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Fritz looking rather spiffy after last month's visit to the groomer's.Fritz followed dad up when he went to bed and Fritz snuck in and grabbed one of Dad's socks and took it downstairs and tried to hide it under a blanket.I had an easier time getting the sock than i did with the scarf the previous night.He came up shortly after and first went to the living room and then to the bedroom where he stayed until mom come home from a church meeting and put him to bed.This morning,frit zhad his usual porridge,went outside for a pit stop in the rain and back in to snooze which he has done for most of the day except for a small play with his monkey toy and carting off a pair of dad's underwear and taking on eof mom's shoe out to the halllway.Now he is napping under -_- the small couch,half out of it.
Fritz very excited to get over to love Auntie Bev on their last visit here.He rested most of today,getting ready for all those walks he will tomorrow from the Aunties.He did have some excitement today.He grabbed a washcloth and took it undr the dining room table,possibly to get all cleaned up.He also got up on the window ledge and barked at a man walking by with an umrella over his hed as it was raining and then a man walking a Rotweiler he didn't like.He had a short snooze on their bed and mom got him and put him in his own bed about 30 minutes ago.
Fritz smiling away,either after hearing a good dog joke or panting after a big play.Mom made Tuna sandwiches for lunch today and Fritz was there acting as quality control.hoping for a taste.His own food was nearby,but the smell of tuna was just too great for him to resist.fritz is waiting anxiously in the window waitng for his Aunties to come which shouldn't be too long now.
Fritz on the back of the chair,sun streaming in,me(Barry) sitting and Fritz being a lazy bones Bichon snoozing under the couch,his head poking out.Fritz had a good time with the Aunties on Saturday.He greeted them with kisses and tailwags.Fritz got new treats from them,with marrow in it and he loves itAbout 5 minutes after being here,Fritz had pestered them into taking him for a walk and he ended up going on 6 or more walks that day.Fritz snoozed on mom and dad's bed while we went to dinner on Saturday.fritz was waiting at the back door when we got home,noping we brought a treat for him and we did,a chicken finger of which he had a piece of.Later on,he was on Auntie Irene's lap,begging with paw out,head tilted wanting one of those treats they brought,got some and then went to Auntie Bev for some,then he was content and went under the couch to snooze,then shortly after mom put him in his cage.At 6:30 Sunday morning,i got him up and he ran straight to the bedrom where they were for the night and greeted them.Then,he had a little bit of toast for breakfast.Yhey went later on and mom held him in the window and waved his paw bye bye.He was bad later on that day,he peed 3 times in the house.It could of been that the Aunties were gone and were there to take him ouutside,maybe mad at us for something.He usually barks to go out and he is fine now,no mishaps since.He grabbed a scarf again yesterday and under the table he went and he growled at mom and me,didn't want to give it back,,but he ended up givng it back.Samantha is doing well,she can pull herself up and has now got six teeth including her year old molar .
Fritz sitting in front of the fireplace,wanting some water or food.He had been sitting up,but had got down before I took the picture.Fritz had a go with his monkey toy yesterday.He went and got it downstairs and brought it up to hide and then ended up under my bed with it.I then went down to the computer and sometime after that Friz had snuck down with the monkey and took it under the couch to sleep.Had a play with it again today.He went down and got it and he came and went ,to and from my bedroom a few times and ended up whining and crying when he couldn't bury it.Fritz doesn't like kids with rollerskates,barks at them.Went up to the window tonight to wait for dad and when dad went to bed,he followed him and is there now,Mom will bring him down to his bed later. (w00t)
Fritz on my bed,covered up with my sweater that dad covered him with.He was on dad's lap in the living room when i got up this morning and i went to Fritz and got a kiss from him,something he usually doesn't give out in the morning.He is probably somewhere in the living room snoozing now.He will have a play with his Monkey toy after supper this afternoon.A friend of Tinabow's died was a friend's husband and both Tina and husband Tony are taking it pretty hard,so thought I should pass it along. :(
Fritz on the lookout,searching for his AUnties to come.They phoned yesterday to check to dee if he was behaving on Sunday after they left,he peed in the house 3 times because he was mad at them for going home so soon.Has not done it since.Fritz had a visitor in the form of Taffy,my sister's dog.They were going for a visit to her sister-in-law's and dropped her off.Fritz and Taffy pretty much stay away from each other.Fritz first went up to the window,but started to bark at kids going by,so i took him to Dad and Taffy was down on the couch sleeping,all fours in the air.When Larry,my sister's husband came to pick Taffy up,she didn't hear him as she was in a sound sleep and he was standing right over and still nothing,then she realized he was here and she got into barking which sound like a seal bark. :)
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Fritz with Dad and my sister's dog Taffy on a visit here last month.Fritz seems to be asking her"What are you doing on my couch?".Taffy was in the St.Patrick's Day spirit early with her green scarf which my sister calls her jewelry.Taffy was here for a visit on Thursday as my sister and husband went out to visit.Fritz and Taffy seem to stay away from each,though Fritz did followe her around and was sniffing her.Fritz stayed up in the window and he saw some kids and barked at them,so Dad had me bring Fritz to him in their bed.Taffy stayed down on the couch snoozing,all fours in the air and was still sleeping when Larry,my sister's husband came by to pick her up and she still didn't wake up even with Larry standing right over her.Taffy finally saw him and got off the couch and then got into barking which sounds like a seal.Fritz has gone out on one of his many forays on the patio.He attempted to give a kiss this morning,but i didn't get close enough to receive it and he didn't try again. :huggles:
A behind :huggles: the back shot of Fritz begging for water and Fritz having a peaceful nap on my bed.He is having a nap now under the couch as he went to the groomer's to look all spiffy for tomorrow's visit of his Aunties.Mom asked him if he played with the groomer's cats,but Fritz didn't give an answer to that.I mentioned on the weekend that my brother-in- law went to the hospital with pains and i happy to report he is much better now.
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Fritz chilling out on the cement,his stuffed toy buddies in the background. :teehee:
Fritz having a nappy at the foot of mom and dad's bed and fritz flopped out behind the little couch downstairs.he had a great time with the Aunties as usual.He greeted them with his usual kisses and then pestered them fo walks of which he several on the day.They brought him some new food to try,Pedigree Meaty Mixers with Beef Chunks in Gravy which I am sure he will enjoy.The one walk he went on,a a lady and her kids were out and the one kid came up behind and suprised him and he growled at the kid.Fritz watched us from the front window when we went out for supper and was there when we got back.Fritz then went to the back door and greeted us.Later ,Fritz had a snooze next to Auntie Bev and he then got warm and under the couch he went for awhile and then up on the couch next to Bev again.Fritz got thirsty,so Auntie Irene got him a bowl of water and he drank some while sitting next to Aunt Bev and Auntie Irene holding the dish in front of him.This morning,Dad couldn't get the gate of his cage open fast enough and as soon as he did,Fritz was off like a shot the the bedroom to give the Aunties a big morning greeting.He had a lay down after breakfast next to Aunt Bev and i was lucky to get some kisses out of him.Fritz watched them go from the front window and is looking forward to their next visit around Easter. :p
Fritz relaxing with Mom on the La-Z-Boy,a fitting name taking in the postion he is in.He hasn't done a whole lot today.he has slept all over the house,with dad on the living room couch,curled in a chair in the same room,curled up in a corner of the kitchen,on my bed,on the back step of the patio,under the small rec room couch,on apillow on the arm of the big rec room couch where he is now ,snuggled up next to dad.Fritz managed to squeeze in a short play with his monkey squeaky toy. Took three time this morning,but I finally got as kiss from him. o:)
Fritz in various poses around the house and taffy downstairs on the
rec room couch.the one with fritz flipped over on the couch,he took the towel off of that pillow yesterday and hid under the dining room table with it and i had to gethim out with abacon treat..A couple of nights ago it was dad's sock he got and my underwear out of the laundry,grabbed a pair of dad's underwear a few days ago and under the table.the other night,he took his doggy squeaky under the couch for a snooze.i was having ab bottle of water the other night and he wants the unfinished bottle,so i had to get him an empty.Fritz started chewing on it and dropped it,so he sits up and begs for me to get it for him.he eventually took it under the couch to chew on..he had a snooze on my lap last night for a few minutes before dad went upstairs,came back with him.He eventually followed dad to bed and mom brought him down later.We set our clocks ahead and it will take a day or so to get used to it. -_-
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pictures of Fritz and Taffy.
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Fritz all stretched out on my bed,one of his favorite nap places. :huggles:
Fritz with all fours in the air on the couch and him with his snuggled right up to the pillow.A couple of nights ago,he wanted to sleep under the couch all night,no way he would come.Fritz growled at me fiercely,so mom had me get a piece of bologna to get him out and it worked,then she put him to bed. I told him to go and growl at the rabbits he chases in his dreams .He had a couple of his blitzes the other day.He tried to take a water bottle on one but didn't and he ended up tearing up and down the stairs,finally cooling off at the back door.The other blitz was right after he had a paly with his monkey squeaky and he cooled off on the back of my chair.This morning,he snoozed under the covers of their bed and is now with dad curled up in the living room chair. :huggles:
A couple of pictures of Fritz in the sunlight on the couch and Taffy,my sister's dog on the same couch on a different day. :))
Fritz all tuckered out,napping on my bed.I think the color of the bedspread sets Fritz off nicely.This the last of the current pictures and I am taking new ones,so I should have those by next week sometime.Fritz just had a 2 hour snooze on my bed and he woke up when I had a Bologna sandwich.I gave him a litle bite as he is slightly overweight at 19 pounds.He is now snoozing on the living room couc hwith dad as it is raining out and not much else to do right now.Yesterday,Fritz had his usual after supper playwith his Monkey squeaky and was in and out of my room trying to find a place to bury it.Fritz finally gave up on that and he got me throwing it to him on the bed.Fritz would then drop it to the floor on purpose and i would have to pick it up and give it to him.Last night,he sat and begged for me to give him a plastic water bottle I had been drinking from.I tried fooling him into giving him the old one and it didn't work,so he got the new one.He had a short snooze after this and the he got and begged for me to let him up to sleep wit Dad.Mom later came and got him and put him to bed. :lol:
Fritz has a new pal,Yoda,a Golden Retriever.She belongs to our new neighbors ,one of which was a bridesmaid of at my niece Shannon/'s wedding 7 years ago and is a good friend of hers.Mom went over and talked to her yesterday and Yoda wanted to play ball.Fritz hasnt met Yoda yet,but iam sure they would as my nephew Jason has a Golden retriever named Austin and Fritz gets along with him when they are together.I gave Fritz a plastic water bottle to play with yesterday and he had a little play with it,then took it out to the living room and he came back to my room without it.I then asked him where is the water bottle and Fritz goes back to the living room where he sts up and begs dad for the bottle and he brought it back.Later on,mom asked Fritz where his monkey squeaky was and he looks around the living room for it,he really pays attention to what you are telling him.he will snooze on and off all morning and it is after supper that he gets into the playing,tries for snacks from dad later,will follow him up where he then goes to the living room window and after awhile he heads to the bedroom to sleep for a bit until mom comes and puts him in his own bed. :))
Fritz sitting and begging for either some lunch or a snack.We had a good Easter.My sister,her husband and dog Taffy came for supper.Fritz and Taffy get along pretty well by staying away from each other.At the start of supper Taffy was on the couch and Fritz laying by the kitchen stove.When supper got going,Taffy came over and got ham from dad while Fritz went to the bedroom to snooze.Dad suggested that i take Fritz for a walk anf Fritz perked up.fritz trotted along pretty wwell,tugging a bit too much on the leash,plus he stops at every garbage pail and fence post along the way.A German Shepherd started barking a thim,Fritz stopped and listened and then we went on our way.We were almost home and Fritz saw a Chihuahua down the street and he decide to lay down and wait for the dog to come to him.They sniffed each other and fritz wanted to play,but the Chihuahua didn't and he run from him.The Chihuahua was with its owner.Since his walk,all he has done is snooze which he did on mom and dad's bed and now under the little couch.He did get a little ham from me at supper and had some of his own later. :clown: