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  1. kissi

    Finally Here

    awwwww congratulations!! Good :luck: for the little girl!! :huggles:
  2. kissi

    Happy Birthday Phoebe

    Happy Birthday Phoebe, hope you had a good time at the beach!! :cheers:
  3. kissi

    My Boy Will Be Ten In A Few Days Time ! ! !

    Happy Birthday Sam!! :cheers: :D
  4. kissi

    Foto Update Dobé And Fiebe

    Great pictures! Dobe and Fiebe are very lovely girls!! :wub: :wub: :huggles:
  5. kissi


    Happy birthday Sophie!! :cheers: :wub:
  6. kissi

    Willow Update

    I echo what Keith said - you ramble all you want - it takes an incredibly strong and loving person to do what you are doing for this little pup. You've tried the best you could - I'm sorry that the outcome wasn't as hoped, but you are right - she'll be just fine! :huggles: to you and Willow...
  7. kissi

    Getting To Know You...

    aww bless, so cute :wub: :huggles:
  8. kissi


    very sad news, I'm so sorry :(
  9. kissi

    New Jumpers

    very nice!! I'm so jealous of people who are this crafty, the sweaters look great!! :)
  10. kissi

    Fritz Photos

    Fritz is very cute! :huggles: :wub:
  11. kissi

    Lord Archibald Is 4!!

    Happy Birthday Archie!!! :cheers: :huggles: What great pictures and wonderful birthday pressie! :wub:
  12. kissi

    Yet Another Puppy...

    what a cutie! :wub: :wub:
  13. kissi

    Badger And Woody Path Lab Results

    Awww I'm very sorry about the bad news :( I believe there is always hope tho :luck: :huggles: to both x
  14. kissi


    Happy Birthday Montee!!! :cheers: :D
  15. kissi

    Molly And Tam

    Haha! Funny picture story (w00t) They look so mischievous :- "
  16. kissi

    New Member

    Thank you! Kiplin is gorgeous too! :wub: I do have a question, she isn't eating all that much, I am concerned. I was told she'll eat when she's hungry enough but I'm a worried mum. She's also sleeping lots today and very clingy, climbing on top of me to sleep. She just went to the vets...
  17. kissi

    Poor, Poor Daisy

    aww poor thing, that sad little face :huggles:
  18. kissi

    Flyn & His Kids.......

    lovely pics :wub:
  19. kissi

    My Beautifull Girl

    what a big belly :D lots of :luck: :luck:
  20. kissi

    New Member

    thank you everyone, I'm so proud :wub: