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Max Has Broken His Leg

Breeze mum said:
I'm so glad your poor boy is getting better.  I said a prayer for him.  What  a dreadful thing to happen- I worry every time my Breeze charges up and down the stairs because greyhound legs look so brittle.  Lots of love to the invalid.
Thank you, that's so kind of you. I really appreciate everyone who has spared a thought for us. So many people have asked after him - even the headteacher where I am a governor! It really restored my faith in human nature. :) :huggles:
Poor little soldier. He looks very brave in his bandage. Wishing you all the very best for a quick recovery.
Poor boy :( - what awful injuries, but he looks like a brave boy, and I hope he makes an excellent recovery. :luck: :huggles:
Mixed news today - his head is healing nicely. His shoulder has totally healed where they took the graft. :) So he's had all those stitches out. And he no longer has a blow hole on his head and no seizures since last Wednesday (touch wood).

The not so good bit - the wound in his leg is breaking down so they have only taken out some of those stitches. It's gone a bit icky and he has to go back in for another bandage change on Monday. :(
Well, he's had an xray yesterday and there is some evidence that the bones are starting to heal - not bad for 3 weeks! He managed to break his splint so he had to have that replaced and is now wearing a very fetching pink bandage!

We are doing 2-3 bandage changes a week because of the necrotic flesh - the tendon casing above the stopper pad is exposed at the mo so we aren't too sure if that will heal or if he will keep his leg.

BTW, he is allowed on the sofa if he is supervised now so he took advantage of that today, and I'm pleased to say he got on and off by himself with no problems.




poor for a boy soooooo embarrassing..........i hope everything goes well ......he looks so much like one of the greys at the kennels.....
We're out of pink and back in manly blue!!

Here is his latest x-ray, it's a bit dark but you can sort of make out the extent of the break.


only just seen this poor boy at least he is on the mend and that you are coping with it all it's so awful when things like this happen :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: hugs for both of you
We are having major problems now. Today Max ate part of his bandage so I whisked him off to get a nice new one but the surgeon was really concerned about the depth of the pressure sores - bone depth and the fact that the plate is at risk now so they have taken his splint off and only used a light dressing.

Max now has to be crated, go on the lead in the garden and walk so slowly that only one leg comes off the ground at once.

He's got to go back in on Friday, Monday and next Thursday. He also said there was no evidence of bone growth on the new xrays done today ??? We've also got another lot of antibiotics - on top of the 300mg antirobe - begins with an "S" can't remember just now.
Poor Max , I hope things improve soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:
I'm sorry to hear max is still poorly :( poor boy he looks so restricted with that bandage. I really hope his leg gets better soon :)) Clare :huggles:
poor max-hows he doing?

our whippet has just had his frame removed after his 2nd break-

we've had lots of problems too-

our lad has been in a cage for almost a year :(

Sending lots of positive thoughts in Max's direction :huggles: - how's he doing now?
Oh Karen your poor little boy - big hugs. You must be exhausted!

I am pleased to say Max is doing okay. His head is officially better although permanently dented - the seizures have stopped and there is no brain damage, although if he bangs his head again there could be more problems as the skull is now very weak.

On the leg front, we are now out of the heavy dressings and just on light ones - I'll try and remember to take a photo.

The leg isn't healing yet and the pressure sores are very bad - the splint was making them worse and he broke the splint twice anyway! The tendons are exposaed because of the pressure sores so we are watching and waiting to see what happens.

Somehow he has managed to dislocate his toe whilst in the bandage, but that is now reset and should be okay.

I nearly had a heart attack this morning. My OH came upstairs saying he'd left Max out of the crate because he was asleep, and then two seconds later who should appear at the top of the stairs? You guessed it! MAX! :eek: :oops: He was carried straight back down. Fortunately no damage done, except to my nerves. You can imagine what I said to my OH! :rant:
Just caught up with this thread .

poor max and poor you , :(

Ive had to keep Melody crated for a week as she knocked her leg, :( Not fun for a 10 week old pupp,y so I cant imagine how poor max must be feeling either

Good luck with him :luck:
Here is Max in his crate in his lighter weight bandage, he actuallywants to go in the crate and today asked me if he could go back in - I just left the gate open as I was in the room so he could come out if he wanted, but he stayed put!!! (w00t)

Poor Max. Zoomie is sending lots of cyber cuddles so I hope they're arriving.

Sounds like he's just fed-up poor soul. But isn't he doing well really considering how awful his injuries were. He's such a brave lad!

Zoomie says when his leg is all better he'll need to wear a crash helmet when he goes running again!

JJ had horrendous pressure sores recently after a foot operation and although they're frightful to look at they will heal in time. I thought there was no way the skin could close again but within a few weeks it was all healing well. She's got bald spots now but that's not important really - I thought she's lost use of her foot!

Just sending all our best wishes :huggles: (and a kiss from Lottie :* )
Aww love him, he looks so fed up. Sending him lots of healing thoughts from me & Trevi.
Great news on the Max front today - the vet reckons that after next week we can be bandage free - obviously still not fixed and he'd be relying on the plate for support, but it's a good step forwards. :thumbsup: :)