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So sorry to hear your mum has had to go through so much..but I agree with Jo about complaining after your mum has received treatment and has left hospital,....we had a real battle with father in laws care and that was with us going in every day monitoring him sometimes twice...but some of the staff saw us as trouble makers and took it out on him ...I know it's not right but it does happen ...I would concentrate on getting her through this and make a complaint later on ...
And unless you have money complaining doesn't seem to help :(
Please let us know how she gets on xxx
That’s awful @Mad Murphy

I do think that they have different views with the elderly.

I always remember that when my grannie broke her wrist she had it fixed and put into a cast but when they went for a check up (first time cast came off) my mum overheard the doctors say they hadn’t set it right but never mind she’s old.

My grannie is so active and was still playing badminton! If she had left it how they set it she would have had so many issues.

In the end she went private and had to have it re-broken and set.
That’s awful @Mad Murphy

I do think that they have different views with the elderly.

I always remember that when my grannie broke her wrist she had it fixed and put into a cast but when they went for a check up (first time cast came off) my mum overheard the doctors say they hadn’t set it right but never mind she’s old.

My grannie is so active and was still playing badminton! If she had left it how they set it she would have had so many issues.

In the end she went private and had to have it re-broken and set.

Ive liked your post but not if you get my drift.. Im horrified that anyone could be so callous,luckily your gran was able to get it sorted but she shouldnt have had to.

We now think mum has nothing to loose...if we complain afterwards they just make excuses (weve tried it before) basically they blamed her for not making more of a fuss while she was in hospital and said that they couldnt know something was wrong if no one told them, so this time we are telling them and loudly.. My sister in law found her copy of mums medical records so she now has a copy of what was said back then to compare with what they are claiming was said and what they claim is wrong now,
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They definitely do this with the older generation!

My grandad had the same, terrible knee pain and they wouldn’t take him seriously because he’s 95 but because he wouldn’t leave them alone they did a full knee replacement and it’s been great!
Bob's dad had :mad::mad:gangrene in his foot due to insufficient blood flow...they wouldn't amputate his leg although he had a strong heart and would have survived...reason why they wouldn't he was 92 and the operation was too expensive for his age he died of Sepsis :(
Bob's dad had :mad::mad:gangrene in his foot due to insufficient blood flow...they wouldn't amputate his leg although he had a strong heart and would have survived...reason why they wouldn't he was 92 and the operation was too expensive for his age he died of Sepsis :(
That is absolutely shocking.
Bob's dad had :mad::mad:gangrene in his foot due to insufficient blood flow...they wouldn't amputate his leg although he had a strong heart and would have survived...reason why they wouldn't he was 92 and the operation was too expensive for his age he died of Sepsis :(

OMG thats practically murder!
Collage 2019-12-18 17_28_59.jpg
Sorry for these graphic pics ...
This is how a 92 yr old human was left despite dressing it every day i knew it would never get better and spent 6 weeks fighting health care professionals (except an amazing podiatrist )
Bob's dad had :mad::mad:gangrene in his foot due to insufficient blood flow...they wouldn't amputate his leg although he had a strong heart and would have survived...reason why they wouldn't he was 92 and the operation was too expensive for his age he died of Sepsis :(

That’s awful :-(
View attachment 111978629 Sorry for these graphic pics ...
This is how a 92 yr old human was left despite dressing it every day i knew it would never get better and spent 6 weeks fighting health care professionals (except an amazing podiatrist )

And we call this healthcare????
If anyone was caught leaving a dog in that state they would be prosecuted... and rightly so...but because its an elderly human being we are supposed to accept it?
That is exactly what we said. seems we have an expiry date for healthcare now :mad::(
Its sad and terrifying
It seems to be a constant, sadly, the nhs is no longer the place it should be, I know every circumstance is different but the nursing staff are working in really bad conditions with the lack of fundings, most of the nurses with experience have left and those that haven't yet left are thoroughly disillusioned, frustrated and burnt out.. and sadly we are left with no continuity of care, a lack of simple basic skills as in just reading someones notes, very little in the way of referrals and support going on, bed shortages, people getting discharged too soon or with no support at home and worst of all there now seems to be an unspoken prioritising going on of who gets treatment and care. :( These are incredibly worrying times when it comes to health care. Personally I would like to see the PM and all MP's give up their private health care and let them and their families rely on the nhs as it is and then maybe they will understand and strive to actually save it!! Sorry for rant..but had a few experiences too over last couple of years and also used to work in the's 'fubar':(
I bet HRH didnt spend last night on a trolley in a corridor.. But of course money talks..

I wonder when they will just re-introduce workhouses?
On a less depressing note.. DD took OH out yesterday and I had a baking day. I had the radio on with lots of Christmas music and I made one large and two small fruit cakes (the small ones will be given as gifts to elderly people I know) two loaves of bread and two dozen mince pies.
Tomorrow I will make another two dozen mince pies, also as gifts.

OH was gently guided by DD to buying an appropriate gift for me and had a nice lunch out (something he rarely does these days) by the time they got home the house was tidy again and he was tired but happy.
I bet HRH didnt spend last night on a trolley in a corridor..

He also had surgery in his 90s - he wasn't told that he was too old to be worth bothering with...

And yet, and yet... let's not overlook all the times the NHS give great care. MIL wasn't considered suitable for surgery, but she was accompanied by SIL, who has medical training, the whole time and SIL is quite happy that the treatment given was correct, and says all the medical staff were lovely. All the medical staff I encountered when having my knee done were also lovely and caring... though if I'd had to rely on the physio available through the NHS recovery would have gone a lot less well. The medical memoirs by people such as Max Pemberton & Adam Kay show just how much pressure the staff are under (they're extremely funny too) - it is a crazy situation. Sometimes the gibbering wreck in A&E is the doctor, who hasn't had time to have a wee, let alone eat, in the past 12 hours.

This doesn't excuse the treatment described in the above posts, of course. We are still very lucky to have the NHS, we just need it to be decently funded and decently managed, and both staff and patients treated as humans. Not that I can see that happening any time soon :(
Well Ive heard from my SIL who emailed a pic..
The good news is the stent has been done and the swelling that has made her look grotesque for the last 3 months has finally started to go down, Her BP is more stable.

Bad news is that when they took the old line out of her chest they did so with only a spray anthestic on the skin so that she felt the scapel cutting into her body and digging out the old line. She screamed in pain and was told ‘dont fuss it will only take a moment’. She was left laying with bloodied sheets and pyjamas for several hours until a nurse came and changed them.

She is now petrified about the procedure to put the new line in,,:(