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What A Bully


Warrior Queen
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Really really really shaken and shocked - not to mention my lungs are now knackered from sprinting 500 yards uphill across grass :(

My daughter (some of you know her as Minnie from here) and I were just on the Common throwing a frisbee for Josie. She picked it up and instead of running to me, trotted towards a passing man. Just to put in a bit of context, she was wearing her woolly tartan coat and looked like the soft docile little thing that she is :wub: He was well-dressed, mid-forties, looked like a normal human being.

The so-called normal human being kicked her. For no reason. I was about twenty yards away and nearly dropped dead with shock. I yelled, "Don't kick my dog! That was totally uncalled for!"

He yelled back that she was attacking him!! :blink:

Has anyone ever seen a whippet attack a human - and especially with WITH A BARBIE-PINK FRISBEE IN ITS MOUTH????

He walked on across the Common. I ran to reassure poor Minnie, and check over poor Josie (who was standing stock-still, looking pretty confused as she's only ever known kindness) Then I thought - I want to see his face properly so that I'll know him again.

So I ran after him - 500 yards uphill across the grass! Thought I was going to DIE (I'd die for my whippet though :( ) I asked him to stop and turn round so that I could see him. He duly did - and told me to get myself under control... I said I was under control, but totally out-of-breath (gasping and blue in the face).

He then told me that he was a peaceful (!!) person taking a walk when my dog attacked him.

I'm proud to say that I remained calm (enraged but under control) and told him that he had absolutely no right to do what he did, etc etc... He began shaking his finger in my face so I stepped away. Then (this is classic) a woman with a pit-bull type dog came across and asked if I needed any help and would I like her to let her dog off the lead??? (w00t) :lol: She used the F word a lot and says she hates the people that live in the big houses up here because they're all "right bast*rds" (w00t)

She has now gone off to follow him and see where he lives, and perhaps report him to the mental health authorities as an escaped patient (I THINK she was joking :unsure: ) Minnie says she really didn't look like she was joking.... :eek:

Oh, poor Josie. When we got home, she started coughing and I had a horrible moment when I thought I would need to find the moron and ask him for vet's fees. But I've had a good look at her and she seems okay. She's had some water and is now curled up in her basket.
unbelievable...but sadly not really...apparently there is no shortage of idiots in this world!!!! :wacko: hopefully karma will sort the fool out!!!!! :rant: :rant:
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You did well to stay so calm, i'm afraid i'd have done what he didn to Josie right in his nads. Cheeky ba :rant: rd
AWWWW poor Josie, what a terrible, shocking and awful thing to happen to her and you.

Some people think they can do as they please :rant: :rant: :rant: sounds like he had escaped from somewhere and needs taking back quick smart.

Hope Josie is ok, give her lots of :huggles: :huggles: from me.

Find where he lives and send letters to all his naibours letting them know what a crule b##rd he is.
~ Helen ~ said:
Really really really shaken and shocked - not to mention my lungs are now knackered from sprinting 500 yards uphill across grass :(
My daughter (some of you know her as Minnie from here) and I were just on the Common throwing a frisbee for Josie. She picked it up and instead of running to me, trotted towards a passing man. Just to put in a bit of context, she was wearing her woolly tartan coat and looked like the soft docile little thing that she is :wub: He was well-dressed, mid-forties, looked like a normal human being.

The so-called normal human being kicked her. For no reason. I was about twenty yards away and nearly dropped dead with shock. I yelled, "Don't kick my dog! That was totally uncalled for!"

He yelled back that she was attacking him!! :blink:

Has anyone ever seen a whippet attack a human - and especially with WITH A BARBIE-PINK FRISBEE IN ITS MOUTH????

He walked on across the Common. I ran to reassure poor Minnie, and check over poor Josie (who was standing stock-still, looking pretty confused as she's only ever known kindness) Then I thought - I want to see his face properly so that I'll know him again.

So I ran after him - 500 yards uphill across the grass! Thought I was going to DIE (I'd die for my whippet though :( ) I asked him to stop and turn round so that I could see him. He duly did - and told me to get myself under control... I said I was under control, but totally out-of-breath (gasping and blue in the face).

He then told me that he was a peaceful (!!) person taking a walk when my dog attacked him.

I'm proud to say that I remained calm (enraged but under control) and told him that he had absolutely no right to do what he did, etc etc... He began shaking his finger in my face so I stepped away. Then (this is classic) a woman with a pit-bull type dog came across and asked if I needed any help and would I like her to let her dog off the lead??? (w00t)   :lol:   She used the F word a lot and says she hates the people that live in the big houses up here because they're all "right bast*rds" (w00t)

She has now gone off to follow him and see where he lives, and perhaps report him to the mental health authorities as an escaped patient (I THINK she was joking :unsure: ) Minnie says she really didn't look like she was joking.... :eek:

Oh, poor Josie. When we got home, she started coughing and I had a horrible moment when I thought I would need to find the moron and ask him for vet's fees. But I've had a good look at her and she seems okay. She's had some water and is now curled up in her basket.

:rant: :rant: What a stupid guy, very cruel !!!! But some people looking like human beings hate dogs :rant: :rant: what a b*****d!!!!

Maybe the pitbull should have run after him ;) then I would have had a real reason to be frightened :blink: instead of doing this to poor little Josie :rant: :rant:

I hope everything is OK now with this lovely little girl :wub: :wub:
[SIZE=14pt]What a B*****d :rant: :rant: :rant: [/SIZE]

I really don't know how you managed to stay calm Helen,if that was me,I'd have kicked him a good few times right where it hurt most!!! Evil PIG!!


I hope Josie will be o.k. Give her :huggles: from me!
I would have kicked his b***'s too. The heartless b*****d :rant: :rant: . If you were a man he would not have been so brave :rant: :rant: . I have had a few tough men going to wring or kich the s**t out of my Robbie, I stood up to them with a nice bit of 2 by 2 and they wandered off muttering to each other :rant: :rant: . The best bit is if I had hit them , I would have the police after me. Some folk :rant: :rant:

Hope Josie is alright and have a few wee vodka's or a glass or 2 of wine for yourself :huggles:
OMG WHAT A BA****D!! :rant: I would have probably lost it in that situation, well done for keeping so calm!

Whippy Hugs to Josie :huggles:
lonely pig- he was a right plonker- josie is curled up now next to me but i think she is still a little bit shaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mum just rang up and she was in HYSTERICS what is there to laugh about??? But then i got it... she told me that when the idiot started giving her a mouthful.... guess what she said..

POO, YOUR BREATH STINKS!!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

tee hee, i bet he was really puzzled! :lol:

overall though- i was pretty :rant: and :angry: and :unsure:

but i think josie 'll be alright.. she'll just think twice before running up to a stranger again!!! My mum also says that the more she remembers what she said- the funnier she finds it! :lol: :lol: :lol: (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
:rant: What a GIT!! Iwould have gone mad!! :rant:

good idea Mark, contacting the neighbours! :D

I hope poor Josie is OK! give her our Love & Hugs! :wub: :huggles:
Hi, really sorry to hear of this, I've had similar things happen too - I call it Dog Rage. It's really horrible and you can end up dreading going out, while the nutters carry on regardless.

We live next to Oxford's Port Meadow, which is a beautiful setting thus a draw for lots of 'incomers'. When mine was a pup he used to run up to all the dogs he met to make friends - unfortunately one day he ran up to a strange collie and jack russell, at which the owners started kicking him with impunity. I was about 50yrds off, so they probably didn't see me - when they did they started on the 'keep your dog on a lead' thing ( lots of expletives left out). I couldn't face taking him out for weeks after this. It had a marked effect on him too, he stopped being friendly to people and dogs he didn't know.

It also happened to another whippet owner, an elderly lady who was almost blind, when her elderly whippet got jumped on by a big lab puppy. Naturally he yelped, growled a little a warning and the owners came running up screaming and shouting at her, threatening legal action etc.

Had occasional skirmishes with joggers (they think the world will end if they stop running). Telling them 'whippets like to chase moving objects so stop running away' always seems to invite abuse.

The other situation is the collie/springer owners who demand extreme obedience, which is spoiled by young whippets running up wanting to make friends. Fortunatly they ignore my dog, but then take it out on their own (I've seen some really nasty behaviour here, lots of screaming and shouting and giving of 'good hidings').

I now avoid going on the meadow at peak times (weekends, just after work, very sunny summer evenings etc) and avoid the routes near carparks where outsiders tend to congregate.

Oh No Helen, poor Josie.

Well done for staying so calm yet standing your ground.

A similar thing happend to us once wheile we were on the beach walking, a man kicked Vader for 'attacking his dog' (they were actually playing and having a wonderful time) I know it was naughty but I took the dogs collar off so that I had his name & address and reported him to the police & the RSPCA but nothing came of it.

Just one of those infuriating things that you can do nothing about unfortunately.

As you say, Josie has only known kindness all of her life so I'm sure she'll get over this quickly. Look what poor Leon went through and he recovered soon enough.

Giver her a big kiss and cuddle from us here :huggles: and you deserve a large glass of wine :cheers:
i just think it's funny- the smelly breath thing!!!! Yeh, thanks for the tip moriarte- and welcome to K9!!!! :) :thumbsup:

i know it's naughty- but good going Rae- great idea!!!!!!!!!!

so nothing happened in the end then???? :unsure:


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I should have said that Helen deserves a large glass of wine - Minnie you will have to make do with cuddling Josie!
yes!!! One for every one on K9 and a huge one from me!!!!! I'll make myself a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream instead!!! :lol: :teehee:
OMG Helen and El,

I would have freaked and lost control completely. Well done for keeping cool, I am sure that is really more effective than screeching like a banshee...........

I hope Josie is OK. Do you think it might be an idea to get her checked? How hard did the moron kick her? I was just worried because she coughed. If he caught her in the ribs, he could have fractured one, and ........OK, enough, I am panicking, you will keep a close eye I am sure. If it ever happens again, enlist the help of the f'ing woman and dangerous dog, and beat the sh*t out of the PRAT!

I think you did so well to stay carm i would have got the frisdy and ramed it were the un dont shine hope your all feeling a bit better now

OMG what a complete B******d I don't know if I would have been able to control myself and I know OH would be out searching right now.

I hope the woman found him and set her dog on him, he wouldn't be kicking anymore whippets.

I do hope josie is okay, I am that mad :rant: :rant: :rant:
Hope Josie is ok. :huggles:

Well done for keeping calm. I say wait a few months and start posting doggy-doo through his letter box! :- " Mind you going on what you've said, I recon the woman with the staffy has probably lamped him one! (w00t)