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Companion for boisterous boxer?

Diesel's Dad

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Wondering if anyone with experience of boxers could recommend a suitable companion breed?

diesel is coming up on 20 months now and calming down slightly... only in the evenings when he still wants to play but we’re exhausted does his naughty streak show itself.

we were thinking a companion to play with might give us an easier time as well as keeping him company if / when we ever return to work!

We’d love something which would be tough enough to handle diesels rough play but also have a calming influence.

map far have considered a staffer, pointer and Lab. now we have time on our hands to research open to all suggestions and experience!

many thanks

I was wondering about a Staffie. They can be iffy with other dogs given what they were bred for, but I found them a really good match for Jasper when he was young & wild - sociable enough to be up for a game, confident enough to put him in his place if he pushed them, but steady enough to do this firmly rather than losing their rag.

However, my concern would be that you'd be giving Diesel another reason to want to play, and you'll then have two dogs charging around the house, doing wall of death, smashing the telly, and generally creating carnage. I've no personal experience of this though... apart maybe from my two human offspring!
Thanks Judy. That’s my major concern, bringing in a new pup may just ramp up excitement even more and if that turned into 2x bad behaviour I’d hate to be in a position to need rehoming.

looking for a breed that can take a kicking but stay calm!
Ha! But that's the point of having a companion at 20 months - to create twice the mayhem!
Of course, comes with twice the fun, twice the love.... and 3 times the work to train and manage:)
If that's a concern, rather than the objective - I'd stay away from this idea...
That said - if I could only have a fenced in back yard - I would have had 2 a long time ago, and to hell with the smashed TV, I don't watch TV anyway :D
I would wait to get another until your boy has passed the puppy phase or you are going to have even more mayhem in your household:)
The most ive had as been 5 at the same time. I've always waited until the last one had come out of the fruit loop stage before another pup was introduced. The amount of mayhem in the house will be down to you and your training and what you allow them to get away with.