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Fritz with mom and the cake on his birthday before it went plop on the floor..Fritz having a look at his cake,Fritz on the floor looking up at the cake and saying Oh,Boy , is that cake mine? and Fritz still looking at the cake in Auntie Irene's arms.
Fritz standing at the back door waiting for his Aunties to come on his birthday and smooching Auntie Irene once they got in the house. Auntie Irene's hip is getting better,sore still.She hurt it will missing a a step on a stair at a friends' place.No broken bones.yesterday,my mom and sister went shopping and Fritz gave them both a great greeting especially mo,as he jumped up on a chair in the living room and kissed her and then layed down.He never has given mom a kiss,he did this time.He is just having a little vanilla ice cream from a ice cream bar. :huggles:
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Fritz cozying up to Dad and Auntie Irene while holding onto his Rabbit squeaky.On Tuesday,we had a Thunderstorm go through and it scared Fritz and he went under the rec room couch where he stayed for an hour or so. It seems Fritz can tell time.At 3 every afternoon,he goes under the rec room couch for 2 or 3 hours.Then around 6:30,he hears mom go and get dad a snack and he follows here up.One night,around 9 ,i asked him if he wanted to go to bed and he went to the gate near whre he sleeps and soon after,mom put him to bed..He weent to the groomers yesterday and looks really spiffy with his haircut and wearing a Lime Green scarf.Last night,he went over to his water dish an dlooked atit,mom had just filled it and i went to give him some,he walked away from it and wanted fresh water,so i did and he drank it .his Aunties are coming for a visit tomorrow and is really looking forward to it. :nuke:
Fritz finishing off a piece of birthday cake and Fritz checking out the goings on outside the house.Last weekend the Aunties visited and frit zhad a good time with them, giving kisses and getting bacon treats,going on walks,one of which I went one with Auntie Bev.Up the street,a Shih Tzu barked at Fritz from a front window but Fritz didn't let it bother him and we went on our way,down another street, we met a lady and her Scottish Terrier and Fritz layed in the middle of the road for the dog to come to him.before that happened,a car come and Auntie Bev picked him up and the car left and she put Fritz back down and he layed down in the street again waiitng and the dog come to him,they wagged tails and Fritz wanted to play,the Scottie didn't.Fritz had a snooze on the table in the gazebo and under the Maple tree in the front yard.Fritz watched from the front window as we went to dinner and was at the back door waitng for us and we brought some chicken fingers a treat for eating his supper.They left shortly after and Fritz wouldn't kiss them goodbye.On Monday,we had a couple of Thunderstorms go through and fritz didn't like it,run to the kitchen and back to dad on the couch,panting and shaking.The other one ,he come downstairs and got on the coffee table,then the couch,then up with mom in her chair,under theliving room couch and back up with dad,shaking and panting the whole time.It has been only in the last year this has othered him,nothing before it.Mom just got a talking fly swatter and Fritz hates it.It has flip flop on one end and when you swat at a fly ,a voiceon the othe rend says"Got Ya" and jumps up at mom and barks at it,even barks at the fly swatter with no voice.We went with the Aunties on Saturday on a van ride up north and went to a Fish and Chipplace for dinner and brought back some chicken fingers for Fritz.We are having a heatwave here, temperature up in the mid 30's celsius and humidity closer to 40 and it was for that reason we left him at home in the cool house.At night,he gets under our rec room coucha nd have hard time getting him to come out,Mom gets him beggin strips and does eventually come out. :huggles:
Fritz sitting and begging for a little of my lunch.Fritz wa sa bad boy Wednesday.he snuck out a gate past dad and he din't see him and off went Fritz up the street.Mom,me and a neighbor were trying to catch him and the neighbor almost had him a few times,but Fritz would scoot off,he thought we were playing with him.Fritz finally stopped at another neighbor's front door and I got him .Mom gave him a stern lecture later on.Last night,it wa sbedtime and he was s snoozing under the little couch and a I lifted it up to get him to come out,hadn't touched him and he barked and growled at me and he went back under.Mom and i left him there a few minutes,then i got some Beggin Strips and he came out and I put him to bed.he is no tused to me putting him to bed and he growled and whined,so mom come down and gave him another beggin strip and it quieted him down after that,he now gone back up to his favorite place,the front room window. :*
Fritz watching the goings on from the window,cooling off with all fours in the air on the bed,tired of being a bookworm and reading the facts in the World Almanac that he decided to use it as a pillow,Fritz cozying up in his favorite living room chair.Right now now ,he is snoozing under the rec room couch until it is snack time,then he comes out.Had a good time with the Aunties on Saturday,gave them big kisses,went on a few shorts walks, we had been going through a heatwave at the time.They brought doughnuts and we had coffee and sat in the gazebo,fritz got up on the table and had bits of doughnuts,then layed down.We went out for dinner after and he watched us from the front window,then he moved to the bedroom to nap.We had a thunderstorm while we were at dinner,so don'r know if fritz hid under anything.We brought back a piece of chicken finger as a treat for eating his supper.The other day,fritz grabbed a kitchen towel and went under the dining room table with it.he came out with out it and dad told him to go and get it and all he did was go back and lay down on it.We had another storm last night and our power went out briefly,Fritz got scared and went to the laundry room where he sleeps and peed in front of his cage.After going to bed,he scratched and clawed his bed,whined and barked,scared of the thunder and lightning.He has got out of under the couch and had a couple of bites of ice cream cone with menow went to dad for his dish of ice cream. 8)
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Fritz snoozing on a comfy pillow on the couch,Fritz as a puppy hiding some shoes and Fritz snoozing in the kitchen.It was 4 years on August 8th that mom,dad and the Aunties went to Wiarton,Ontario to get Fritz.He was a loveable puppy then and still a sloveable as a 4 year old.Looks really handsome as he was to the groomers yesterday.Mom just about lost him going into the groomers as he tugs on the leash to get to see the managed to step on the leash and he didn't get far.Mom had me go with him,so icould take him out to the van.When we got there,ther he is in a table hooked to a chain and whining when he saw us.When the groomer brought him out and got excited and jumped up at a Yorkshire Terrier and the Terrier didn't appreciate it and growled.I told him to get down,he did.The owner knew Fritz was playing and didn't mind him doing it .Fritz slept after coming home,later had big play with his Monkey Squeaky.Fritz was too tired to get out of mom and dad's bed for my cereal that i had to feed it to him in bed.Tonight,he snoozed under the small couch and now has gone to bed for the night. :lol:
Fritz hiding under the diningroom table where he takes shoes,socks,underwear and anything else he doesn't want to get back.Fritz has been having the same itching problem he had at this time last year.i thas been a itch that is just in front of his tail.Mom went to the vets yesterday and got pills called Vanectyl p-tablets to help the itch go away.Dad found out the the problem with his is called foot drop,a muscle problem in the feet that causes them to drag.He has to go back on the 18th and 20th of next month for blood work,therapy and other tests.Hopefully,this will help.Fritz now catching a snooze under the small couch in the rec room,resting for his big day with his Aunties tomorrow. -_-
A couple of shots of Fritz sitting in the window.he had a good time with his Aunties on Saturday,giving them kisses,getting bacon and bone marrow treats,going on a few walks,had a few pieces of doughnuts while sitting in the gazebo. Fritz slept in the bedroom while we went to dinner and he was waiting at the back door for us when we come back and we had chicken finger pieces as a treat for him,He was tired out from the walks and slept most of the evening.He ended up under the small couch and wouldn't come,he growled at the Aunties,even tried to nip one of them.Auntie Irene got him out with a bacon treat.Fritz is not a morning dog and he snoozed next to Auntie Bev on the couch the next morning.We went out to see them off and mom carried Fritz out,waving his paw bye bye as they drove off.Dad has been having trouble walking of late and later that morning he tripped coming out of the bedroom and Fritz came on the run barking excitedly,showing his concern for dad.Dad got a cut elbow and hurt his shoulder.Dad had more tests todayand the name for his problem is Multi Focal Motor Neuropathy with conduction block commonly called foot drop,a weakness in the lower legs.He has to to see this doctor next month and will end up seeing a specialist in Toronto and willl eventually probably have a procedure done to correct it.This foot drop problem causes the foot to drag and dad can't pick up his feet properly and has to hols onto the stairs going up and i keep a eye on the morning,Fritz will wait for me to finish cereal,then he has it and then has some porridge,then a couple bites of my toast. :)) That is it for these picture,I am taking more and will have them in 2 or 3 weeks.
Fritz on the back of the chair,taken with our new digital camera.This morning was sitting up and wanting my cereal,let him clean it out,then he got upon my lap where i fed him a couple bites of toast and then licked the plate clean. :lol:
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Fritz sitting out in the bar room,wanting to go upstairs. :huggles:
Fritz catching a nap behind the small couch.He is now sitting out the back step cooling off. 8)
Fritz snoozing on the coffee table,waiting for mom finish cooking some mini pizzas. :- "
fritz having a second drink of his water last night. :*
fritz peeking out from under the small couch.This was taken with a single use camera we had got a week before we received the digital camera. (w00t)
Fritz sitting and begging for dad to give him some cereal.
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Fritz looking up at Dad as if to say"Am I going to get some of that cereal"?
fritz got tired of waiting for the cereal tha the got up on dad's lap.He did get the cereal in the end.