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Teenage dogs...

Depends on the dog - as with people. Longest teen rebellion I ever had was 13 months, shortest 2 weeks (but oh! Those 2 weeks!!!).
As I became more experienced, teenage phases were less testing, simply because I knew better how to handle them. I wish I had that 13 monther back again - I'd do a lot that was different nowadays.

It makes me smile when scientists "discover" what the rest of us have known for centuries. All mammals and birds have a teenage phase. We call our adolescent garden blackbirds "Kevins" because they are such obnoxious little chaps. (For anyone called Kevin who is about to get annoyed, there is a television comedy adolescent called Kevin.)
Our next door neighbour is called Kevin... :D:D ...I shall now look at him in totally different light :D
How long will it last though!?
With some it is permanent thing...they never even realize they should have grown out of it... :rolleyes: Or maybe they move straight from extended teenage rebellion to stubborn old age rebellion? o_O:rolleyes: