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Fritz begging for some supper from me.We are babysitting my sister's dog taffy,a Whippet/Hound mix as my sister had to go to hospital with pains in her stomach.X-rays showed a spot on her bowel which is a contusion.She had a ultrasound today and mom is going to see her tonight to find the result of that test.
Fritz keeping my shoes warm and resting at the same time.Taffy here again.Turns out my sister has adhesions on her bowels from a operation 2 years ago.They let here have some chicken broth and jello and she got it down fine.Taffy and fritz get along pretty well,if they stay out of each other's way.Mom put fritz in his cage while went out to dinner.
Looks like fritz has got a big grin on his face,but he had just had a big play and was panting.He is taking it easy right now,all four paws in the air next to papa.My sister is doing good,eating jello and liquids,nothing solid yet.Maybe when she can eat solids and keep them down,she can home and not have to go through a operation.
Fritz in the candlelight of the front window,watching my sister and her husband leave after thanksgiving dinner on October 10th.My sister is well enought to come home this morning and we are all happy for that.Her dog Taffy,a Whippet/Hound mix will just lover her up like crazy as she has not seen Marlene in 5 days.
Fritz in the front room window on the last time his Aunties visited.My sister thinks this picture would make a great christmas card.What do you think?
My sister thinks this picture would make a great christmas card.What do you think?

Yes I agree with your sister, it would make a great Christmas card Barry :thumbsup:
Glad to hear your sister is on the mend Barry :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:
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Fritz begging for lunch from me on Thanksgiving.he is getting all rested for his big visit from his Aunties.My sister had pains again yesterday ad went to bed early,mom thought it might be the same thing she went to the hospital for,turns out it was only a upset stomach and she took gravol for it and is much better.
fritz snoozing with his water bottle.The parrot was there too,but i cut part when i took the picture.Had a great time with his Aunties.He gave them big kisses,got some treats,was taken on a few walks.He kept the house in order when we out to dinner last night.This morning,Auntie Bev was going to take him out for a walk,but fritz went and his under the dining room table.fritz wanted to have a taste of breakfast before going out.Having a awful windstorm here ,lots of leaves blowing around and accumulating on our lawn,most of the leaves are from other people's lawns who haven't raked them up and we get them all.Fritz had a big run around the front lawn with Auntie Bev this morning on his leash while dad and i were putting up christmas lights.Didn't kiss them when they left,just turns his haed away.right now,fritz is snoozing on the back of the chair.Another place he snoozes now is on a blue blanket on the big couch and he just loves it.
fritz begging for me to take him outside for a bathroom break.
fritz gone sleepy night night on my bed.he had a sleep this afternoon up in the living room on the couch and i then brought him down put him next to dad on the couch where he snoozed.He is outside snoozing on the back step,cooling off,I will now go and bring him inside.
Fritz dreaming of how he is going to look after his grooming today.He is nice and clean from his bath,has a new brown and beige scarf on.I went with mom to pick him up and i was wearing a hat as it was rainy out and the groomer's Collie didn't like it and barked at me and I had to take it off.They had a Airedale terrier there for a haircut and it took two of them to lift the dog onto the table to get it done.We covered fritz in a towel as we didn't want him wet after his haircut .It's bedtime for him now and mom is just going to put him to bed.
Another night picture of Fritz in the bay window.Had our first taste of snow today,tomorrow,Sunny and 8,Sunday rain and 12.fritz just followed mom upstairs and she is going to toast some raisin buns.Fritz knows our routine,every night at around 6:30 or so he knows we have some snack to eat.
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Fritz in the window daydreaming about playing with water bottles and and thinking up other things he can get himself into.
Fritz on the bed,all zonked out from running around the house and going in and out of the house his breaks or cooling off periods.
Fritz taking a peek at me from the bay window as i am taking this evening picture of him.He is presently snoozing next to my dad on the couch where he had been sleeeping with all fours in the air.Around 6 p.m.,he will start waking up and wanting to play or going ouside countless times until he is ready to go bed at 9p.m.
fritz at the top of the stairs having one of his many snoozes.he had one of those this evening in mom's chair in the living room before going to the window.Got a picture of him in mom's chair.I then brought him down next to dad and he had a play with a water bottle before going over to the coffee table to cool off.he is now trying for a snack of fruit bread from dad.
fritz snoozing next to Auntie bev on their last visit here.he will be happy to know they are coming in a week and a half for another visit.yesterday,when mom wasn't looking,fritz grabbed the newspaper and ran off with and tore it to sheds all over the living room.needless to say mom wasn't impreesed.She bought him a new squeaky bone today and you should have seen him with the bone in his mouth walking around trying to find a place to hide.he then got all of us to throw it to him and catching it.I was off for a few days as my windows crashed and had to install a new one.Computer working better than ever.
Fritz out on the back step,out on one of his many excursions during the day.