker spaniel

    I've not had a dog who's had this op- but I have had cockers. I know it's a tough decision but if the advice from the vet was positive I'd go for the Total Hip Replacement. Cockers are bundles of fun and have to exercise. From what I've heard the op should produce a pain-free cocker for life. So...
  3. deegee

    Luxating patella

    Ok well let us know how you get on. I know it's so hard when your dog is suffering,,,we lost our old boy last year and it was the worst thing I've been through. Don't despair. Nellie at least is treatable. I'm sure you'll muddle through together!
  4. deegee

    Luxating patella

    I'm sorry that your poor dog has can be a genetic thing or due to injury. Whatever the cause there are different grades of severity.Some can be managed with drugs some not. It sounds as if an x-ray is needed to tell you how bad it is and if surgery is needed. If money is the problem...
  5. deegee

    Pup with umbilical hernia

    That's what I thought. Also have you fallen in love with THIS puppy? Because I'd probably keep to the bargain anyway and if the breeder doesn't feel obliged to contribute I'd take on the cost rather than lose the pup. .
  6. deegee

    Which breeds get along well with corgis?

    Thought I might convince you!
  7. deegee

    Which breeds get along well with corgis?

    Oh lucky you!! I've had a cardigan, a pembroke and I've got a corgi x now. If you don't mind advice re corgis PLEASE be careful when looking for a pedigree puppy. Corgis as a breed are 'at risk'. Too few being bred from a limited gene pool. Find the very best breeder you can who gives you...
  8. deegee

    10 month old border collie won't come back

    Step 1 Blow the whistle (Fast continuous pips work well for recall) while your dog is with you and feed them the treat while holding their collar. Do this three times a day for a week. Make sure you feed immediately after you blow the whistle. Step 2 Blow the whistle while your dog is in the...
  9. deegee

    Corgi video.

    Here's one of our lovely corgis, sadly no longer with us.
  10. deegee

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    Oh yes, absolutely! ;) Just thought if he's lonely and anxious AND has a medical problem as well is the last thing he needs.
  11. deegee

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    Just had a thought that may be worth following up for this lad- have your vet check he doesn't have any underlying physical reason for his behaviour- I'm think a urinary tract infection?
  12. deegee

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    Well I've certainly had a dog that hated being shut in a kitchen (where he slept in a bed overnight) when I went out and would bark and cry according to neighbours but would happily settle when given the run of the kitchen, utility room, hall and conservatory so I guess there's the answer.
  13. deegee

    Corgi video.

    Wonderful! I grew up with corgis and my OH remembers working corgis on the farm in Wales when he was small. We have a rescue corgi x that is, shall we say carrying on the tradition? (He lost his previous 3 homes for attacking people's feet!) :devil: He really is the feistiest little dog I've...
  14. deegee

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    I absolutely agree with almost everything in Gypsysmum's post except the last bit. Dogs aren't den animals in the way badgers and beavers are. They build dens for whelping and then abandon them- nor does a dog have any experience in nature of being kept in a small space from which it cannot...
  15. deegee

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    I hate crates! They came from America and apart from restraining a dog who needs rest following surgery or for safe transport I can't see why anyone would want to put a dog in one. If your dog is displaying these symptoms it is pure anxiety. He can't leave you a note saying I'm really miserable...
  16. deegee

    Which breed is for us?

    You're being responsible considering all these things now- I work in rescue and a lot of business comes from people who haven't and end up having to give dogs up. (It's also the reason when we rehome these are all the questions we ask). I can advise on what breeds NOT to get: working dogs of...
  17. deegee

    General training of a 5 mth puppy

    I can't see the point of depriving a dog of water overnight. If they are happy and sleeping they won't want it- if they're not they might. Allowing dogs to become dehydrated can lead to kidney and bladder stones. I have to say I'm not a massive fan of crates anyway- the idea came from America...
  18. deegee

    Lame labrador retriever

    Is your vet sure this is arthritis? Maybe worth asking him/her if any other diagnosis fits the symptoms- I ask because I saw The Supervet on TV and 'arthritis' was corns! Most dogs of this breed present with hip and back leg problems so it's bit confusing. Wondering about elbow joints here and...
  19. deegee

    Kennel cough

    Oh poor thing...really hope she's on the mend. Metacam is a strange one- I've had dogs take it for arthritis without problems so it sounds like just a really unlucky effect. If it looks like she's getting over it I'd hold that thought. But you'll know in future she can't tolerate it.
  20. deegee

    Kennel cough

    Brilliant that she's drinking! Just nursing care then... :flowers: