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Fritz up on his favorite perch next to the computer.We just had some snow recently and he had a ball running around the patio.I go toward him with snow shovel and he would take off like a rocket. he just recently won best in group on an online dog contest and is now in the best in show .i was so proud of him winning that i went and gave him a big kiss.Frit now is having a nap on dad's lap on the couch.
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Fritz half flipped over next dad and i think he is hoping for a little sip of tea from dad.he is snozing now all fours in the air next to dad on the living rooom couch.Heard from Samantha's Aunt Barb and she is doing well,sitting up and alert,can see pretty good,was having trouble there and knows what is going on around her.
Fritz looking at me wanting to go outside.he did a similar thing last night and then i asked him if he wanted a drink,he came towards me and i went and filled his dish with water and he drank some down.He just had one of his blitzes around the rec room and needed a cooling off drink.In the morning dad will let him out of his cage and he heads to their bedroom and he will crawl under the cvers for about an hour before mom has to get him off the bed so she can make it.
Fritz is hoping Dad has a snack for him on the table next to him.He was sitting up and begging,but by the time i took this he sat.Had a little problem with the scanner on the printer and now have it going and it is the only thing working on the printer.i am getting a new one according to mom from my sister. Fritz has been out 4 or 5 times and is now content and is now snoozing with mom in the chair.
Fritz getting hugs and kisses from his Aunties on their last visit.He can show off his new coat to them when they come to visit on Saturday.
Fritz sleeping in his favorite spot of the house ,the bay window.At night,when he gets warm he likes to go out on the back step and cool off for a few minutes.He don't stay out too long when it is really cold out.He had a little play with his squeaky toys tonight and then settled down on the blanket on the couch.
Fritz waiting patiently at the back door for his mom and Aunties to come back from buying plants.His Aunties came to visit today and brought Christmas presents for him,have taken out on a couple of walks wearing his new red coat.My sister is in the hospital again with the same pains as before.She has has had a little pain today,but it is from coughing as she has had a cold recently.Her dog Taffy stayed with us yesterday while her husband went and visited her .She should be coming home by Monday and may eventually have to have operation to correct the problem..We had 6 inches of snow yesterday and fritz just loves running in it and getting his whiskers wet with snow.I will have brand new pictures of fritz by Wednesday as this is the last one in this bunch.
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Fritz's Aunties went home today and he had one more walk before thye went.he had his coat on and everything was good until he got 1 house away ans stopped.fritz ddin't want to go any farther until his coat was off.I am sure he will get used to it once he wars it more often.He wasn't going to say goodbye unti i picke up off the couch and out to the kitchen to say bye.Mom then took him to the window and waved his paw bye bye.Mom and dad got him a new pillow with a picture of Spongebob SquarePants on it.Fritz had a sleep next to it until he got warm and went to the coffee table to cool off.fritz now is sleeping on Dad's sweater on the couch.My sister is now back home from the hospital today and hopefuly no more problems and can enjoy the Christmas season without any kind of concerns.
Fritz wearing the brand new coat mom and dad bought him.he had a good time at the groomers.He was shaking,he was so excited to be there and when he saw the groomers ,his tail was just a wagging.Mom and dad took him and there was a cocker Spaniel there that dad wanted to pet,but the groomer said the dog was prone to biting,so that was out of the question.I went with her to pick him up and there was a man there picking up a black Poodle similar to Ruffles,our late Poodle.One of the groomer's cats was on the couch and the other on the floor and when that one saw me,it took off out of sight.There was also a Scottish Terrier there and he was happy to see me and wagged its tail.On the ride home,he was rather quiet as i think he was missing playing with the cats.Fritz received his cerificate today for winning best in group in an online dog photo is really too big to put up,so when it is framed ,I will get a picture of it.
This is the picture i took when i snuck around the house and caught him by suprise.he really does look like he never saw it coming.Mom is making grilled cheese sandwiches,so he has gone and wait to see what he can get from her.
Fritz among his toys,snoozing on the couch in the recreation room.He has now slept in mom and dad's bed for the last 2 nights.He was little restless when mom was going to bed,but setled down.don't know what will happen in summer as the windows will be open and fritz will hear every little noise and bark.
Fritz smiling away on my bed waiting for a treat.he slept again on mom and dad's bed last night.He looked at me to go up,I let him up and he went in under the dining room table.i went up a few minutes later and he was on the bed curled up.this morning,he was on my lap and then he wante to move next to me..i tried to help himbut i touched his sore spot on his leg and he yelped out and got off the chair and went over to dad.
A picture of my nephew's 2 kids,Lauren who is 5((6 in March) and Ryan who is 3 that we got in a christmas card.My sister got the same picture nad cried because she has never seen him walk and he is 3 now.
fritz watching out the front window for Sanata,hoping for some good gifts.He has the tree on so Santa can find his house.Santas did find his house and he got a bunch of squeaky toys and balls from his Aunties who we talked to this morning and also some treats too..Merry Christmas everybody and have a great day!.
Merry Christmas to you too Barry, Fritz and family :cheers: :cheers:

Ps Your nephews children look lovely :)
We had anice dinner on Sunday.My sister's dog got into the turkey and was verball scolded for it.My sister got me a new printer and it works great.We also got a DVD player and got it hooked up and to break it in,I bought the complete first season of 'Lost'.Fritz has been having a great time playing with hi new squeaky toys,especially a monkey one and he flips over on his back and plays with with his paws.he then throws it around onto the floor and expects you to get it for him.He had been snoozing up on mom and dad's bed and mom brought him down and he is now next to dad all fours in the air getting his belly scratched.The picture is of Fritz on Dad's knee.
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fritz all nice and cozy,sleeping in the living room chair.At around 6,dad got up to get a bite of food,fritz got right up and followed him up.He had a big play with monkey squeaky toy and flipped over on his basck again playing with it between his paws and throwing it to the ground.he got tuckered out and had a snooze on his new pillow..Around 7:30,he is all but asking Dad to go to bed and up they went.