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Oh your poor mum - what a horrible, unsympathetic attitude. And to be left with bloodied sheets is awful too. I was in hospital a few years ago and the nurse (not sure what the current term is, it used to be auxiliary - one of the ones without a nursing qualification) was making up the bed next to me. She rejected three sheets and put them back to laundry before she found one she was happy enough to use. I was impressed, and I mention it because it shows there is no need to leave someone in dirty sheets. Can your mum demand a proper anaesthetic for the next procedure?
@JoanneF she asked for it this time! But SIL is on the case... She works for the home office and has a few contacts who know people who give her the numbers to ring when she wants to find the big boss...She is not stamping her foot but she is making her presence felt...
What are you all doing for New years Eve ...we haven't been out for years of ours gets anxious with the fireworks so it wouldn't be fair to leave him ...i dont even stay up until midnight :p:p
DS2's fiance's parents & brother are coming over. This may well be the definition of sad, but the highlight of the evening will be getting the wildlife camera in from the garden and all watching with bated breath to see what has been wandering past the end of the garden. DS2's fiance assures me that her family will love this... I'm just hoping we don't get another close-up action shot of Jasper as he gets his bum in between the camera and the end of the garden and does a poo...
How is your mum mad murphy. ...
Thanks for asking..
As expected SIL got involved, As I mentioned she works for the home office and doesnt mind using that to her advantage. Suddenly mum got attention,, she had a stent fitted (her appointment was for next May to see the out paitents clinic) and new fistula for her dialysis done under enough pain relief this time. Shes home and looking a lot better now.

Said SIL just got awarded an MBE for her work with mental health awareness..
DS2's fiance's parents & brother are coming over. This may well be the definition of sad, but the highlight of the evening will be getting the wildlife camera in from the garden and all watching with bated breath to see what has been wandering past the end of the garden. DS2's fiance assures me that her family will love this... I'm just hoping we don't get another close-up action shot of Jasper as he gets his bum in between the camera and the end of the garden and does a poo...

Wow all you need is Chris Packham and Bill Oddie and you can have winter watch in your own home..
I dont think its sad at all and much better than the awful new year eve rubbish on tv..
New Year , is there anyone who hates it as much as I do? I could honestly cry right now.

I hate this with a passion.
Im so lucky to live in a country where people are relaxed and civil they say goodmorning or offer help to total strangers, some people still leave their back door unlocked (even here in the city), children can play outside without risk of being molested and in the summer kids still go off on bikes with picnics and swim in the lake..
But it all changes at new year because thats when they get hold of fireworks. Its as if a little monster inside them comes out at this time of year and wrecks havoc with our society. Grown men and youngsters alike roam the streets tossing mini bombs, blowing up bins, post boxes, and anything else that stays still long enough. I wont sicken you with the acts of random violence against animals carried out by firework sadists but it is only too real and frequent. Yet the government wont ban the fireworks they wont even raise the fine for letting them off before new years eve or increase the punishment for the 'misuse 'of fireworks. Even the police chief has said that what would be classed as a terror attack in July is now called a 'firework incident', every year people die or have bits of their anatomy blown off and still its goes on!
After boxing day I have a growing knot in my stomach, my mood darkens and I bubble with a hatred for anyone with fireworks.. Its awful and I really want it to be over asap. Trouble is these random explosions will go on until mid January or until the idiots have used all their nasty little bombs.
Rant over ...sorry

(in case you think Im OTT)
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New Year , is there anyone who hates it as much as I do? I could honestly cry right now.

I hate this with a passion.
Im so lucky to live in a country where people are relaxed and civil they say goodmorning or offer help to total strangers, some people still leave their back door unlocked (even here in the city), children can play outside without risk of being molested and in the summer kids still go off on bikes with picnics and swim in the lake..
But it all changes at new year because thats when they get hold of fireworks. Its as if a little monster inside them comes out at this time of year and wrecks havoc with our society. Grown men and youngsters alike roam the streets tossing mini bombs, blowing up bins, post boxes, and anything else that stays still long enough. I wont sicken you with the acts of random violence against animals carried out by firework sadists but it is only too real and frequent. Yet the government wont ban the fireworks they wont even raise the fine for letting them off before new years eve or increase the punishment for the 'misuse 'of fireworks. Even the police chief has said that what would be classed as a terror attack in July is now called a 'firework incident', every year people die or have bits of their anatomy blown off and still its goes on!
After boxing day I have a growing knot in my stomach, my mood darkens and I bubble with a hatred for anyone with fireworks.. Its awful and I really want it to be over asap. Trouble is these random explosions will go on until mid January or until the idiots have used all their nasty little bombs.
Rant over ...sorry

(in case you think Im OTT)
Yep, just today I've been around shopping all the essential 'distractions' to keep the youngest hound calm during the fireworks. I really really do not look forward to what is about to happen tonight. She was fine during first couple of nights before bonfire night, I already sighed relief how well she took it all and then somebody on neighbourhood let off one of the BIG bangs and even the windows rattled. And that's it....little one was 'scarred' and now she is so afraid of it all.

Building up for ranting too...I've already been at it when visiting pet shop and pharmacy to get treats, toys and some calming spray (fingers crossed it has some effect...). I just hope that my other dog who is not too bothered with noises will have positive effect with the little one.

Fingers crossed you get over it all without too much problems...sod those who play with 'fire', if they blow themselves up, that's their own making. No sympathy from me!
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@Finsky as I posted about in my diary thread we started Murphy on cbd oil at the start of dec hoping to help him with general anxiety. Thats has worked well and so far today he has been fairly relaxed only barking at the very biggest bang that came into our garden.. I think next year I might be putting myself on the cbd to help me through new year!!!
@Finsky as I posted about in my diary thread we started Murphy on cbd oil at the start of dec hoping to help him with general anxiety. Thats has worked well and so far today he has been fairly relaxed only barking at the very biggest bang that came into our garden.. I think next year I might be putting myself on the cbd to help me through new year!!!
Aha...I haven't had a chance to explore your diary..yet!
I use CBD for my diabetes and with great results and I have given it to my older dog during her first season and it did indeed calm her girly urge behaviour somewhat. But I'm out of my supplies at the moment, hence trying the calming spray (not for me!)Time will tell if it has any effect.
Earlier on we had a good walk and some ball throwing to get lots of steam out and hopefully make the woofs more tired for tonight. HA! I should known better...bit of dinner and ever since its been play play far they've managed to rip apart their new toys that are supposed to be tough...and they've only had them 2 hours so far! :rolleyes: Some have had emergency stiches already to keep them on the play little longer for tonight until I get them properly sewed together later date. I might have to spray the some more of the calmer later on...double to doze or make them snort it! :p
Maybe I should not tempt the fait saying this but things have been quiet so far...fingers crossed it ain't gonna be too bad.
I'm glad to report from my neck of the woods that folk must have run out of money as we had surprisingly few fireworks!!! YAYY for that! Dogs did had few barks but that's about it, other wise we were curled up on floor on big bean bag, roasting our backsides on front of fire and watching some films with VERY loud volume on. I'm sure the calming spray did its job too as they are not normally as laid back and stay in one place that long. Now fingers crossed that the stupid ones don't start blasting the fireworks next few days as well.
How did you all coped with your little ones?
Not much as far as fireworks go here, usually... but we are planning a quiet evening / later dinner at our house with close family, so we took Baby Miles on an extra long walk + off leash play with dogs at the beach, he will be perfectly content under the dinner table :)
What an awful night, not so much for us as the cbd oil did work quite well. But there was mist and of course the idiots still let off fireworks so it made the mist worse, there were several pile ups on motorways leading here, at least 50 cars 19 injured and one dead in just one of the crashes. One eye hospital has reported admitting 19 people with half having lost at least one eye. Bus shelters , bins, cars and houses have burned.In other areas people have died in a flat fire when they used the lift. If you dont know this you should never use the lift in a fire because the lift shaft acts as a chimney and draws in the smoke plus if the power goes out the lift will get stuck and you will bake like a turkey in tin foil... Not a nice way to die.
Just across the border in Germany a zoo faces tragedy as fireworks hit the ape enclosure and none of the animals housed there could be saved..
All for a stupid date change... Im sorry I just dont understand the need for any of it.
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All for a stupid date change... Im sorry I just dont understand the need for any of it.

A few fireworks and a bit of revelry in the streets around midnight is fine, but what you describe is hell, and there are no excuses for it, Mad Murphy - it should be regarded as pure criminal activity and treated accordingly. It sounds post-apocalyptic, but the apocalypse is only meant to happen once, not every year :(

We had a relatively quiet evening with DS2's fiance's family, but I was still ready to drop when they left in the early hours. I can't do late nights any more! Jasper was very good throughout, though we shut him in t'other room when we were eating our buffet-type food in the front room - with 8 people with food on their knees, he'd have made a succesful smash & grab at some point!

My view of New Year:

@JudyN oh come on you missed the best bit..... what was on the wildlife cam??????

Haha, sorry to keep you in suspense :D It wasn't that exciting, to be honest - there were several clips of a fox (or possibly multiple foxes) going back and forth, a black cat and a tortie cat, and one mouse. I think we need to find a better position for the camera as it's quite close up and and has a narrower field than the motion detector - in several shots we could hear something but not see it.

However, we did discover that the fox(es) uses the hedgehog tunnel to get into and out of the garden :)

Jasper is so darn smart - DS2's fiance just said she wanted to go for a walk today and I said that if she was up earlier, she could have come out with me and DS2 this morning... and Jasper immediately stuck his head up expectantly - 'Go out? With DS2? I'm up for that!'
Fortunately Folly is not bothered by fireworks, if their is a loud one she might lift her head for a second but that's all. But I can not understand all the fuss, and what does get me snarling at the tv is when some idiot talks about either the end or the start of a decade. Of course each new year is the first of a set of ten but they don't mean that. Their was no year zero, therefore the first decade started at one and ended at ten. Therefore 2020 is the last of a decade. In the same way the year 2000 was not the start of a new millennium it was the last year of one. The millennium we are in started with year 2001
That's just the sort of thing that annoys me, @Biker John... and then no one else understands why I find it annoying!

And then there's saying 'She's in her 16th year' when someone is 16 - no, she's in her 17th year! (Though if they say I'm in my 5th decade rather than my 6th, I don't mind half as much....;))