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I guess at some point there was a rabbit in @JudyN 's household :D

I had to go back and check the photo, @Ari_RR ! No, a rabbit is one pet I've never had (and I think it's a hare on that Xmas card)! Animals do feature a lot in that photo, though - a Guernsey cow (the breed my grandad had), a polar bear, and a couple of spotty sighthounds at either end of the mantelpiece (won in a LurcherLink auction):)

We have quite a few more - there's prints of a fennec fox and a serval in that room (by the artist Gary Hodges), prints of a borzoi (OH's Xmas present) and hares in here, a penguin and a snow leopard (more Gary Hodges) in our bedroom, a duck in the loo...
Some random rattle and thoughts coming on this morning..
I have just let my dogs down on their cushions and they are happily having their morning snooze...while having my morning cuppa, I was wondering what kind of routines/habits does other people have with their dogs?
In our house morning cuddles are the firm favourite...quiet kisses and hugging, drawing some body heat and energy from each other.
For some reason it has always happened with all my dogs. I've never forced it upon them, they just learn to do it when they know I like and appreciate the moment of closeness. Maybe it is because I've always made the quiet sighing noises when ever we hug to let them know that it is appreciated. Why not...they do that same when they are happy and when I've pulled their blanket over them for 'nighty nights' :D
Even when I've been dog sitting some of the neighbours dogs, they've been happily doing the same. One particular Labradoodle, big old boy now, though he don't come around here anymore he still wants to hug and kiss when we meet on the street and his owner is baffled..."he has never kissed or hugged us!?" So I had to explain to them, when ever their boy have stayed over night, I sleep on settee, make their dog's bed next to me on floor so all I have to do during night when they stir is I stretch my arm and touch them. It is all about showing one's love and sleep with them! ;):rolleyes: And turned out they never let the dog upstairs where they sleep or even allow it on settee...I suspect hugs were in short supply from their behalf.
Yeah...I'm really touchy feely dog 'mum'...that is one of the biggest reasons I keep having dogs, I've always craved a dog company and their closeness.
I suppose for certain extent it does work with other animals too...though my experiments with that is limited. Chickens do like to have a nap on the lap...cats make their own mind, they are either 'into' cuddling or not and we don't have much saying to it. I'm sure lot of animals would settle close contacts if they get the right vibes from us humans...??
This is what I'm talking of my old ones (not around anymore)..we were having morning cuddles and I usually ended up with sore neck as she really didn't want to break it up in a hurry... 100_5276.JPG and the 'new' girls are doing now doing the same. I don't appreciate 'clinging attitude' but healthy hugging is NICE.
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Still rattling on...
Whoooaaa...I just notice my little one (6 1/2 months) have just started her first season..well the evidence is there so I suppose she is few days into it. Gosh...that feels bit 'early'...she is still a PUP! o_O....or was..:(.
My other one was 8 months when her first one came up and that felt bit more appropriate, or at least had reach her full size. Older one was almost in shock when it started, didn't know what day it was and what was happening to her. I had to show her how to go on 'down there'. But little one, she is acting totally 'normal' and gets on with it like nothing has happened!? Hence it did came up unexpectedly and the start escaped my radar. There is always life's little surprises ahead.
They do grow up so quickly...puppy time doesn't take that long.
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I have boy dogs but they love a cuddle.all our dogs have always slept in or around our bedroom they have beds but they are always welcome to come for a cuddle.
I find a dog to be a huge comfort and they help me sleep just knowing they are there gives me a kind of peace that I don't get from anything else.
when Benny died we found ourselves sleep-deprived every creak and groan in the house had us sitting up in bed thinking someone was breaking in. not that a 15-year old blind beagle would have saved us from anything bigger than a mouse.!
I have boy dogs but they love a cuddle.all our dogs have always slept in or around our bedroom they have beds but they are always welcome to come for a cuddle.
I find a dog to be a huge comfort and they help me sleep just knowing they are there gives me a kind of peace that I don't get from anything else.
when Benny died we found ourselves sleep-deprived every creak and groan in the house had us sitting up in bed thinking someone was breaking in. not that a 15-year old blind beagle would have saved us from anything bigger than a mouse.!
Oh they are comfort indeed and more. I think..err, no, I USE mine as my water bottles. One sleeping around ankles and other under arm and I'm snug as a pug.
It was couple of years ago when we had to put Amber to sleep (one in the photo), we knew we would have another one again but it did surprise us that we lasted only few hours when the 'empty house syndrome' and 'nothing to touch' feeling really did hit home. That same day we started search to get new fluff in house. They never replace the previous mutt, each is unique...but it certainly ease the pain help you get over it.
Boys or girls....we've never noticed any difference with quality of quantity of cuddles involved, we've just started to prefer to keep girls for some other reasons.
You did well with your beagle..15 is good age!
Our morning routine is we get up, (Folly sleeps with me), she goes out in the back garden while I brew a cup of tea. She comes in and after getting the paper from the front door I sit in an armchair with the paper and tea. Folly jumps up, we have a few mins of fussing and chatting then she settles herself with her bum by my left hip and her head on my leg. We have around half an hour me reading the paper and drinking my tea with her ears getting fondled when my hands are free. She appears to enjoy the time and I have to say I love that half hour.
Our morning routine is we get up, (Folly sleeps with me), she goes out in the back garden while I brew a cup of tea. She comes in and after getting the paper from the front door I sit in an armchair with the paper and tea. Folly jumps up, we have a few mins of fussing and chatting then she settles herself with her bum by my left hip and her head on my leg. We have around half an hour me reading the paper and drinking my tea with her ears getting fondled when my hands are free. She appears to enjoy the time and I have to say I love that half hour.
Aww....that sounds really cosy. Our friends know every movement we make and what it leads to. Do you share you tea and bickies with her too?;):D
Mine know before I do when it is walk in the forest day or if it is playing with ball on the field. That is associated with various excitement levels. LOL...sometimes I tell mine night before what is about to happen in the morning and they will be up bright and early and I can forget morning cuddles...'are we going yet!?'
Oh how much I envy this...

My morning routine:
Wake up Baby Miles. This process starts around 5 am, and if I am lucky by 5:30 or 6 we are ready to roll out the door.
An hour walk. Sometimes longer, if he gets stuck somewhere on the way and refuses to move, or goes into “I want to jump on my human and rip his gloves apart” states.
Finally get back home, and feed the little beast, then play some nice and quiet game, after which he usually goes back to sleep.
Run to the shower, no time for breakfast, hop in the car and drive to the train station, sometimes catching the train to work, sometimes missing it.....

Weekend mornings are much nicer though! Really, need to stop working, I think... work interferes with life too much!
Oh how much I envy this...

My morning routine:
Wake up Baby Miles. This process starts around 5 am, and if I am lucky by 5:30 or 6 we are ready to roll out the door.
An hour walk. Sometimes longer, if he gets stuck somewhere on the way and refuses to move, or goes into “I want to jump on my human and rip his gloves apart” states.
Finally get back home, and feed the little beast, then play some nice and quiet game, after which he usually goes back to sleep.
Run to the shower, no time for breakfast, hop in the car and drive to the train station, sometimes catching the train to work, sometimes missing it.....

Weekend mornings are much nicer though! Really, need to stop working, I think... work interferes with life too much! must be naturally early riser to keep that going. Morning lark perhaps? Yeah...going to work is bugger when we have such a nice company to look after.
Jasper's not a very cuddly dog - and can go from 'I love you, fondle my ears' to 'Don't TOUCH me!!' rather quickly - particularly in the morning. Not that I'm any different ;)

We have slightly different morning routines depending on whether it's a weekday or weekend and whether I or OH get up first. Either way, either Jasper or the alarm wakes us up at 7am, if I'm up first I'll let him out, then feed him, then he wants to go out again. (OH feeds J after his breakfast.) Then he'll want his walk around an hour after that.

He must have been looking his best today - we were headed home from afternoon walk at school chucking-out time, and he decided to have a little lie-down on the verge, as he does. A schoolgirl walking past said, 'Your dog's nice':) After a few minutes I managed to persuade him to get a move on, and as we set off again a car slowed down and the driver opened the window and called, 'I like your dog!'

Sad (to me) news yesterday - Jasper's vet, 'Uncle Malcolm', is retiring :( I've been seeing him with assorted pets for well over 20 years and he's excellent. He's very down-to-earth and conservative, and never tries to sell you lotions & potions if he thinks a bit of salt water will do the job. Everyone loves Uncle Malcolm (with the exception of Jasper, who is always one to bear a grudge), there will be a lot of pet owners sorry to see him leave.
Jasper's not a very cuddly dog - and can go from 'I love you, fondle my ears' to 'Don't TOUCH me!!' rather quickly - particularly in the morning. Not that I'm any different ;)..
..He must have been looking his best today - we were headed home from afternoon walk at school chucking-out time, and he decided to have a little lie-down on the verge, as he does. A schoolgirl walking past said, 'Your dog's nice':) After a few minutes I managed to persuade him to get a move on, and as we set off again a car slowed down and the driver opened the window and called, 'I like your dog!'
LOL....sometimes they do to show their best side, it is nice feeling when others can see too what our rose tinted glasses show for us ;). Drawing all that attention..I bet it made you day! :D
Still rattling on...
Whoooaaa...I just notice my little one (6 1/2 months) have just started her first season..well the evidence is there so I suppose she is few days into it. Gosh...that feels bit 'early'...she is still a PUP! o_O....or was..:(.
My other one was 8 months when her first one came up and that felt bit more appropriate, or at least had reach her full size. Older one was almost in shock when it started, didn't know what day it was and what was happening to her. I had to show her how to go on 'down there'. But little one, she is acting totally 'normal' and gets on with it like nothing has happened!? Hence it did came up unexpectedly and the start escaped my radar. There is always life's little surprises ahead.
They do grow up so quickly...puppy time doesn't take that long.
(proud mum talk..) little pup is like a different girl! Being in season has taken wind off from her usually so full sails and she is relatively calm, had even her day time naps,so I've managed to have little bit of me time too! I'm living in hope that she might one day prove to be calmer adult, fingers crossed. So far so good....she almost mess free girl, looking after herself very well indeed. And to celebrate a good day, dogs are having a chew a piece and I have little something chest warming in my glass...cheers! ;)
Jasper's not a very cuddly dog - and can go from 'I love you, fondle my ears' to 'Don't TOUCH me!!' rather quickly - particularly in the morning. Not that I'm any different ;)

We have slightly different morning routines depending on whether it's a weekday or weekend and whether I or OH get up first. Either way, either Jasper or the alarm wakes us up at 7am, if I'm up first I'll let him out, then feed him, then he wants to go out again. (OH feeds J after his breakfast.) Then he'll want his walk around an hour after that.

He must have been looking his best today - we were headed home from afternoon walk at school chucking-out time, and he decided to have a little lie-down on the verge, as he does. A schoolgirl walking past said, 'Your dog's nice':) After a few minutes I managed to persuade him to get a move on, and as we set off again a car slowed down and the driver opened the window and called, 'I like your dog!'

Sad (to me) news yesterday - Jasper's vet, 'Uncle Malcolm', is retiring :( I've been seeing him with assorted pets for well over 20 years and he's excellent. He's very down-to-earth and conservative, and never tries to sell you lotions & potions if he thinks a bit of salt water will do the job. Everyone loves Uncle Malcolm (with the exception of Jasper, who is always one to bear a grudge), there will be a lot of pet owners sorry to see him leave.
Talking about 'looking his best', your post just brought a sweet memory up about one of my old dogs. She was most friendly little girl, did know how to behave if she wanted to but usually she was more of a 'lively' one and very enthusiastic meeting and greeting people.
One of our neighbours, who we call 'dragon lady', because of her attitude that would put even 'Hyasinth Buket' into light weight catery. She used to have big old Labrador that would not behave what ever 'Dragon' would scream at it. And why would you...she didn't know how to talk nicely to anybody unless you had some influence and money.
But my clever girl would know how to behave when that woman was around. She would walk like a show perfect heel, nose up to air and would not even look or react to her presence and would carry on like that until we would get next street or behind the corner, out of site. She was clearly determined to ignore her and show how her dog should behave :D:cool: What can I say....I LOVED that dog and I practically 'high fived' her intelligence...rests of the time I didn't mind if she was rather a free spirit. At least she wasn't jumpy kind of greeter so she had many friends and lot of people liked to meet and greet her.
I have such a fond memories about her and sadly she did pass away bit too early. :(
Folly jumps up, we have a few mins of fussing and chatting then she settles herself with her bum by my left hip and her head on my leg.
That's awesome.
Baby Miles can be very cuddly. Especially on weekend mornings, when there is no need to wake up early.
Which was great when he was little, but now becoming a bit overbearing at times.

And now:
That's awesome.
Baby Miles can be very cuddly. Especially on weekend mornings, when there is no need to wake up early.
Which was great when he was little, but now becoming a bit overbearing at times.

And now:
:D:D:D...but but...that is how it should be. The best cuddles are just like that! Though yours is a little bit larger 'pup'....:rolleyes: AWWWWWWWWW....who needs some air..over rated 'stuff'...
A friend of mine has a cross between an English Mastiff and a Dogue de Bordeaux. (You can imagine its size), that loves to get on her sofa with her, when it was small it put its head on her leg, now it still does but it virtually covers her legs.
I got knocked over by a dogue de Bordeaux last year - just an accident, she is a fully grown puppy who just didn't have complete control of her limbs and misjudged where she was and where I was. But OMG I knew all about it!
The Mastiff cross is a lovely natured very friendly happy dog. But my friend, who in general is not very confident, feels perfectly safe walking it and I am sure if a fella was wandering round as a risk to a female she would be safe. In that as soon as they caught sight of her dog they would decide to leave her alone, Note that is not the reason she got it but it is a useful side benefit.
The Mastiff cross is a lovely natured very friendly happy dog. But my friend, who in general is not very confident, feels perfectly safe walking it and I am sure if a fella was wandering round as a risk to a female she would be safe. In that as soon as they caught sight of her dog they would decide to leave her alone, Note that is not the reason she got it but it is a useful side benefit.
It is 'funny' how people's perception about dog's nature is often linked with their size...'larger they are and more they have to be aware'. Yeah, it makes sense that big mouth means big strong bite.
Maybe I've been lucky in life as I've never met that many dogs that I've been frightened of or having to be wary of, and certainly it has never been in a case with a big dog. As a kid, rotties and such that we had in our neighbourhood, they were all very friendly to pet or play with. When I was a nipper, even my gran's dog (Karelian Bear Dog) who was supposedly unpredictable and 'nasty'. Well, I was warned not to go into his pen...and what did I do and often too?...yes, I sneaked in to give fuss :rolleyes:
Never had issues with it...nor with gran parents next one that followed him, another 'not so child friendly one'.
As a child, all I ever wanted was a dog and looking at back... going against all the warnings and orders never stopped me to get the 'doggy fix'. Or should I say, I now know why I did it but back in then, I just didn't see any reason not to go and chat and pet them..'hmp..daft adults!'
Only dog I can recall ever being vary of was our next door neighbours Shih Tzu, spoiled rotten without any proper boundaries....that was nasty even towards its own owners. Usually the worst bark comes from the little ones...
When being on the receiving end of 'attention' of a small dog, their sharp and snappy reaction does make anybody to jump for sure!
Although big breeds are not suitable for me, I do admit they are utterly awesome. If I win in a lottery..I buy a big house with some land around it and get heard of dogs of different shapes and sizes...:cool::D
As for your friend...glad to hear that owning a big dog is giving her confidence to go out and about on her own. Every dog has it is uses/benefits.