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  1. Diesel's Dad

    Teenage dogs...

    How long will it last though!?
  2. Diesel's Dad

    Post a picture of how your dog sleeps

    Love seeing these! Diesel has so many interesting poses and position. Here’s one called “the pub pose”. Good for getting trodden on. March 20th, last time we were allowed in!
  3. Diesel's Dad

    Cellphone Lady and Wild Beast (starring Baby Miles)

    Hope she had a sense of humour!
  4. Diesel's Dad

    Spring Pictures

    It’s lovely to get outside at this time of year isn’t it?! Especially in these strange times. I’m guessing everyone’s dogs are a bit grumpy with less opportunity to get outside and play with this doggy friends? Ours certainly is. but had a lovely walk this afternoon and met a great ridgeback...
  5. Diesel's Dad

    New boxer puppy

    You made the same brave choice as me for a first dog! Endless fun but hard bloody work if you’ve never let dogs. As you say dietary advice is wide and confusing so I won’t add to this just say read around, form your own view and try what feels right. Diesel has always been on a preprepaired...
  6. Diesel's Dad

    Companion for boisterous boxer?

    Thanks Judy. That’s my major concern, bringing in a new pup may just ramp up excitement even more and if that turned into 2x bad behaviour I’d hate to be in a position to need rehoming. looking for a breed that can take a kicking but stay calm!
  7. Diesel's Dad

    Companion for boisterous boxer?

    Wondering if anyone with experience of boxers could recommend a suitable companion breed? diesel is coming up on 20 months now and calming down slightly... only in the evenings when he still wants to play but we’re exhausted does his naughty streak show itself. we were thinking a companion to...
  8. Diesel's Dad

    Raw food for allergies?

    Yes was just reading about that. We also need to find a dry kibble that he can handle for times we don’t feed raw such as when travelling (too messy!) so might give it a go.
  9. Diesel's Dad

    Raw food for allergies?

    Hi all, we just got results from Diesels allergy tests. We guessed he was sensitive to some environmental allergens such as grass, weeds and dust but didn’t expect so many common foods to be flagged. He’s always been slightly itchy but nothing major apart from ear flare-up during pollen...
  10. Diesel's Dad

    Post the latest picture of your dog.

    Here we go... Tasty looking gammon!
  11. Diesel's Dad

    Surgery Monday

    Update... saw the vet today for a check on the wound and second treatment of whatever it is they squirt down his ears for itchiness. Wound is healing great and he’s had the all clear to race around like a loony again. they recon the scar will be next to invisible once his fur grows back which...
  12. Diesel's Dad

    Surgery Monday

    Doing really well thanks although the scar looks a bit of a mess. Was a bit concerned as they could t apply a dressing given the location and he’s no fan of the cone of shame! Fortunately he’s shown no signs of trying to scratch it so well he’s supervised we leave it off. Just walking on the...
  13. Diesel's Dad

    Experience with Boxers?

    Well finally making progress! He’s not enjoying this rubbish weather which limits our time outside a bit but 2 key things we’ve done have made a huge improvement to his behaviour. Firstly we’ve switched to a figure 8 slip leash. We borrowed one off a friend to try and after 10 minutes of...
  14. Diesel's Dad

    Surgery Monday

    Our poor little chap has been a bit poorly last week or so. After running around like a loon in the woods he had cuts in between his toes on two feet. Which are really annoying him. Seems also to be having an allergic reaction to something as his ears are red raw and the feet which don’t have...
  15. Diesel's Dad

    Diesel’s Doggy Diary

    One year old today! How time flies! Looking back we had no concept of how much this guy would change our lives, it’s been a real rollercoaster but worth every minute and injury along the way. Finally turning a corner with his unruly behaviour after some great advice and hard work by our...
  16. Diesel's Dad

    Experience with Boxers?

    HELP!!! Previously well behaved pup now an 11 month old stroppy adolescent. Driving me mad with his constant desire for rough play and biting. Read every training book and website I can find, many of which contradict each other. My favourite comment is “don’t let your dog do XYZ”. Ever tried...
  17. Diesel's Dad

    Unable to upload pictures...?

    There is a free app on iOS called “compress” which allows you to shrink pics for upload. Handy if you’re not near a pc.
  18. Diesel's Dad

    Elimination diet?

    Well the sweet potato and chicken along with slippery elm and yoghurt seems to have done the trick. Will start slowly switching back to his normal food tomorrow.
  19. Diesel's Dad

    Worst thing you've ever seen

    That’s pretty Gross. Diesels favourite is still cow poop, at least that’s naturL!
  20. Diesel's Dad

    Elimination diet?

    Thanks. Will give this a go and let you know how we get along. DD