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What A Horrible Week


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It's been a horrible few days for our household. I found at the end of last week that my darling Sophie had a mammary lump, and when I got her to the vet they discovered two more smaller lumps deep under the skin :(

Sophie had mammary lumps removed just before I adopted her, and unfortunately they proved to be one of the more aggressive forms of cancer. The vet's prognosis for her at the time was 'guarded' so I've always been aware that we might have further problems, but over two years later I was starting to feel that we had probably got away with it, so this was a complete shock.

The vet did a needle biopsy and confirmed the lumps were malignant, and she had surgery on Monday. She's recovering well, but I'm still waiting for a full lab report as to what sort of cancer it is. I'm totally in bits, of all the dogs I've ever had Sophie is the one who melts my heart every time I look at her, I really can't bear to think I might lose her.

Then to make things worse my little fifteen-year-old Benji terrier who we adopted earlier this year had some funny warty lumps - one on each front leg and one on his head. The vet decided at the time that they were probably best left alone, but over last weekend one of them started to swell and ulcerate and became quite nasty, so he was in surgery on Tuesday having all three of them removed :eek:

He's also bounced back amazingly well, and in his case it seems that the tumours were very low-grade and we are unlikely to have any further problems (other than keeping him in a 'lampshade' for another week or so so he doesn't pull his stitches out, which he's definitely not happy about), but he's generally bouncing around and barking and being his usual little pain-in-the-arse self :wub: :wub:

Not a good week - I'd really appreciate some good thoughts Sophie. I should get the results on Tuesday, so I'm just praying they won't be as bad as I fear :(
Poor Sophie and Benji , I hope they both recover well and that the news you are waiting for is not as bad as you fear :luck: :huggles: :huggles: :luck:
It's horrible when it all seems to happen at once, isn't it? I totally know what you mean when you have a 'heartbreaker' dog like Sophie and send you both loads of good wishes :luck: :luck: :luck:

Sounds like Benji is a feisty little old fella and is more than capable of taking care of himself!
:( poor sophie and benji

i no what you mean wen you say this (Sophie is the one who melts my heart every time I look at her, I really can't bear to think I might lose her. )i felt exactly the same about my poppy and iv never felt so much pain as i did wen she finaly went :(

just make the time you both have left together count hun :huggles: im sending you so much good vibes and luck hun :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
or poor babies, and poor you :( sending you all my hope for sophie xxxxxx
what a horrid week you have had

sending all our love and lots of :luck: for sophie
How awful for you ... hugs to you, Sophie and Benji ... wishing both dogs a speedy recovery and hoping that it's only good news when you get Sophie's test .
Edited cos somehow posted twice
Last edited by a moderator:
It's been a horrible few days for our household. I found at the end of last week that my darling Sophie had a mammary lump, and when I got her to the vet they discovered two more smaller lumps deep under the skin :(
Sophie had mammary lumps removed just before I adopted her, and unfortunately they proved to be one of the more aggressive forms of cancer. The vet's prognosis for her at the time was 'guarded' so I've always been aware that we might have further problems, but over two years later I was starting to feel that we had probably got away with it, so this was a complete shock.

The vet did a needle biopsy and confirmed the lumps were malignant, and she had surgery on Monday. She's recovering well, but I'm still waiting for a full lab report as to what sort of cancer it is. I'm totally in bits, of all the dogs I've ever had Sophie is the one who melts my heart every time I look at her, I really can't bear to think I might lose her.

Then to make things worse my little fifteen-year-old Benji terrier who we adopted earlier this year had some funny warty lumps - one on each front leg and one on his head. The vet decided at the time that they were probably best left alone, but over last weekend one of them started to swell and ulcerate and became quite nasty, so he was in surgery on Tuesday having all three of them removed :eek:

He's also bounced back amazingly well, and in his case it seems that the tumours were very low-grade and we are unlikely to have any further problems (other than keeping him in a 'lampshade' for another week or so so he doesn't pull his stitches out, which he's definitely not happy about), but he's generally bouncing around and barking and being his usual little pain-in-the-arse self :wub: :wub:

Not a good week - I'd really appreciate some good thoughts Sophie. I should get the results on Tuesday, so I'm just praying they won't be as bad as I fear :(
My very first whippet had mammary tumours, the first were removed and not tested. They came back within a few weeks, so the vet removed them and sent them for biopsy. The result was malignant, so she had a full mammary strip, she was 8 years old at the time. She never had another problem, and lived until she was 13, when her kidneys failed. Keep your chin up, things may not be so bad - fingers crossed that you have better news from here on in :huggles: :luck:
Do hope you get good news about Sophie. My Aphrodite was one of those melt your heart girls. I'll be thinking of you both
One thing I was really pleased with - Sophie being a neurotic sensitive little thing was absolutely terrified of the buster collar she came home in , and was running round the house in a panic trying to escape from it. I managed to adapt an old T-shirt for her the first night to keep her off her stitches, but it wasn't very satisfactory, it kept riding up bagging out in the wrong places, and she obviously wasn't happy in it.

I mentioned it to the vet, and he fitted her up with one of these Medical Pet Shirt. I'm really pleased with it, it's very soft and stretchy and comfortable for her, and so far is doing the trick to keep her away from her stitches. Just thought it was worth mentioning in case anyone else has a similar problem!
Poor Sophie and Benji :( So sorry to hear such horrible news. Sending positive thoughts your way along with lots of hugs to you all :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck:
I've quite often found with my dogs, that they don't need to be protected from biting the stitches - mostly they just wanted to clean the area, and then left it alone. If I was unsure, I always used some kind of prevention method, but when I was with them, I just observed, and mostly once they had given the wound the once over, they were fine with it. :D I once had a cat that pulled out the external and internal stitches though :( - never trust a cat :D

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for two speedy recoveries :luck: :luck:
Thank you so much for the messages :flowers:

Sophie's results were better than I had feared, in that the lumps were carcinomas rather than sarcomas, and the lab were also happy that the operation was successful in removing a reasonable margin of healthy tissue, so she won't need any further surgery for now which is a huge relief.

The odds for longer term survival with the sort of cancer she had are slightly better than even, at least. We've just got to keep a very careful eye out for any recurrence and for any sign of spread to lymph nodes. If all stays clear for a year then the odds get much better that she'll have no further problems. All we can do now is hope for the best (and spoil her just a little bit :wub: )

Otherwise both Sophie and Benji have recovered from their operations extremely well and should have stitches out at the weekend, which will be a relief - they are both going more than slightly stir crazy being restricted to gentle on-lead exercise! :wacko:
so glad things aren't looking so're an angel to these older dogs and you deserve some luck x