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The Dog Cafe

Thank you for your kind thoughts, everyone:emoji_blue_heart:

I'm sorry that the first few posts in the Dog Cafe haven't been very cheerful! Though in other news... I was worried about Monty as he'd been in and out of his litter tray all day without managing to do anything other than get a messy bum, involving twice changing the towels on the floor in the airing cupboard and the mats surrounding the litter tray, and mopping up his 'floor art', once giving his bum a good wash and once giving him a bath... I was wondering about phoning the emergency vet and contemplating the consequences of giving him a laxative......:eek: But, I'm very glad to be able to announce......

He's done a poo!!!! :D:D:D

Please, someone else tell me that they've had a lovely normal day with their dog, with no illness or poo involved!
T had a lovely poo this morning. Not too big, but perfectly formed . Its a pity he woke us up at 5.30 to tell us he needed to do it - but at least he did.
I did say no poo, but a perfectly formed poo done in the appropriate place, even if not the appropriate time, is always worth celebrating!
Sorry to hear about your mum in law judy ...sending love to you and your family xx
Ok we had a lovely walk yesterday morning with both boys behaving themselves and a spectacular sunrise thrown in..
DSCN9219 - kopie.JPG

This morning we walked in the woods , the first part is where dogs are allowed off lead but given that both George and Murphy are hunters, (the woods are full of rabbits deer squirrels and other wildlife) and that the edge of the woods leads directly onto a fast main road we dont let them off.
We met a woman with a Vizsla who was very excited to see us , oh let them off to play she said ..
When we said no because they cant be trusted . She indignantly told us 'but this is an off lead area'
She then went on to inform us that it was no problem and that even hunting dogs come back eventutally but anyway if they are playing with other dogs they forget about hunting...
Well thank you Mrs know it all... I said goodmorning and walked away before my dark side took over and I pushed her in the canal... I hate people who think they know your dogs better than you do and try to make you look an idiot when you express caution.

Sorry for the rant,, Yesterdays sunrise was great though..
Thank you Flobo :)

Today, Monty the geriatric cat deciced to come downstairs for, to my knowledge, the first time in months, maybe a year or more. It was a good job I was standing at the bottom, because there was no way he could manage - he stumbled on the very first step, and had rolled halfway down by the time I got to him and picked him up. He wasn't hurt, thank goodness - I took him downstairs and he spent about 10 mins wandering from room to room, some rooms several times, followed by a very curious Jasper for whom this was quite a novelty! Finally, he climbed back upstairs - at least he can manage that.

So now, as well as a stairgate to stop Jasper getting into his domain, I probably need one to stop him trying to come downstairs when I'm not there to catch him :confused:

OH kicked Jasper in the head this evening:eek: Accidentally of course. He was bent his leg up to pull a shoe off while standing, not realising J was right behind him. Poor J was most upset, and needed lots of treats and fuss to get over it. He has a small nick just below one eye, so it could have been a lot worse.
There's nothing better than coming in from the cold and having Jasper bring me one of my slippers :) Then I sit down and put it down to take my shoes off, and he snatches it so he can give it to me again :mad: Then, when I put it on and ask him to get the other one, he grabs my trainer and gives me that... and I say, 'No, not that one, the one like this, in there... [gesticulating towards the study],' and he goes off and brings my other slipper:emoji_blue_heart:
Pip has a bit of a cough . It could be a mild form of kennel cough.
Im soaking his food for him .
I hope Pip is OK, Dibby. Do you need to keep him away from other dogs till he's better?
Pip has a bit of a cough . It could be a mild form of kennel cough.
Im soaking his food for him .

Hope Pip is better soon..
My good news , mum is home.. On the frustrating side they still are not sure what caused the problem and cant be sure it wont happen again they think its a reaction to medication. On the downright disgusting..Mum is a diabetic but due to the swelling in her face she couldnt see very well.. On Monday evening after nurses kept saying her sugar levels were high she asked for one of the staff to check her insulin pen.. The nurse did and said it was fine, on Tuesday morning she asked another nurse to check it and this time they discovered the pen had no needle in it.. (these are hair fine needles and after so many years she doesnt feel the injection) So her sugar levels are due to the fact she has probably had no insulin since being admitted...:mad:
Thank goodness your mum is home MM ...
Mistakes are made and overlooked in hospital all the time :mad:we felt like we were fighting every day when father in law was in hospital ....
Everything crossed your mum doesnt have to go back xxxx
Oh MM, how frustrating - hopefully in the future they'll check for missing needles. I hope your mum continues to recover.

After SIL had an operation many years ago and was cathaterised, they wouldn't remove the catheter until they knew she was passing water OK. They waited... and waited... and waited, wondering why her bladder wasn't exploding, till someone noticed a very large damp patch in the carpet under the bed. The bag had a leak!
I hope Pip is OK, Dibby. Do you need to keep him away from other dogs till he's better?

He hasn't been coughing tonight . Libby is fine. I have still been walking him. I try to keep them away from other dogs anyway but they tend to run up .
What are you doing at Christmas. mum dad , brother and his son will come for the day ...
Boxing day we are taking our kitchen out and fitting another .....
Since my grandchildren have grown up Christmas isn't the same :(:(:(
Looking forward to buying a real tree this year:)