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Lana, I'm going to jump in here and back you up. I live just north of Brisbane and whippet racing is just about non excistant here. I have discovered that it is held on the first Sunday of the month only. There is only a handful of dogs doing it and the only reason I know this is because the guy who owns Freckles is doing it. That is all there is. And as Lana is many miles & hours from here she really wouldn't have the option to do even if she wanted to race her dogs.

Hannah and BeeJay I'm still sorry that your feeling were hurt by things that were said.

I don't believe that either side should have to justify their reason for the type of dogs they choose to own or breed. But the facts are there is obviously a lack of respect for other peoples choices.

BeeJay said:
Lana I haven't seen you responding to this. 
>Whippets that are breed to race are on a whole, smaller lumps of an animal that has not yet evolved. Breeding them for the purpose of that they were ment for. From the shallow end of the gene pool. A 14" muntant that fits under the coal miners coat. Big deal.
I didn't respond to that because it wasn't worth responding to Beejay. Did I DEFEND him on that? NO I did not. Did I AGREE with him on it? NO I did not. I did not say anything at all - and now I am in trouble for that.

Nope you haven't been censorious about the person who wrote that have you. However anyone who has tried to defend their dogs from this piece of spiteful petty nastiness has come in for your tut tuts. Oh no don't say that etc.

For heaven's sake Beejay I AM NOT AGAINST RACING DOGS OR RACING PEOPLE. I am genuinely interested to hear what they have to say. That is why I ask questions and enjoy meaty discussions. I do not enjoy being rude to people. I don't know what you mean about me tut-tutting at people who are defending their racing dogs. I have not criticised or looked down my nose at anybody. When I have asked for people to stop being nasty I meant EVERYONE including Cartman. I pleaded with Hannah to stop because she did it even after I had asked for it to stop, just as new member LEA did.

Get into the real world. Why the hell do you think that just because your friend has yet again chosen to vent his spleen on someone they should put up with it.

I don't think you should put up with it - but I don't see why we should all get nasty either.

You have been quite rude to me here but I will not chastise you for it. I am hurt though because I have always tried to be nice on this forum.
I'm on the phone now to Barbara, and she apologises  to you Terry as she realises that you appreciate a good performance dog, and also a nicley put together Whippet  :D .......and totally agree's with you about trad movement  ;) ......she just wasn't sure about your views on peddie racing  as opposed to non peddie racing which she knows your in favour of :thumbsup:
Theres really no need to apologise. I said nearest to being insulted not actually insulted :p I don't have any real issue with ped racing I usually hand out flyers for my own race club when I attend shows. My views on racing really belong on the race forum.


Terry Smith
Cartman said:
Now, 21" That was in reply to  MR. Smit who first mentioned 21"".
Who's this Mr Smit who mentioned 21" :wacko: I missed that one. Just one more time you weren't set upon by Mr & MRS Smith you were answered in the same vein you wrote in by Terry Smith (That's me)
BeeJay said:
>But I take it that you now have attacked myself on a personal basis, with your statment.
You rather stupidly took the bait from Terry and instead of turning it upon him you turned it upon a group of people and their dogs that you know nothing about about and whom have never said anything rude about you or your dogs.  Terry actually isn't the peddie racing worlds greatest fan so you've done his dirty work for him.  I hope that you feel well proud of yourself you ignorant person and congrat's to Terry for this coupe.

I'm afraid that we have come to expect these ill informed spiteful comments from yourself on this board.  Get a grip and get some help!

>Now I suggest that you as a moderator, should not be so shallow as to of made statments & with a click of the key board wipe them off.

I may be a moderator but unlike yourself I have not made rude and offensive comments about other peoples dogs.  I for example have never said what I think about your dogs have I.  However as you've asked for it I'll put my moderator badge aside.  Why should I be held back by it unlike yourself who constantly spews spitefulness on this board.

However.  A while back you commented on the fact that you didn't care much for a show bred dog of mine.  Then you posted a photo of one of yours.  What I said at the time and I will say now is thank you, thank you, thank you.  For NOT liking my dog.  After seeing that photo of your dog if you were to like ANY dog that I own or actually ANY dog that any of my friends own I'd be just so insulted. 
Only mid morning here. Just turned on the computer. Started to read how this topic was going. At first, thought everyone had calmed down & respected the fact that we all have our own views. In fact, we all should respect them too.

I think this is all out of hand, & very petty. We all should grow up.

I will just let the comments said about me slide off, as they were made in response to my own personal views.

So Hannah, that was your whippet I made comment on. Long time ago. About 5 months I think. Can not quite recall what the comment was now. Might of been shoulders. I do remember stating something in response to a pic. Next thing I was set apon by everyone that THEN went to look at your dog at a ringcraft night. I also replied that it was wrong in what I had said. This was because I could only look at a pic, & anyone else had the good furtune to the see your dog in the flesh & put hands to it etc. :oops: Again, for the record, I am sorry for what I said about your dog. :thumbsup:

Now, is everyone happy? Are "we all" going to get on? I hope so.

PS as for my spelling. If it is close enough, then it's good enough......... :teehee:
ummm I missed this thread compleatly.

Whats all this rubbish about looking like it can do the job? The KC/show community have ruined to many breeds (bloodhounds ect)

the only true test if a dog can fullfill the purpose surely is in the field or the race track the functions it was bred to perform (running) not ponsing round a ring at a pace that hides it faults.

over and over again i've listened to show people going on about their dogs being a perfect speciman that is very fast? AGAINST WHAT? other pefectly formed show whippets or coursing/racing whippets that do what it says on the label.
I am very tired now of the racing vs showing debate. And I really don't think that anyone has the right to tell me what hobbies I can and can't enjoy.

I happen to enjoy "poncing around the ring" as Mark puts it. Have I ever on this forum berated/belittled/demeaned the pursuits of racing or coursing? Have I ever have a go at a racer/courser for not wanting to show their dogs? Please - stop telling us all that we should not be showing and we should be racing.

It's starting to sound very self-righteous and mightier than thou. Some of you are doing a great job of turning away those of us who were once willing to listen and learn.
:lol: :lol: Lana I like ponsing too and don't give a sh*t who knows or who cares!!! :thumbsup:

There should be more ponsing :lol: :lol: (what :unsure: ever that means)
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Some times I just grab a dog & go ponsing up & down the street. At first I did it at night in the privacy of my own home. But now, I am an outed ponser. It no longer worries me to just go ponsing at will.

I also have ponsing mags. delivered. Brown paper wrapper. I also visit ponsing sits on the net.

I know a lot of other ponser's with dogs. Angus is one too.
I agree with Lana .... for years and years we've assisted to a debate showing versus racing....WHICH always has had bad results. shouldn't we all think that we are breeding whippets and that everyone is free to show or to race his dog whatever he likes.

Maybe I've used bad words yesterday but I was really upset by the way the forum was turning to. :unsure: :eek:

Like Cartman I would say we aren't childs anymore !!!!!! :oops:
I'm not against showing (regardless of how bent it is,) but you must face facts walking a dog round a ring of say 50yds in distance is by no means a true test of the dogs sporting ability.

The only true test is to get it out into the field or track and pit it against others.

So reading this thread I take it you would all agree that a size 8 model is more of a true representation of the female form than a size 12 athlete ?.
Some times I just grab a dog & go ponsing up & down the street. At first I did it at night in the privacy of my own home. But now, I am an outed ponser. It no longer worries me to just go ponsing at will.I also have ponsing mags. delivered. Brown paper wrapper. I also visit ponsing sits on the net.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Mark Roberts said:
I'm not against showing (regardless of how bent it is,) but you must face facts walking a dog round a ring of say 50yds in distance is by no means a true test of the dogs sporting ability.
The only true test is to get it out into the field or track and pit it against others.

So reading this thread I take it you would all agree that a size 8 model is more of a true representation of the female form than a size 12 athlete ?.
:eek: :unsure: Did I miss something!!

Please more information?

What are we talking about now and how and when did the size of the female form enter this thread? :blink:
The point i'm making with the K9/Human comparison is beauty isn't the be all and end all.
Mark Roberts said:
The point i'm making with the K9/Human comparison is beauty isn't the be all and end all.
Sorry I didn't get your point Mark, You are absolutely right about that.

But unfortunately the whole the human population can't be athletic either.

You already know I believe in working dogs, but I also believe in the right to the hobby of your choice and that you shouldn't be hounded (pun intended) for your choice.
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I agree with you Mark.... For humans beauty shouldn't be the most important thing !!!!! :thumbsup:

But you should understand that some people really like showing their for them standard is really important !

:luck: :luck: :luck:
You need to get it out of your head that showing is about beauty. Beauty is only skin deep. It's about CONFORMATION. How the dog is put together - its skeleton, its muslces, how those things come together in movement, etc etc.

Show dogs originally CAME FROM working dogs (or dogs who were bred to do a specific thing/satisfy a human need eg in the case of some toys) - the standards had to be written by people who had experience with the dogs doing the job they were bred to do and also who had knowledge and understanding of anatomy in order to put down those requirements in the standard.

Does anyone honestly believe that when standards were written by people who knew nothing?

"Ok, we're going to form a kennel club. We need standards for the breeds - who should write them -the candlestick maker down the road - or someone who's been breeding and working these types of dogs for a while who knows this type of dog and why it needs a certain structure to do the job it does ?" Deja vous - we've had this discussion before too.

I am not trying to breed pretty whippets. I am trying to breed dogs who meet the criteria of the standard. And NO-ONE will convince me that standards were written by people who'd been in the breed for all of five minutes - unless they can tell me WHO wrote the darn things and what their doggy history was.
You need to get it out of your head that showing is about beauty. Beauty is only skin deep. It's about CONFORMATION. How the dog is put together - its skeleton, its muslces, how those things come together in movement, etc etc.

Yes Lana, you're completly right.

When you go to a dog show, it isn't a beauty contest at all !!!! The judge is there to control that the dogs shown have a good conformation :D

In my opinion, a dog with good conformation is also able to run. It depends on the owner after...Do you want your whippet to run or not.

A lot of people are talking about athletic skills....BUT it's also a question of training, special diet etc.... once I spoke with someone who knows a lot about how to train a racer .... that's a real job :sweating: :sweating: :sweating: I would never have time for it !!!!! He also told me that a lot of "show dogs" really have the will to run '(even sometimes more than racers).

I'm like Lana, I really like to speak with racing people.... BUT I must admit that some of them do not realize that breeding "show dogs" is a real job. :( THAT trying to breed dogs the closer you can to the standard !!!! :) You also need to have a dog in very good condition and to train to handle before going to shows which in my opinion is also a big job :thumbsup:
Just got back from our holiday which included going to Bakewell show so was quite surprised when i looked on here to find just how "off topic" it had gone!! (w00t)

All i'm going to add to this is, what does it really matter if we show/race/course or just have our whippets as pets????

The important issue is our mutual love of this wonderful breed & to do our best to produce dogs that are of good breed type,as close to the standard as possible & are sound in mind & body!!

Cheers Debbie :thumbsup:
I agree with you Debbie, no matter what we prefer showing, racing or keeping our whippet et home as long as we give him the attention, the love, the confort he needs :) :) :) :) :)

WHIPPET IS THE BEST BREED I'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

The only thing, as Debbie wrote is that we all have to respect the standard if we decide to breed :thumbsup:

i've met some people at shows and on racing tracks who really don't care about the standard as long as their dog win.....THAT's a stupid attitude :rant: :rant: :rant: