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  1. Dippy

    My Name Is Lily

    These young girls, starting on alco-pops. The slippery slope, it'll be meths soon.... that lasdt photo is fab
  2. Dippy

    New Pictures!

    They are gorgeous....
  3. Dippy

    What A Horrible Week

    Do hope you get good news about Sophie. My Aphrodite was one of those melt your heart girls. I'll be thinking of you both
  4. Dippy

    Hi Everybody!

    They are so gorgeous. Alice is just like my Trevi, except his face is getting very white now he is 11.
  5. Dippy

    Rescue Greyhound

    He is a beauty, good luck with him.
  6. Dippy

    Tigger Iggy Polo

  7. Dippy

    Feeding Igs

    Been reading a lot about feeding raw food and since Trevi was none the worse for eating the pigeon I have just given him a raw chicken wing which he promptly grabbed from his bowl and took outside to munch on, presumably thought it had got there by mistake and didn't want it taken away!.
  8. Dippy

    Feeding Igs

    Trev is on a dry food as I was told it was what he was used to and he was 10yrs old when I got him. But, he did catch himself a nice collared dove for Christmas Day brunch! By the time we saw what he was up to there was only the head and feet left!!
  9. Dippy

    Murphy & Poppys Photos

    Lovely photos, hope they are okay now
  10. Dippy

    Dogs Being Sick

    Hope they are better, you have a beautiful bunch there!
  11. Dippy

    Puppy Farmers

    Couldn't watch, I get too upset!
  12. Dippy

    Trevor In The Snow

    Not very good photo but here is Trevor in the garden, with his nice tartan coat on. He'll be 11 this month.
  13. Dippy

    Puppies At Last

    They are all absoutely gorgeous, glad I don't have to choose just one. though I would love a puppy....
  14. Dippy

    Vet Fees

    This is just a regular repeat prescription for his heart pills dispensed from the surgery. All they have to do is count out the tablets. Even then they sent capsules instead of tablets! My IG was on longterm medication and I only paid extra when we had a consultation.
  15. Dippy

    Vet Fees

    Just collected a prescription for my daughters dogs and the vet charged a dispensing fee of £7. My vet doesn't charge, but is this normal practice?
  16. Dippy

    New Little Dog

    No advice on bonding with another dog but I took on a 10yr old IG in June after his owner died. It has taken till now for him to really get close to me. He would snuggle in the corner of the sofa, well away from me, didn't want cuddles. It seemed as though he was always expecting his person to...
  17. Dippy

    Oldies Rehomed This Year

    Lovely to see these seniors enjoying their later years. I am on my 2nd rehomer. The first came to me at 8 and lived till 12 yrs old and this one, who I've had for 6 months iwill be 11 in February. they may not be as cute as puppies but they give so much affection back. I wish people would think...
  18. Dippy

    Dog Front Leg Amputation

    Just seen this thread and want to add my best wishes for Arnie and you. My friends Weimaraner lost his leg 3 years ago, more traumatic for the owner than the dog, he does everything his sister does. My thoughts are with Arnie for a quick recovery.
  19. Dippy

    Max Has Broken His Leg

    Aww love him, he looks so fed up. Sending him lots of healing thoughts from me & Trevi.
  20. Dippy

    Meet Grace

    She is absolutely gorgeous