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Vet Fees


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Just collected a prescription for my daughters dogs and the vet charged a dispensing fee of £7. My vet doesn't charge, but is this normal practice?
my vets charge £24 consoltation fee as they dont pescribe without a check over first, i would expect to pay this as they are a business after all. :thumbsup:
Was this for a prescription to be filled else where? If so vets are allowed to charge for them now. I don't think they should charge to make up the drugs in the surgery as you have paid the consultation fee. I would ask the next time you go, if they charge you find a vet who doesn't, they make enough money.
This is just a regular repeat prescription for his heart pills dispensed from the surgery. All they have to do is count out the tablets. Even then they sent capsules instead of tablets! My IG was on longterm medication and I only paid extra when we had a consultation.
I have had to pay a dispensing fee for a repeat of a regular supply of medication .
Yes it is normal. Usually this is just hidden in the cost of the drugs that you buy and is not shown separately. Although from time to time I have known it to be shown separately.
This is just a regular repeat prescription for his heart pills dispensed from the surgery. All they have to do is count out the tablets. Even then they sent capsules instead of tablets! My IG was on longterm medication and I only paid extra when we had a consultation.

I have had this discussion. That sort of tablet cannot be bought over the counter. They are taking responsibility for issuing a drug. If you were to buy over the internet and needed a prescription you would probably find that you would be charged for that.

One of my boys has been having incontinence tablets which if he has to stay on them will be for the rest of his life. They work out at 50p each.
yes my vet has a fee as well,like mentioned my vet asks for 25 quid before he see,s the dog.It is a buisness but sometimes it costs an arm and a leg.But we all need a vet for our pets.I think this is why so many dogs around near me go to the P.D.S.A in Salford,or are left untreated.At the P.D.S.A you show your income letter if your on income support etc and leave a donation.I have a little saving jar i put away money in each week for emergancies for the vets it does help doing this.