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Worst thing you've ever seen


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What is the worst thing your dog has ever eaten/attempted to eat?

Asking because I just pulled a used condom from out of my dogs mouth with my bare hands and I don't think I'll ever be clean again.
That’s pretty Gross. Diesels favourite is still cow poop, at least that’s naturL!
What is the worst thing your dog has ever eaten/attempted to eat?

Asking because I just pulled a used condom from out of my dogs mouth with my bare hands and I don't think I'll ever be clean again.
OMG thats gross.. and why I have hand sanitiser in every bag I carry.

Oscar once went into a group of bushes and handed me what I thought was cardboard until I noticed the little paw... It was a dead, flattened and dried rat...:eek: I threw it away in disgust and thinking it was a game he went a fetched it back !!!
But your post reminds me of something I saw on my Dutch FB page, translated it goes like this..
* There’s a dog ban on beaches and in parks but when I walked along guess what I found.

All the addicted dogs have been smoking themselves silly and throwing countless cigarette butts in the dunes and on the grass.

Doggy mums have changed their doggy babies and left the pampers laying there or dumped them in the bushes.

The fat dogs have been scoffing MacDonald’s and pizzas leaving the boxes and wrappers laying around.

The party dogs have been on the razz judging by all the beer cans, empty crisp packets and wine bottles that have been left lying around, not in but next to the rubbish bins...

The horny dogs have been humping their bitches cos they’ve left the used condoms in the grass

The only thing I didn’t see was dog poo.

But councils are right to ban dogs from beaches and parks.
Because no decent human being would leave mess like this would they????

(read and copied from someone else because its great) *
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Brilliant, MM!

With Jasper, it's a toss-up between the long-dead desiccated rabbit he found on a beach, and cat poo. The cat poo was just outside our front door and as he made a grab for it, I was trying to drag him past it and into the house. In his haste, it caught in his throat and he then coughed up cat-poo-laced saliva all over the hall carpet.
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EWWWW.... JASPER! Yeah Bax's most recent vomit adventure has been eating popcorn (which i was TOLD is a dog friendly snack) throwing it up all over, picaing up all the hair and grass in the house and vomiting THAT up.... it was a mess... no more popcorn for bax.
ooh, condom is gross.. I had a young dog of mine eat human poo which I only knew she'd done coz she then threw it up in my van:eek::eek::eek:, that has got to be my worst 'dog eating something they shouldn't' experience!!
:eek: oh yuck ! One of my dogs tried to eat a dead hedgehog. It had been run over at the park by the grass cutters. :(
I cant 'like' any of these posts they are just too disgusting. What I will say is that youve all made me feel a lot better about Georges obsession with chewing twigs !
A mouse in such an advanced state of decay that the flesh was dropping off the bones. Down in went in one....

It came back up an hour later on my carpet. I couldn't bear to even look at it - I waved the coal shovel in approximately the right area, hoped I'd scooped it up and flung it as far as I could over the hedge.

The carpet was washed with half a bottle of disinfectant.