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What A Bully


If dogs bother him that much why does he walk where he knows he will meet them. Sounds like a right bully and ar**h**e to me :rant: :rant: :rant:

Hoping your feeling better Helen sending you and Josie lots of :huggles: :huggles:
Helen, I'm so sorry this has happened - hope Josie and you are OK now.

I think Juley's advice is very sound. The police should be made aware of someone in the area behaving in such an irrational manner - he could pick on children next.

(Those pics of Josie are so scrummy! :wub: )
dogs have to be on lead on public highy ways and roads. but if your in park land or contryside and there are no signes up your dog can be off lead aslong as its under control meaning its not chasing live stock or barking and biting peoepl Jose wasnt doing any of these things.

i would go back and fined asmany dog walkers as possibel who have had deaing with this man and ask them in they will give statment about what happend to them. and contact the police as yours was not an icolated insedent and he is threataning and aggresive he needs sorting out
Helen, I'm so sorry you've had these experiences, It's something I dread. Can you take a personal alarm/pepper spray and / or video camera to film him if he gets abusive again?

Unfortunately, and this makes me mad, but it's a sad true fact, there are far too many idiots who are roaming free and get away with murder.

It's nice to have that kind lady non-dog owner's comments to reflect on.

Hope you all and Josie are feeling much better now. :huggles: :huggles: to you all
I'm so angry, what an a***hole!!!!!!!!! :rant:

I would report him if I were you, but don't expect the police to actually do anything yet, cos they can be a bit slow at that sort of thing, bless them :- "

however, when you see him again, and he even looks at you, you can let off your extremely loud panic alarm - then you can scream at him that you have reported him for his threating behaviour before, and now you are going to have to do it again

oh yeah, it would be best if you do this while there are witnesses, and if you can get a bit hysterical it won't do any harm either :thumbsup:

if there is no-one else around, I would definately get her on the lead and head the other way, save it for the audience ;)

and don't forget, they check dogs temperments for the dangerous dogs act, I can just see a dog expert chasing a whippet around, trying to get it to attack them :lol: they don't call them running dogs for nothing, they call it cos they run away!!
Any more news on the subject Helen ..... :unsure: Hope :rant: THE MAN has fallen off a cliff on his walk this morning.

On a better subject - any more lovely photos of Josie - to cheer us all up. :thumbsup: :wub: :thumbsup:
:D :D

On a better subject - any more lovely photos of Josie - to cheer us all up. :thumbsup: :wub: :thumbsup:
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Janimal said:
:D   :D On a better subject - any more lovely photos of Josie - to cheer us all up. :thumbsup:   :wub:   :thumbsup:

Lol! Well, seeing as you've asked twice, I'd better get the camera out :lol:

(only teasing Janis, I know you've been having probs with the site :thumbsup: )
What a prat that bloke is! I wish the other dog-walkers had come up to support you though, whilst he was still there, instead of coming up afterwards ... still at least someone is prepared to act as a witness for you if necessary.

Hope you and Josie are ok now, I think if it was me, I would definitely pursue this with the police and dog warden (you can always pile it on with a trowel about how threatened you felt and I'm sure you'd be telling the truth there), but I would also keep Josie on her lead whilst he's about, no point giving him fuel. Also if there are other dog walkers about and he threatens you again, a VERY LOUD rape alarm would be brilliant, you could also shout "help" to draw attention to yourselves. However, if you are alone, avoid him like the plague, your personal safety and that of your dog is not worth it.

Keep yer chin up girl, you did brilliantly!

you did do well, i wouldnt have been able to stay as calm if anybody had done that to my just cant believe how cruel people can be to dogs or any animal...i mean i feel guilty when i give my dogs into trouble....some people can be soooo heartless.

well done...although i think i may have wanted to swing for him
Thats soooo awful! I think I would have kicked him back! Good job she wasn't a pitbull or hed have no legs left. Some people are just unbelievable!


a very shocked Katie and Poppy
Poor you Helen, and Josie of course. :rant: :rant: What a horrible experience. :( :( I agree with others that you should report this bas***d to the RSPCA, Dog Warden and Police. I don't suppose they can do anything, but at least the incident, and any future occurrences, will be logged.

Hope you have both recovered from the event now :luck: - I find the red/white wine always helps in these situations!! :blink: