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Fritz relaxing on couch with dad and on my bed with his Squeaky toy on my bed.A couple of days ago,he did something amazing.Dad wassleeping and he heard a noise and he looked and saw Fritz sitting and growling at his water dish,so dad got him some water.Tha same day,he was doing the same thing with me.he would either sit in the rec room doorway or at the gate at the bottom of the stairs,begging to go out or so i thought.As soon as i went to him,he would run back to the rec room.All Fritz wanted to do was play.He finally did go out and he then went and slept in mom's lap until it was time for bed.Yesterday,dad was on a treadmill walking and didn't have the light on and Fritz didn't know who it was and he got into the barking.I got quite a chuckle out of that.
Fritz is lovely.

Here is a pic of Leo our fluffy bichon with our new babies.

Fritz warming himself in front of the fireplace.He had quite a play with his Monkey toy yesterday.He hid in a living room chair a couple of times,then came into my bedroom to hide and whinedand cried when he couldn't find a proper hiding place.Had a play with it downstairs.You throw it to him ,he would bring it back an dyou throw it again.other times,he would just drop it in front of me,wanting me to throw it.Fritz finally got tuckered out and had a snooze.Last night,he played tricks.he would beg to go out,I try to get him an dhe would run back into the rec room.He just wanted to play,but he did eventually go out.
Fritz greeting his Aunties on a recent visit.He looks really spiffy after his visit to the groomer's yesterday.Fritz couldn't wait to get in there to see the carts,tugging and tugging at the leash and it was all mom could do to hold on to him.The groomer told mom Fritz is a little overweight,so we will cut back on giving him people food.Mom did put a little pineapple juice on his dog food for supper yesterday.Got some pictures of him looking really good and hope they turn out well.
Fritz in his cage,not quite ready to wake up from a long night's sleep.Right now,i think he is under the covers of mom and dad's bed,catching a few more winks before getting up for the day.
Fritz enjoying the comfort of my bed.Dad brought him up from his bed and he stayed in their bed until 7:30 when Dad got him up.he is up in the windoe, watching things go on,too cold to be outside,-14 celsius(7 fahrenheit).
fritz sunning himself on the smalll couch.Dad had scarf off as it wa sa little and he wanted to put it on a little tighter.Fritz didn't want it off and he sat up and begged for Dad to put it back,he did while i held him.he doesn't like it off for one second,it is his personal property.
Fritz all tuckered out from a walk with Dad,his little tongue hanging out and all his toys on the couch,just waiting for Fritz to play with..He is still snoozing under the covers of their bed and is usually there for an hour or so until he is ready to get up for the day. His Aunties are coming on Saturday and he is looking forward to getting spoiled with walks and treats.
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Nice pics Barry have you got a new camera :thumbsup:
fritz curled up behind me on my bed,all fours in the air.Hard picture to take,but i got it.Tried to get pizza from us tonight,didn't get any as we try not to give him any of our food as he is getting slightly,he is looking at me and probably wants his water dish filled
/IMG]Fritz being a couch potato on the bed and a picture of January's Bichon from a calendar i bought.He was tormenting me last night.he would make out as if he needed to go out,but when I go to him,he would run back.Fritz just wanted to play.I finally got him by throwing a blanket on him and picking him up.He came in and sat in front of the fireplace begging for fresh water,got him that and that satisfied him and he crawled under the couch.
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picture of January's Bichon from a calendar i bought in the fall
Fritz begging to go out.Sometimes,he uses this tactic to torment me.Fritz goes to the bottom og the stairs as if to go out,then i go to him and then he runs back to the rec room and wants to play.he did this twice last night and finally settled down by snoozing on the back of my chair.He has settled down tonight after being outside and now is under the couch snoozing,head sticking out.
Fritz having a nappy on the pillow and catching some winks behind the little couch near the sunshine.Dad looked after him last night as i went to a hockey game and mom to serve at a church dinner.One time Fritz wanted out ,he wouldn't come in and Dad had to chase him in..Fritz then went to the front window and dad to the couch where Dad wanted him to come,Fritz stayed where he was and dad went to put and Fritz followed shortly after where he stayed until mom came home.Fritz just got 15 minutes ago and is snoozing again with dad on the couch.Samantha had a shunt put in the soft spot in her head to drain fluid.She was to come home yesterday ,but had a little fever so she stayed there and is to come home today.
Fritz nice and comfy on the pillow on mom and dad's bed.He was a little thief yestrday.Mom left the spare bedroom door open and he grabbed 3 of her scarves and ran off with them downstairs as proud as can be with what he accomplished.Dad got them before did anythng to them.Mom brought home chicken fingers from supper and mixed them in with his food and all he did was pick the chicken out and leave the food.Fritz followed dad up a few minutes after dad had gone to be,but Fritz first went to the window and layed down and eventually made his way to the bedroom where he snoozed at the foot of the bed until mom came and got him and put him in his bed and he never made a noise about it.Fritz had some porridge when he got up and is now having a morning nap with dad on the living room couch.
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Fritz with 2 paws in the air,having a great old snooze on my bed.followed dad to bed last nght,then went to the living room chair to rest a bit,then headed to the bedroom where he stayed at the foot of the bed until mom came and put him in his own bed.Dad got him up today,gets uner the covers of the bed for a few minutes, then goes for porridge,then outside,then comes back and want mom's toast,not getting it and he then snoozed on the couch.
Fritz doing his famous Bichon Wave,begging for a treat from me.Fritz went up with dad when he went upstairs ,but first went to the living room to snooze ,then went to the bedroom whre he snoozed until mom came home from a church meeting and mom them put him in his bed.Dad brought him up this morniing and he snoozed under the covers and after he got out from there,had some Porridge.Now in his window perch,keeping track of the happenings outside.
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Fritz on top of the chair nextto the computer,paw up looking for a snack.Grabbed another scarf andoff he went with it under the dining room table.Dad and i had a terrible time getting it from him,growling and he tried to nip me ,didn't and i got it from him.Later,he went with dad when he went to bed.Usually goes with him,this time he was under the dining room and saw me get doughnuts and followed me down,didn't get any though and went to the bedroom to dad where he was until mom come and got him and put him to bed.Fritz had Porridge with his food mixed in,then at lunch had some of his food and at supper had some with a little pineapple juice on it.Had a play with him throwing his monkey toy and him fetching it and bringing it back,tired him out and he had a nap.Now,he is upstairs and he will soon follow dad to bed and snooze ther until mom comes home.
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