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@JudyN amazing how such a small thing can freak them out. For Murphy (and Benny before him) its the hay bales left in the fields in summer.. nasty scary things.

People assume dogs dont notice things but I changed the ornaments on the windowsill while George was out. He came home glanced around and straight away noticed what had changed and the new ornaments had to be inspected before he could relax.
Smae age as my Tilly ..Happy Birthday Jasper ....
I may have asked you before Judy ...where did you get Jasper from xx
@Buddy1, I love watching him trot/run - he moves so fluidly and gracefully, I can't believe that he's getting old!

@Kara 1, as he was our first dog (and we had a cat), we foolishly thought it would be best to avoid a rescue... he came from a woman up in Shropshire who worked her lurcher, decided to let her have just one litter, and selected the male carefully - another working dog. Both parents were beautiful, and well loved (we met the breeder several times after as she often holidayed in the New Forest), and at that time I thought that all an owner had to do was make sure they always ate before the dog to reinforce their status and the rest would fall into place.... I've learnt a lot since then!
Tilly was from a lovely couple in Hertfordshire. ..we tried alot of rescues but because our existing lurcher was 10 yrs old they wouldn't let us rehome a pup ...
They bred lurchers her mum was 3/4 deerhound x bearded collie.
Dad was whippet x saluki ...
They also bred whippet x bedlingtons but didnt advise them as pets just working dogs ....
Although Tilly is 10 she still walks 6 miles daily as does victor who is 13 ....
Jasper is larger than Tilly but they are so alike ;)
I saw that nature lover and broadcaster David Bellamy has died... I so enjoyed his shows as a child, I think it was his obvious love of what he was doing and his enthusiasm that was contagious... RIP ....
That's sad, MM - he was part of my childhood too :(

Jasper may have enjoyed his birthday too much yesterday, he threw up all of his breakfast within minutes of eating it. But then he ate it all again...:confused: Not with great relish, but being him, I wasn't going to intervene. He seems fine in himself though and still wanted to pre-wash my cereal bowl.

Hopefully it was just a one-off - I don't think he ate anything unusual yesterday apart from a chipolata sausage and a greasy baking tray...
Mums back in hospital again..This is her third stay.. Im glad. I know that sounds bad but its the best place for her even though they do nothing. In Nov she had an infection which they cleared with antibiotics and sent her home. They notice a leaky heart valave and said they would keep a close eye on her, she received an appointment for the cardiologist for May 2020.
But her face is so swollen that she looks like a sumo wrestler..You cant see her eyes and her hair looks like a sprig of grass on top of a grossly swollen face..
The hospital keep saying shes fluid overloaded but she is now only taking 250ml of fluid a day ( thats one cup)
I saw her via skype on Sunday and I was so shocked because she had only been released on Tuesday (1 week ago) she was supposed to be stable but I was so upset I told her to dial 999 .. Each time she tries to stand her BP drops through the floor and she faints or throwsup. I messaged her friend who decided enough was enough and took her back to A&E on Sunday evening.

I really hope they do something this time. I know she doesnt have much time left but there is no need to just ignore her like this.
@Mad Murphy , that doesn't sound good - I really hope she gets the care she needs and can be kept comfortable xx

After a year off, I'm still revelling in good squelchy dog walks. This bit used to be impassable unless you had the balance of an Olympic gymnast on a beam (it was forded by just a few thin branches), so I was quite excited by the improvements!

@JudyN thanks at least I know she is safe and wont fall down the stairs or anything..
I must say that walk looks a bit adventurous... be careful wont you...
I'm amazed I haven't ever gone bum over boobs and ended up splat in the mud! But I'm avoiding jumping over ditches now.
Can we just say, (before everyone vanishes for the festive season..) Merry Christmas.
We hope you all have a good time whatever you are doing or however you are spending the holidays.
May this year leave you nothing but happy memories and may the new one bring you peace and happiness.
G&M xmas.jpg
Sorry to hear about your mum MM but at least you know she is safe.
Phoned mum this evening shes very upset, after spending 7 hours in A&E she then spent a night in a corridor on a trolley only to be told by a doctor at 7am that she could go home and would be discharged. At that point she lost it big time and screamed that the hospital would have to drag her out because she wasnt leaving..
Result.. Shes in a side room has been examined and is now on the list for removal of her old dialysis line which they now say is compromised by the infection she had back in June :eek:, a stent to help with the heart problem and a new dialysis line, shes also having a scan of her chest to check if the old line has caused a build up of infected tissue which they say may be constantly re-infecting her making her ill.. A letter has also surfaced from her GP asking the hospital to look at her because he thinks she is at serious risk of a stroke..(they had previously ignored this letter)

My sister in law is going up tomorrow to read the riot act as well shes talking about a formal complaint regarding them sending mum home last week. I am :mad::mad::mad: but happy that there seems to be some action this time.
I wish I could do something but quite apart from the distance theres OH to think about and I cant be in two places at once..