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What A Bully

Sounds like you handled the situation well Helen. Poor Josie, hope she won't be too scared of people on the common from now on. I'll bet that guy might not come back after being faced up to by you and threatened by the pit bull woman :D I can just imagine his face when you told him about his breath :lol:

It reminded me of a time when I was walking our first two whippets once. They were chasing each other and the front one was looking back over his shoulder at the other one. He ran straight into the back of a jogger. Got him right in the backs of the knees, just as I yelled "WATCH OUT". He went down on both knees and threw both his arms straight up into the air. It look hilarious but it must have scared the sh#t out of him :lol: I has to appologise of course but he was fine about it. I think the difference was that he wasn't scared of dogs and realised it was just an accident.
Just to reassure you all that the poor little girl is suffering no ill effects whatsoever - here she is flaked out this morning. She sleeps there on the sofa behind me while I work (ignoring the £25 dog-doughnut that I bought for her :- " )

and finally - this is her about four minutes ago. She doesn't know I'm just about to hoof her off the sofa so that we can walk to school and collect daughter no.2 :D

Awww blesss :wub: So glad she didnt come to any harm.

Love that last picture - so sweet. :wub:
awwww,lovely pics!those eyes would melt the hardest heart. :wub: how could he have hurt her!pig! :angry:
Mark Roberts said:
Find where he lives and send letters to all his naibours letting them know what a crule b##rd he is.
Poor Josie.Hope shes ok now :wub: :huggles: I would of kicked him so hard he would of had a new pair of vocal chords. :rant: :rant: Try and take a photo of him find out where he lives and make posters to put on lamposts and under whipers in his neighbourhood. I feel so angry about it.
So glad to see Josie looking so comfortable and know she is not badly damaged (physically anyway).

Have you thought of writing to the local paper and perhaps giving an idea of the general area where the man lives? You might find it isn't the first time he has done something like this.

He deserves to be 'outed' for his cruelty. :rant: :rant:
Who could even raise a voice let alone a finger (or a foot :rant: ) to such a happy little girl.

Luckily we seem to have dog sensible people around here. In fact even car drivers are sensible around the dogs. I walk along some roads without footpaths when the dogs are training and they have their coats on with reflective strips so they are visible in the early hours/twilight. Consequently drivers treat them like horses passing wide and slow :lol: .

I hope I never meet someone like that nasty man (all the swearing in the world won't explain him any better) and the people that live here continue to have a modicum of dog sense ...
we hope Josie has got over her Kicking :rant: poor maid ,the man should be kicked out of the human race :rant:

we know it can be difficult to run our dogs sometime , but i,m allways carefull of other plps . there is no reasoning to this sort of behaviour.

love to josie from my hectic lot :wub:
pollyanna said:
Have you thought of writing to the local paper and perhaps giving an idea of the general area where the man lives? You might find it isn't the first time he has done something like this.
This incident is horrifying - I don't think any of us can actually imagine how angry that would make us - I for one would probably crumble into maniacal shreiking accompanied by tears (and bubbles from my nose).

The writing to the local paper thing is a TOP idea - make sure everyone's informed that this arsehole is in the locality. Hugs to you all! :thumbsup:
It seem's to be a every day thing of poor whippet's getting kicked by idiot's , and being attacked by loose dog's. I think the police should stop harassing people eating apple's when driving and start to target these idiot's in the street's and countryside. Tell the local paper everything and maybe the b*****D might think twice about kicking another poor dog.
Oh Helen what a horrible thing to happen to poor Josie. :rant: Jilly always wants to go up to people and dogs that we meet tail wagging wanting to be friendy. :wub: Because they've only known kindness it makes them so trusting. Its a shame Josie had to find out this way that not all humans are nice in fact some are right b :rant: :rant: t :rant: ds Give her a big :huggles: from us. You should have kicked him really hard where it hurts. :thumbsup: I just don't know how I would have reacted in that situation and hope I never find out

Oh I'm so mad I could spit :rant: :rant: :rant:
Do you know - I am having a week of it?? (BTW - Rant Alert! :- " )

Wednesday - bully man.

Thursday - on the way to school I walk through a little orchard place. As I approached I heard a dog fight going on. Picked Josie up and considered going the long way round but realised I'd be late for collecting my daughter. Carried on. In the orchard: young man, two little boys, a white husky/alsation (big dog) and a tan staffie-type dog. The dogs were really going for each other in a vicious way and the man was egging them on. He pulled them apart when he saw me and I shot through the orchard like my ar$e was on fire. On the way back just the two boys and the white dog were there... but in the distance I saw a woman whose garage backs onto the orchard. She has a small dog so I went down to ask her if she'd seen these people before. As I approached she asked me if I knew them. We conferred, and she told me she'd heard about them but not seen them - but that this man is known to openly admit that he's training his dogs for fighting!!

I want to report it to the RSPCA but need to find out where he lives. I think they would want to do something - what do people think?

I don't want to walk through the orchard again now!

THEN to cap it all, I was back on the Common this morning. A man walked past. I called Josie to me (wary after bully incident) but she didn't come because she'd found a delicious smell in the grass. And he said nastily, "Don't think your training's going very well is it?"


I'm afraid I was very unpleasant and shouted at him that he was an idiot and obviously knew nothing about dogs and that these things take time and patience.

I don't want to come over all arch-feminist but incidents 1 and 3 WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED IF I HAD BEEN A MAN. Would they? If it happens again I think I'll use my gender to my advantage (for once) and tell whoever it is that if they speak to me uninvited then I'll pass their description to the police and report them for harrassing a lone woman :(

Why are people such f*cking ar$eholes :rant: :rant:

HOWEVER, a non-dog-owning lady was nice to me the other day so I must keep remembering that (she said she sees me every day, working hard with my dog, and wasn't it paying off now because she was maturing into a lovely little thing... :)) )

Rant Over :lol:
Two men talking two little boy's to watch the dog's fight :rant: , now this look's like the two little boy's in 15yrs time will be doing the exact same. Some folk are just pure B*****D'S :rant: :rant: .

My dog's dont trust any other breed of dog now, except the greyhound they met yesterday :wub: , they alway's bark and growl now. They used to be very well socalised till the staffie attack.

I hope Josie will not have problem's trusting folk and learn now all men are d**k head's.

That's my little rant over now (w00t)
hi. When my first Whippet was 4 MONTHS old she was on the beach when a couple walked past. Chelsea just looked at him from 15 yards away and he threatened to kill her if I didn't take her away. I was shocked and upset too but never saw him again. Some people are beyond belief.
Poor Josie, I can't understand how people can do things like this to animals. When Jas was a pup she was sniffing some grass when a jogger ran past and just kicked her out of the way. He sped up straight after he done that because if I caught up with him I would have lost it.

Sorry this is a bit late as this is my first chance to cath up on K9 since Christmas.

I am so angry - this incident has just happened again. Same man, same place. I was keeping my eye on him because of what happened last time. Today Josie trotted past him, and he lashed out with his foot.

Luckily he was too far away to actually make contact this time. But I called across to him that if he did that again then I would report him to the RSPCA, and that I knew who he was and where he lived.

He then came right up into my face and starting ranting that I was in the wrong for threatening him (threat? It was a statement of intent) and that my dog should be on the lead. I corrected him and told him the things I know to be true about dogs and leads - but he was so enraged that someone else had to come over and tell him he was out of order :unsure:

All the other dog-people came over once he was gone and said they always keep away from him because "he's nasty".

I've just spoken to the Dog Warden and they've advised me to log the incident with the police and the RSPCA.

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poor you helen, are you ok? :eek:

there are some horrid people in this world :angry: i hope the police do something about him :rant:
OMG what an awful man! :eek: :eek: :eek: :( He sounds really nasty, but you are quite right to report him - he is just like the bully in the playground who will carry on while he thinks he can get away with it - but it sounds like he picked on the wrong woman this time!!

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to you and Josie - I bet you could both do with them. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: