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Cartman said:
Carefull Dessie. You might say something funny.

Now, 21" That was in reply to  MR. Smit who first mentioned 21"

"Over angulation". I did not say that. I said "more". I dont like OVER esp. in the rear end. A nice balance will work more "economically".
:thumbsup: Going to come out and totally agree with Cartman on this. Overangulation in the rear is one of my pet hates, in any breed not just whippets.
Unfortunately I don't think we will ever stop the racing versus showing thing over here because there is such a big divide.
I am all for having a 'qualifier' for the full ch title like gundogs have to but, again, the KC would have to stage separate qualifying events because the show dogs really can't compete with the pure racers.
It's exactly the same here!!! Most of the "show" whippets compete in lure coursing because of that.

Some years ago there was several whippets who were both French Show and French Racing Champion.... I have an example in my mind but no doubt that this dog today would never have been neither a show nor a racing champion!!!

I don't know a lot about English clubs regulation but I completly agree with you about the "working class". It is very illogical to avoid the lure coursing whippets from this class. As you say they show their running ability as well as the others! :(
....but then i guess if the fastest these dogs go is a trot around a ring then i suppose this problem won't arise  :- " .........
Please Hannah, I'm begging ... can we stop the snide remarks like this one put in just to fuel the fire?
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why can some humans run faster than others ?

We all stand upright ,with no bend of stifle at all :lol: .

Ive never been able to run fast with the weight I carry behind me :- " but what makes one human run faster than the next ?

That should `lighten` things up a bit 8)
I think that one reason we are able to have this dicussion !!! , is that people are still able to show, race, course their dogs depending upon where thier interests lie, because whippets are such genuine dogs. Some breeds are now so far removed from their original purpose it would be difficult to imagine them in their intended role. Just let a couple of whippets into a field and watch them run.

Jax, I've got dodgy knees so when I stand I do have a slight bend of stifle. !!!

JAX Ive never been able to run fast with the weight I carry behind me
Maybe not Jax but you sure is hard to stop once you do get going :- " :- " :- "
quintessence said:
I think that  one reason we are able to have this dicussion !!! , is that people are  still able to show, race, course their dogs depending upon where thier interests lie, because whippets are such genuine dogs.
I must admit that Jean Marc's black dog looks like it can do it all! :thumbsup:

But there again I've seen others that look like a jog would kill em!
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JOE said:
I know Terry that you said some do look like functional dogs (I assure you there are many more affixes than just those you named that are fully functional outside the ring and do well in the ring). 
I know I should have added that there were more than those mentioned. Most of the dogs we own are show bred & I have as many friends in showing as I do in racing (about 3). In fact the only whippet I ever really craved was Oakbark Mariel the lovliest bitch produced for years IMO.

Terry Smith
Cartman said:
BeeJay said:
Then I'm sure that you will understand that I am not prepared to carry on with this discussion with people such as yourselves.  I have deleted my earlier posts.
Bee Jay. I said what I think is to be true. Like it or not, that is up to you. But I take it that you now have attacked myself on a personal basis, with your statment.

Also, why not look at the cause of why everyone is at each other neck. We, as show people and or whippet people in general, were set apon by Mr. Smith & Mrs. Smith.

This was a great site befor such comments, from each side, was raised. Now I suggest that you as a moderator, should not be so shallow as to of made statments & with a click of the key board wipe them off.

I am sure, I know I have, made statments in the heat of the moment. BUT I will live with that.

So why dont you delete all posts, or put yours back. OR is that not to your liking.

At the end of the day, I breed for conformation. You breed for race times regardless of the conformation. True or faulse?

Again, I will stand by my comments. I can not delete posts.

Now I really wasn't going to respond anymore to this thread.

But this I really will not tolerate. You want truth then okay this is it.

>Bee Jay. I said what I think is to be true. Like it or not, that is up to you.

You are totally ignorant in terms of pedigree racing whippets and you show this in your ridiculous comments re their size and other comments about them not having evolved.

>But I take it that you now have attacked myself on a personal basis, with your statment.

You rather stupidly took the bait from Terry and instead of turning it upon him you turned it upon a group of people and their dogs that you know nothing about about and whom have never said anything rude about you or your dogs. Terry actually isn't the peddie racing worlds greatest fan so you've done his dirty work for him. I hope that you feel well proud of yourself you ignorant person and congrat's to Terry for this coupe.

I'm afraid that we have come to expect these ill informed spiteful comments from yourself on this board. Get a grip and get some help!

>Now I suggest that you as a moderator, should not be so shallow as to of made statments & with a click of the key board wipe them off.

I may be a moderator but unlike yourself I have not made rude and offensive comments about other peoples dogs. I for example have never said what I think about your dogs have I. However as you've asked for it I'll put my moderator badge aside. Why should I be held back by it unlike yourself who constantly spews spitefulness on this board.

However. A while back you commented on the fact that you didn't care much for a show bred dog of mine. Then you posted a photo of one of yours. What I said at the time and I will say now is thank you, thank you, thank you. For NOT liking my dog. After seeing that photo of your dog if you were to like ANY dog that I own or actually ANY dog that any of my friends own I'd be just so insulted.

>At the end of the day, I breed for conformation. You breed for race times regardless of the conformation. True or faulse?

False (I can spell) as I don't breed. I buy in what I like. I do my research and I am very, very lucky that people who breed what I like have seen fit to trust me with their pups.
aslan said:
oh dear  :(
Oh of course. Oh dear.

Now let me get this straight. I've looked through the posts. And Lana I haven't seen you responding to this.

>Whippets that are breed to race are on a whole, smaller lumps of an animal that has not yet evolved. Breeding them for the purpose of that they were ment for. From the shallow end of the gene pool. A 14" muntant that fits under the coal miners coat. Big deal.

Nope you haven't been censorious about the person who wrote that have you. However anyone who has tried to defend their dogs from this piece of spiteful petty nastiness has come in for your tut tuts. Oh no don't say that etc.

Get into the real world. Why the hell do you think that just because your friend has yet again chosen to vent his spleen on someone they should put up with it.

Terry Smith might have been forceful in his remarks but he never singled out a type of whippet and said what your friend said did he. Nope he didn't descend to that level.
It's true ......cartman was out and out spiteful about the racing bred Whippet :( .......and just for the record 3 out of my 4 racing Whippets could compete very well at a show :thumbsup: ....My other one dosn't like being touched by strangers in case you were wondering :(
BeeJay said:
  Terry actually isn't the peddie racing worlds greatest fan so you've done his dirty work for him.  I hope that you feel well proud of yourself you ignorant person and congrat's to Terry for this coupe.
You know Barbara of all the stuff that's been thrown at me in this thread this is the nearest to being insulted I've been.

Exactly what "dirty work" have I been up to? I started by defending the british way of showing. Got told I was talking rot!! for mentioning fairness when a simple & polite "I disagree" would have done. I then aired the opinion that t.r.a.d (that's tremendous reach and drive Lana) was no indicator of a dogs athletic ability which led to to the "what crap" reaction from our dyslexic friend accompanied by other written diarrohea. Seeing as you say I'm not peddie racings greatest fan I thought I defended ped racing in fact racing in general in an efficient but light hearted manner. I didn't set anything up certainly not a coup ( a coupe is a car) I stated my opinions as I have stated my opinions on other forums on this site over the years. If I feel the need to criticise any one or anything I'll say it myself short of a libel action. I only enter a thread like this because there are issues on the go. I don't do chat & I don't do back slapping/scratching just doesn't appeal to me.

Terry Smith
Judy said:
Just because I don't race my dogs doesn't mean that I am not trying to breed dogs that can
How can you be trying to breed dogs that can race if you don't test them by racing them ?  Thats like saying "I bet my dog would be really good if I raced him" - A lot of us have said that before we started racing  :D No offence Lana but it's true.
Judy - no offence taken but there is nowhere where I live that I can race my dogs. There is no organisation and no competition. And I don't bet my dogs would be really good if I raced them - because like everybody else's, they have their faults. No-one achieves perfection. Why can't I be trying to achieve a whippet that has good construction and would be able to do the job? I am certainly not actively TRYING to breed the opposite. I'm not trying to breed British Bulldogs. I would welcome any of my puppy buyers racing their dog, because I agree with you it would be beneficial to me as a breeder. In fact I have some owners in Melbourne who have taken their dog to a few of the fun race meets held by the club down there. I am keen for them to take him to more.

When I lived in Mt Isa I used to take my dog slipping with the greyhounds every Sunday morning and he went on the track once (on his own) and caught the lure - and once when I first moved here the greyhound club invited a couple of whippets along to have a go round the track- there were four whippets - three of them were mine. That was the closest he ever got to a race. It never happened again.

I don't want to race my own dogs competitively. Showing is what I love (do racing people have a right to condemn me for that?) and I wouldn't want my dogs to be out of action for shows due to soreness or injury from competitive racing. I have had racing greyhound friends - I see the amount of work that has to be done on those dogs due to their injuries time and time again. But I would certainly be happy for anyone who buys a pup from me to take it racing or coursing, and I would expect that in the least it would be competitive.

Plus i think my own dogs have enough fun on the race track they have made for themselves at home. :D

On the flip side, I have some friends in America who own America's #1 all time best Sighthound lure courser. He is a whippet, he is beautifully constructed, he moves with reach and drive on the trot and if he were mine (and I lived in America) I would have been showing him because I believe he could have been a show winner as well. But they were not interested in showing - and I can't criticise them for that.
I'm on the phone now to Barbara, and she apologises to you Terry as she realises that you appreciate a good performance dog, and also a nicley put together Whippet :D .......and totally agree's with you about trad movement ;) ......she just wasn't sure about your views on peddie racing as opposed to non peddie racing which she knows your in favour of :thumbsup: