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Fritz peeking out from under the kitchen chair while i took this.He was waiting for supper at the time.Iwas watching America's Funniest Home Videos on Sunday and they had a video of a German Shepherd walking like a person around a billiards table trying grab the balls off the table.It reminded me of something our late Poodle ruffles used to do.he would try the same thing ,but he could barely get his head above the table.I thought I would share this little memory of him as it has been 3 and a half years since we had to put him to sleep.I still miss him and i think about him every day.
Fritz having a great nap on the coffee table,one of his favorite places to lay's where he is right at this moment.We put Scarecrows in our front flowerbed for Thanksgiving.Fritz knows it is something different and barks at it every time he sees it.This morning,a black cat walked across our front lawn and he didn't bat an eye at it or when our neighbor walked her Yellow Lab by on the street.Then,another lady was walking her 2 poodles,a blaCk and a gray one.The gray one stopped to look at Fritz in the window,Fritz didn't like it and barked at the dog and then got up on back feet and stood and barked at it which scared the gray one a bit.
Fritz looking at me out the window while I take his picture.Just had abig play with him with his squeaky bone,A couple of times I threw ,fritz did a complete circle in the air and caught it.
Fritz posing in this beautiful shot of him in the bay window.He is just taking it easy today ,snoozin in of all places,the bay window of course!
Fritz watching for people or animals to come down the street.He stayed inside today,lousy weather here,rain,so Fritz made his own fun by barking at a man walking down the street holding a umbrella over his head and later the mailman coming to the door wearing his yellow raincoat.Right now,he is napping with his nose in my shoe at the back door.
Fritz gone nightynight on the pillow.He did a good job watching the house while we went out for Chinese food.He was at the back door waiting for us and he knew dad had a little treat,so dad gave him some fortune cookie.he thought mom wasn't feeling weel,all she was was having a little snooze but fritz ddin't know and jumped up to her to check her out and he gave her a kiss.
fritz with all fours in the air on mom's chair. Today he baked at neighbors walking their Yellow Lab which doesn't normally do and then at kids playing halfway up the street.Earlire, two neighbors walked a Husky by and Fritz was busy snoozing and didn't hear it.After supper ,he stared at his can of dog biscuits and i gave him 3.It wasn't what he really wanted was skins from Squash we had for supper that were on the kitchen counter.
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Fritz sleeping in his favorite nook next to my chair in the living room.We had a good Thanksgiving dinner.We had turkey,potatoes,turnip,coleslaw,dressing,jelly salad and carrots.Dessert was pumpkin pie.To drink was white wine and tomato juice.fritz stayed on the couch for most of supper as taffy, my sister's dog was getting food off the table and fritz was put out so mom had me give him a bit of turkey and I let lick the plate clean from my pumpkin pie.He's now resting next to dad on the couch.
frit zin the bar room,waiting for someone to bring a snack down that he can help munch on.Not getting into any mischief yet but the day is still young.right now,he snoozing in the kitchen waiting for supper which will be thanksgiving leftovers.
fritz with one of his best buddies,my dad,napping on the couch.Right now,is snoozing on back of chair next to the computer..Been out a couple of time to cool off and another for a bathroom break.Slept a lot after supper,at the top of the stairs with his nose in my shoes,under the couch in the rec room,out in the bar room.
fritz flipped over on his back,snoozing next to Dad.We are having a pizza and he looking at dad for a bite,sitting up begging.He is really looking forward to his big visit from his Aunties tomorrow
Fritz chawing on a dog biscuit after coming in from outside.This is the last picture in this set.I am taking more,will have new ones maybe in a week.he had a great time with his Aunties yesterday.He jumped up and gave them each big smooches and he jumped and hopped around for the bacon treats they give him.They taught him a new trick to do.They tell him to high five them and he gets his paw up like a person's hand and gives it a tap.A couple of times before he went on walks with them,he would sit and beg in front of Auntie Irene and he would start off with her.Auntie Irene would tell him to go back and get Auntie Bev and would sit in front of her and beg to go for a walk and it worked.On another occasion,Auntie irene took him out to the patio to go and stayed on the step and looked at Auntie irene as if to say aren't you taking me?Even another time,fritz didn't want to go and they carried him to the gate and out.He watched us as we went out for supper and then he went to the bedroom to snooze,but by the time we got back,he was in the window waiitng for us.After his busy day,he was tired out and just rested.He wouldn't kiss them goodbye,just turned his head on them.he slept after they left and right now,he just had a play with his toy parrot and is resting on the coffee table.
Fritz when he was 9 and a half weeks old playing with Mr.Bear.He eventually made a mess of the bear,so we had to retire it.Now,whenever fritz barks at something he shouldn't ,we squirt him with water.
Don't know what the bags were,but fritz was sure having fun chewing on one.
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Fritz the puupy,napping after one of his many walks with his Aunties.
Aww, Fritz was a very cute puppy :wub:
fritz posing with Auntie bev on the couch in our old trailer.Had a heck of a time getting fritz to be on Wednesday.He was under the couch sleeping and I ried getting him out and did he growl at me.Mom had go get a piece of wiener to get him out and came out and got it and got back under again.tried pushing him out,and his growling was getting to the point I thought he was going to bite me,but he didn't.When he starts barking for no reason,all we have to show him is a water bottle and he gets a squirt if gets out of line.
Fritz,slightly older than a puppy warming himself up in front of the old fireplace at christmas time.At one point tonight,Fritz was waiting by candlelight in the front window,waiitng for mommy to come home from hospital gift shop.He had a banana treat from dad and mom had christmas cake which had raisins in it which he can't have.Right,now ,is resting on dad's pillow next to dad on the couch.
Fritz with Auntie Bev's dad george and Auntie Irene at George's 92nd birthday 3 years ago.He recently turned 95 and is doing well.