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What A Bully

Hi, re. staying calm, definately a good idea (learned this from experience). Bear in mind the dogs can pick up on any aggression too which can make matters worse.

Some of these people do it to deliberately stir up trouble - they probably have had a lot of practise and know exactly what they can get away with. Someone we know had a rescue collie that did the ankle nipping thing, she had a run-in with some kids who were aggravating it, the parents took her to court and won!

minnie said:
My mum just rang up and she was in  HYSTERICS what is there to laugh about??? But then i got it... she told me that when the idiot started giving her a mouthful.... guess what she said..
POO, YOUR BREATH STINKS!!!    (w00t)   (w00t)   (w00t)   (w00t)

tee hee, i bet he was really puzzled!  :lol:


Yes, I think I was a bit hysterical when I remembered saying that. It's one of those things that gets lost in the heat of the moment and you remember it an hour or so later. Saying it probably diffused (defused?) the situation a bit, actually.

I've had time to review the whole incident now. All in all, although I wish it hadn't happened to Josie, I do feel strangely empowered by the whole thing. For once, I actually handled myself sensibly (most unusual for me) and I do feel that he got a lot more than he bargained for. I don't think he'll be doing it again in a hurry!

I have now changed my name to Warrior Queen, as I do feel proud that I ran after a bully and did battle for my pup :b

Thanks for all your rallying comments. And for your worry (JO!)

Here she is in said coat. The pic was taken a couple of months ago, but she's not changed much. Honestly - kick a pup like that? How could you...?

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theres one reason he could do it.he is a BULLY. :rant: only a bully would kick a defenceless puppy with a lady owner. :rant: bet if you were a 6ft tall tattooed moron with a pit bull he wouldnt have done anythin :rant: .anyway ive had a good idea.find out where he lives then send him a typewritten letter saying your dog has suffered numerous internal injuries from the kicking he gave her.say that the vet has estimated the cost of repairs to a couple of broken ribs,and a pierced lung as being in the region of approx 2,000 pounds and you are instructing your solicitors to act accordingly as you have a witness who will testify in court that he attacked and kicked your dog. o:) say you will also be claiming punitive damages,emotional trauma and all court costs.THAT should give the b**tard a few sleepless nights! :thumbsup:
OMG! whoever heard of a whippet being agressive (well maybe some are in protection of their owners) but they are not the type of dogs to just go up to someone and attack them. I mean for families and anyone wanting a sweet natured dog u couldnt ask for better. And a puppy as well, even the 'harder' dog pups arent known to attack at such a young age. Sound to me like the man was a bully that obviously gets off on intimidating those weaker than him, like pups, children and possibly women. (No offence to women im one myself but some men do think of us as weaker and therefore more likely to have a go whereas they would leave our male counterparts alone in similar situations)
Poor Josie :( but well done you for keeping calm, I know I couldn't ..........Lets all hope that the Staffie shows him what a *real attack* from a dog feels like :- "
Speechless! :rant: :rant: But well done both of you for handling it so well! :huggles: Glad Josie is ok, and hope the moron gets summat nasty! :rant:
What a terrible experience for you all. :( :( Poor little Josie - hope she is OK. :luck: :luck:

I often wonder about some members of the 'human' race :rant: :rant: - makes me realise why I love animals. o:) o:)
poor Josie and you are ever so brave :huggles: I wouldn't have been able to stay calm one bit! I hate people like that :rant: :rant:

I would have been arrested for assault most deffo, would have whacked him a few times with my chain dog lead no matter if he was giant haystacks either :angry: !!
what a bully :rant: :rant: poor josie.i would not hestitate to kick him back and more.
DITTO to everything said previously and hugs and kisses to Josie from us :*
So sorry to hear about your experience. I don't know if I could have kept my calm in that situation and I KNOW Jason wouldn't have been able to (he's more of a mother hen sometimes than I am!!!) And yes I know that some people (non-dog people mostly ;) ) that any dog can be aggrevise if provoked but use some common sense people!!! That cute little thing in that cute little coat :wub:

Lots of :huggles: to Josie from Jasper, Loosie and Sophie!
sometimes I think these sort of people are jealous!

they see a gorgeous looking dog and just envy the owner so much they have to hurt the dog in some way,

I know a lot of people around here would love to own Chance, and have offered to buy her off me too on a few of occations, her and her 2 sisters and mother are the only lurchers I know of in my little village,

I'd never sell her! not even for all the money in the world, the people who "don't like skinny dogs" are the first to come up and pet her when we are on our walks, and say how lovely and beatiful she is,

Helen I think that man had Josie envy, and who could blame him :wub: :wub:
Oh no, poor Josie, how on earth did you manage to stay so calm, I think I'd have been swearing like a trouper, and I'm more than sure my foot would have connected with his dangly bits!!!!

Lots of TLC for Josie, extra hugs and kisses!!!
OMG :(

Poor you, my Ellie tends to run after bike riders and joggers, i have to keep a close eye on her as, one time she ran after a jogger who ran from behind us (Didnt see him coming!) And he squared up to her like the incredible hulk (I thought he was going to kick her) luckily he didnt but rather embarrasingly shouted very loudly "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ellie ran back to me terrified with her tail between her legs.

To add to my embarrasment many people at the park i was at asked why he was shouting at Ellie so loudly, did she bite him! After explainning no she hadnt, Ellie made the most of lots of people making a fuss of her. :)

So as a conseqeunce when i go to the park now, i keep a very vigilant eye on whats going on all around me at all times, :(

Hope the little one has no lasting effects, and love to all concerned from Bille Ellie and myself. :wub:
Poor, poor Josie :(

Some people have got nothing better to do - I completely agree with everyones views on what they would like to do to him! & double it from me! (w00t)

Lots of hugs to Josie from the boys :wub: I hope she doesn't feel sore in the morning - and well done to you both Helen & Minnie - very brave and self-controlled. He was lucky you don't carry a baseball bat!
Poor Josie :huggles: Hope she is ok :wub: & hope she is not sore 2moro :wub:

some people to-day :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: ~makes you wonder what the worlds coming to :( :( :(

:( Caz x
What an awful thing to happen to you and little Josie! :( :( and what a pig of a man :angry: :angry: :angry:

I know it is late and you may not read this now - but if you are - arnica is great for bruising - and I always give Bachs Rescue Remedy for shock or upset - they are both fantastic. :thumbsup: Kisses to Josie :wub: :huggles:
:rant: :rant: Sometimes mankind really get to me . :rant: Poor Josie , Thank goodness she had that coat on , it probably saved her from brusing or worse :sweating:

Lots of hugs from the MULCAIR gang :wub:
~Sarah~ said:
What a terrible experience for you all. :( :( Poor little Josie - hope she is OK. :luck: :luck:

I often wonder about some members of the 'human' race :rant: :rant: - makes me realise why I love animals. o:) o:)


100 per cent agree Sara - at least animals dont answer back like that.

How dare he hurt your poor Josie, Helen hope shes ok and not lost her trust in humans.

:rant: :rant: Stupid [SIZE=14pt]B.......rd [/SIZE]he is at that. :rant: :rant:
I would certainly have lost it big time I am afraid.

What bastard would kick a poor defenceless animal :rant: especially one in a tartan coat :wub:

Give her lots of hugs from all the Aphrael mutts. :huggles: