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Lame labrador retriever


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Hello, I don't generally post on forums but we're getting desperate for solutions to help our black Labrador retriever Roxy who has become lame in her front leg.

We've noticed more than usual lately that Roxy gets quite stiff in her front leg after lying for long periods and in the evening sometimes struggles to stand when she's called to bed.

We gave Roxy Metacam prescribed by our local vet and although labs have a tendency to eat anything we found she was sick daily, sometimes more than once and had bad diarrhoea. We were forced to stop using these meds and have since then tried anti inflammatories with no effect as well as the well recommended glucosamine from lidls which has, as of yet has made no difference despite tablets twice a day for over a fortnight now.

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with similar problems with arthritis in labs and could recommend their solution or any affordable labrador specialists in the South Wales area.

It's possible to get injections from the vet but their effectiveness has been questioned and I'm skeptical of having her reliant on injections every three to six months for the rest of her life from the young age of 7.

We've also been warned that excess weight puts extra strain on any arthritis present. we've reduced her food and treats and understand the importance of her weight loss. We also feel however that a diet isn't a helpful short term solution for the pain she must be feeling currently to be limping often as she does.

We'd love to hear your advice!, thankyou.
Is your vet sure this is arthritis? Maybe worth asking him/her if any other diagnosis fits the symptoms- I ask because I saw The Supervet on TV and 'arthritis' was corns! Most dogs of this breed present with hip and back leg problems so it's bit confusing. Wondering about elbow joints here and whether there's been recent damage. Pain relief is complex- talk over with your vet because certainly dogs can take some human painkillers. I was surprised that my last boy was given paracetamol from our vet hospital.

If it is joint/ muscle wear and tear you could try fish oil- and swimming! As the weather improves less walking and a swim wherever possible if you have a safe clean watercourse near you or a beach.

If overweight is a problem certainly reduce it- when I put a dog on a diet I do it by bulking up the food with veg (raw shredded carrot or cabbage or swede is safest),so they're not hungry don't scavenge but do lose weight. Good luck- let us know how you get on.
Thanks for the reply!, I might have a look for some hydrotherapy pools near me as she is a keen swimmer but the cold water used to stiffen her quite a lot. I'll be sure to post any results thanks again!
Sorry, but, if it was me it would be back to the vet's. They have an armoury of drugs available to them. If you do not want to take the advice of injections then just say that it is not for you. They will try to find something else. Anti inflammatories can be diagnostic. If the dog goes sound then the condition must be an inflammatory one. If the dog stays lame then they investigate further.

A friend has just been all through this with her Labrador. He had an operation with a bone graft from his shoulder at a referral vet's. He was still lame and it turned out to be a tumour on his brain. I had a lurcher that was only lame on rising. This is a sign of arthritis, but, after lots of tests it turned out to be a torn ligament in her shoulder. I am sure this is not what is going on with your dog but you do need to keep up the search for the right diagnoses and treatment.

Hope you get to the bottom of it.
Have a look on line at golden paste for dogs. Studies have proved turmeric works just as well if not better for things like arthritis and rheumatism..the anti inflammatory properties have been proven to work just as well as prescribed drugs. Ive been using it several months now for my 17year old and the difference is remarkable . The other supplement I use is by 'vince the vet' and its called supple and sprightly' I also use this for my youngster who has HD