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Fritz with all four paws in the air and the same picture flipped the other way around.It looks like his smiling and maybe flying at the same time.Fritz is snoozing on mom and dad's bed,getting rested for tomorrow's visit from his Aunties.Last night,he didn't want to go to bed.he was under the couch,growling at me,so mom got a piece of wiener and that got him out and to his bed for the night. -_-
Fritz with Aunty Irene ,greeting Aunty Bev and Fritz with Aunty Bev in the living room chair.Fritz had a good time with them.Fritz watched for them from the front window and when he saw them come,off he went to the back door,paws on the door watching for them and tail started going when they came into view.Fritz gave them big kisses and licks and got his usual treats.He went on some short walks as it was wet and rainy here.When Fritz wasn't walking,he was snoozing on either Bev's or Irene's lap.Fritz watched us from the front window as we went for supper and then he headed off to the bedroom to snooze.When we got back,he was in the window and we told him to go to the back door and he did.We brought him home a chicken finger which he had with his own food.This morning,his porridge was too hot,so he had to for a walk and it cooled off some when he got back and he ate it.Everytime after coming in,he has to have fresh water.Fritz will see them again in a couple of weeks as we are going for a ride up north and for dinner,then the next day we are going with my sister and her husband for supper as the day after this it is my dad's 80th birthday.He thinks the Saturday supper is the big dinner as he don't know about the May 7 dinner yet. :lol:
Fritz sitting on the back of the chair,mom took the picture,me (Barry) watching and Fritz playing with his trust old pal,the monkey squeaky.Fritz was at the groomers yestyerday and had a good time playing with the cats and he had lots of dog friends there,including two Bichons.he snoozed after he had supper and he pretty much stayed up with dad last night and slept with him while mom went and played cards.Fritz is snoozing now in the living room.
Fritz peeking out from under the bed.didn't do a whole lot of playing yesterday,except playing with a water bottle.Fritz did have nice snooze on my shoes at the back ddor and even napped under the little rec room couch with his monkey.Had a snooze on my bed,snoozed on the coffee table,rested next to dad,holding on to the bottle with his paw. -_-
Fritz with a cute pose on my bed,begging for a treat.Fritz did something that amazed us all.on Monday,I was watching t.v in the kitchen(kickboxing) and fritz was looking up at the t.v.,growling and wagging his tail,then he looked at the counter and growled,thoght he wanted a bone,wasn't it.Fritz then went under the dining room table and looked at me and growled.Mom said I should sit i alivingroom chair to see if he ould come,he didn't and i then went to the bedroom and that wasn't it..turns he either doesn't like kickboxing or he doesn't like somebody watching tv. in a room meant for eating.A couple of morning this wek,Fritz slept half the morning in their bed and mom couldn't make it.Another night,he took his monkey under the rec room,using it as a pillow.fritz is now on mom's lap looking for a treat of cookie.
My Shining Star Fritz using his begging to wrangle a treat from me.He has had a morning snooze in mom and dad's bed,in a living room chair,has barked at kids waiting for a school bus and is now curled up on their bed snoozing.Fritz is resting up for his big day tiomorrow with his Aunties.He had a Bichon Blitz with his Monkey last night and tired him out and he did eventually make his way to snooze with dad until it was time to go to his bed. -_-
Fritz snoozing on my bed,paws over his eyes.Fritz had a good time on Saturday.Fritz didn't know the Aunties were coming and was pleasantly suprised when he saw them.Fritz slept on both their laps on the ride up north(Bobcaygeon,Ontario).When we got there,the Aunties and mom went shopping while dad and i stayed with Fritz in the van,Fritz sleeping next to me on the back seat.When they got back ,Auntie Bev walked Fritz the block to the restaurant while the rest of us drove.Fritz stayed curled up in the van while we had supper.We kept checking on him by going to the window and looking down on him and he was sleeping away.Fritz slept half on me and half on Auntie Bev on the way to their apartment.Fritz slept on dad's lap part of the way home and dad gave him to mewhere he slept beside me the rest of the way home and he continued sleeping when we got home.We had a suprise birthday dinner for my dad on Sunday(turned 80 yesterday)and he was suprised to see the Aunties,his brother ,my sister and her husband and some friends.I had prime rib of beef,way too much,finished it for dinner yesterday and today.Had a very good cake,dad got lots of cards and thanked everyone for coming,could'nt get over on how he got suprised.Fritz was suprised to see his Aunties Sunday night as they stayed overnight. i brought balloons home and Fritz didn't like the balloons ,growling and barking at them.He got a couple of walks in and had to have fresh water after both of them.Had a couple of walks yesterday and he sulked when they went home and wouldn't kiss them goodbye,i didn't either.Fritz just took his Monkey upstairs to hide somewhere. 8)
fritz in front of the fireplace,hoping for someone like me to fill his food dish.Yesterday,Mom was using window cleaner attached to a hose and Fritz didn't like the noise the water made hitting the window,got scared and shaking,then went and curled up in a corner of ther kitchen.He later grabbed a magazine of mom's and ripped it and mom was not pleased.he also grabbed a skin of a muskmelon and wouldn't give it up,growling fiercely at me and dad and he did give it up..Fritz is now up in the window an dhe won't see anybody out walking as it has been raining most of the day.
Fritz half under my bed snoozinghe is sleeping presently under the little rec room couch,his head sticking out.Yesterday,Fritz was at the top of the stairs yipping and he did this three times and I thought he wanted out,but when i go to him,he would run off,he was playing with me.Mom went up the fourth time and he went out.Fritz was just tormenting me,maybe that i took my sock from him.Mom got a Rooster statue and set it out on the patio,fritz didn't like it and barked at from inside the back door.When hen had to go out,he qwent to it to sniff it to see if it was real and now it is no problem. :eek:
Fritz on the coffee table with a big smile on his face with his Monkey,probably after a big play.Note his reflection in the glass top.Mom and Dad bought a Flamingo statue,wings move and head moves on a spring.Fritz went over to it and sniffed it and then went and layed down,it was just another bird to him i guess.
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Fritz flipped over with four paws inb the air and the same picture flipped over making it look like he is flying.Fritz is now up on mom and dad's bed,up against the pillow,all fours in tthe air.
Fritz having a big nap on mom and dad's got another Rooster,that is no problem for Fritz,the more birds around, the merrier.Had a snooze in the front window and then went to their bed and snoozed until mom came and got him and put him to bed a few minutes ago. :lol:
Two different shots of fritz snoozing with dad.Right now,he is up in the window in the living room.He rests all day and plays at night and now he just got out of the window,don't know what he is up to.He got a card from his Aunties for his 4th birthday which is next week and they can't wait to see him.he is getting groomed on Thursday,so he will be looking rather handsome. 8)
Fritz curled up on mom and dad's bed.
Fritz relaxing in front of the fireplace,on the chair searching for his monkey and doing his famous situp routine when he wants to go out or up to the living room window.We had a thunderstorm roll through her on Wednesday and Fritz got scared and was shaking and panting.He stayed under the dining room table and wouldn't come out,he only came out when dad picked him up and put him on the couch.Had another storm later,this time he was downstairs.He did hear it but it didn't bother him as much,but he did pant a little.He looks really spiffy as he was at the groomers yesterday,so he will look nice for his Aunties tomorrow and it is his 4th birthday and mom's birthday also.He now has a nice rabbit squeaky,a new blue collar and he got a blue scarf at the groomers. :))
Fritz doing his famous situp for going out or up to the front window and Fritz with a big grin on the back of the chair.Had a good time on Saturday,weather did not cooperate as it rained all day and Fritz couldn't lay under the Maple Tree.Fritz watched his Aunties come from the front window and as soon as they pulled in the driveway,he headed to the back door and where he stood and watch tail going.He gave big kisses and got treats.He got a soccer ball squeaky,Pedigree Marrobone with real Marrow and Iams Seslect Bites plus the cake.Got a few pictures,waiting for his Aunties at the window,the back door,greeting them ,snoozing,licking plate clean of cake.Auntie Bev got a picture of Mom and Fritz with Auntie Irene holding the cake and i was just about to take my picture,Auntie Irene accidenatally dropped it on the floor and i didn't get a picture but will get a copy of Auntie Bev's.We did salvage some cake to eat and Fritz some and helped clean my plate also.He had a snooze later and ende up under the small couch and didn't want to come out and growled at me.We were going to leave him ther until I managed to push him out..Yesterday morning,Fritz jumps on mom and dad's bed and sits and waves his paws,wanting to be covered ,so they obliged and he was still sitting when that happened.Yesterday,we went to supper with my sister and husband,it was my mom's birthday the day before.Larry,my sister's husband didn't feel too well,stomach hurting and he went to the car to lay down.She wanted to take him to the hospital ,wouldn't go at first,but went later,had an enema and is feeling a little better today.It could be a gall bladder problem,so we will have to wait and see.Taffy stayed here with us last night and into this morning. :(
Fritz in his hiding spot under the small couch and keeping the monkey company while keeping cool on the air register.A couple of days ago,mom thought Fritz wasn't feeling his best as he was sleeping all over the house,not doing a lot.All he was doing was saving his energy for a play with his Monkey and Rabbit.yesterday,he played with his soccer ball and he comes to me to throw it and i ask him he was playing in the World Cup,so I threw it and he tried to catch it and bounced off his head as if he was heading the ball .Fritz is now outside on the back step cooling off. :clown:
awwwwwwwwwwww so cute we have a Bichon frise
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fritz being content at the the back door and Fritz snoozing under the covers of my bed.That morning,Fritz came in and looked at me,jumped up and crawled under the covers.I then got the camera and got the picture.On tuesday,Fritz had to go the vet for a heartworm needle and was nervous before going and when he got there and had a little bathroom accident.he had two needles,one in the hip and the other in the back of the neck.That night,i picked him up to bring downstairs and i din't know about his hip and it hurt him and he went under the small couch and didn't want to come out.H ecried out while under there as it hurt him.he took his time going up the stairs and did not want anyone touching him.Fritz is fine now and had a play with his squeaky toys.We went to my niece's on Sunday and had cake as it was brandyn's 5th birthday.he had a party earlier in the day with friends and they played in a blowup castle in the backyard.Samantha looks good,wouldn't know anything is wrong with her.She has some hair now, and the shunt is still in her head,might come out at some point.She can stand up and balance herself,but finds it easier to crawl.she can say her brother's name and her mother pointed out him in a picture and she pointed at it. got pictures.will show them when i have them. :eek:
Fritz in various sitting positions around the house.Fritz begging for treat from dad,sitting next to Auntie Irene,smile on face,begging Aunties for a walk.begging me to go out,sitting on back of chair and being cozy with dad while holding on to water bottle with his paw.Fritz is a little pushy with water now.He will want me to fill his dish downstairs and then go upstairs and to fill the dish upstairs.Last night,he went upstairs and barked and wanted a bone out of the can in the kitchen.He wa hungry as he had brought up all his supper.We did bring home a couple pieces of waffle and he liked that..Mom was getting Asparagus ready for supper today and ther he was sitting on the floor behind hoping for a piece.His Aunties are coming to pick Strawberries,so he wil see them for a short while. :lol:
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fritz resting,then flying,playing with monkey on the coffee table and having a scratch.he had been sitting ,but moved when I took the picture.His Aunties came for a short visit on Monday to pick Strawberries and was glad to see them.The last two nights, he had a snooze with on the bed before before going to his for the the morning,he crawls under the covers and snoozes there for awhile.When he comes out,he has some of dad's porridge,then maybe cereal and toast from me. :eek: