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A bit of an unusual request, but does anyone with knowledge of plants (or male dogs) know of any plants that can withstand being used as an occasional pee post? We have lost several plants to ‘pee damage’, so I am trying to find something that might be a little more resilient but obviously not too prickly:eek: The other option is to try to train the dog not to pee on the plants, or at least aim for the weeds, but not even sure how to attempt that!
As already mentioned about 'pee posts' etc. about planting some cheap plants in plastic pots for him to wee on purpose! Get some ordinary garden plants that you could quite easily divide and pot on to create more and when plant is given up under your dog's 'showers'...drop a new on its place. It doesn't even have to be planted into ground...just place it with the pot and all. As the plant is standing proud from the ground, it is quite likely to be tempting 'wee post' for your dog and maybe anything else in the garden is getting less of a 'hit' from his hose ;)
Trouble with weeing is that it is not so much the wee 'hitting' and burning the plant leaves...but the excessive nitrogen in the wee is getting into ground and effectively the plant dies for being over fertilized. If you can catch him in the action and dilute it all down by flushing it down with water...that will help and plants are then able to use most of it up without being damaged. But following him several times a day with watering can in your hand ain't doable in long term.
The storms have arrived, and I've just had a stressed shaking dog trying to climb in between me and my footstool, then in between my chair and table with the second monitor on, and into a 2' square corner already taken up by a shredder and other 'stuff'. It was never going to work, and just extricating himself again was going to be tricky with a dog who often has trouble with reverse gear...


(He was standing across my lap at that point.)

But at least I could give him ear rubs, and the storm passed quickly - it didn't take him long to recover enough to take treats again, but this is Jasper!

On this morning's walk a spaniel rushed over to him, barking and snarking and showing her teeth:eek: He stood there, a bit worried and nonplussed, and she went off in the other direction. As the couple with her came alongside us, I realised that one was a trainer I'd met before explaining to the owner that this was purely fear aggression - which it was. The owner pointed out that this may be the case, but the other owners don't appreciate it! I resisted suggesting that maybe she shouldn't have been allowed out of her comfort zone in the first place... They were possibly lucky that the spaniel had picked on a non-aggressive (almost always) dog with non-aggressive (almost always) owners;)
Aww...poor Jasper...first a spaniel and then the storms. Sounds like he has had had day's worth of bother already!
Well...we haven't had storms...nor nothing other than bleeding heat and humidity. Two nights ago we had couple of hours a silent lightning show. Girls and I, we stood in the middle of the garden marvelling the flashes. They were positively excited as I joined them to their midnight outdoors activities...I'd rather sleep but at least this time it was truly worth it..:rolleyes:
My trouble is that mine want to get out during night and they rather sleep during day...unless there is some exciting activities in promise...then they will be on a go day AND night!
We have had a nice bit of gentle rain this afternoon but it has stopped now. Unfortunately no thunder storms, we desperately need something to clear the air, although we are feeling a little fresher today.
Nothing exciting has happened at all!
Given the weather, Jasper didn't want to go for a walk this morning. However, he did want to go out into the garden, initially for a wee, and then just to hang... Fair enough, but he insisted that I had to be out there with him. He caught a couple of balls I threw, but then just stood there with one in his mouth, and sidestepped when I threw another. And so we just stood, for 10 mins or so till he decided his 'walk' was over and came in for a towel-down and snooze.

Strange dog...
We had one of the girls today who got out of the car and had a quick wee and got straight back in the car. The others took no notice of the rain (it is warm rain) and continued their usual search around the field.
We did not go out for a normal walk afterwards though:rolleyes:.

They usually do ok with their daily walks, if only they could realise just how lucky they are and that they are not shut up in a cage for the whole day!

It is funny how dogs react so differently to the rain...even if they do like to swim or otherwise get wet.
Our younger one would not even get up this morning! But I knew her bladder must be full and if she didn't go, there would be soon a accident to happen.
So I scooped her up and we stood on the door step for a moment to wake up properly first before putting her out with other one's company and closing the door for a moment. If I didn't, I know she would have walked straight back in and had that accident :rolleyes:
She literally just took one step...did quickly her business and came back in. It was quickest 'job' she has done so far :D:D And yet....this girl is now the least shy out of two when it comes to standing water..she doesn't even think that some puddles might be deep..she just jumps in and if her feet reach at the bottom, she can just stand there sometime to enjoy the cool wet feeling :rolleyes:
Jasper can blow hot and cold - even if he's reluctant to go out in the rain, once he is out his Scottish deerhound genes kick in and he ignores it, as long as it's not perishingly cold. He'll go in ponds and streams to cool off, but likes it to be just the right depth so he can lie down - he'll sometimes wander around in the water trying to find that Goldilocks spot and if he can't, he'll just come out looking disgruntled.

But paddling pools in the garden are downright scary. And it's years since he's ventured into the wildlife pond, even on the hottest days.

I'm really worried that his back end's going :( He wasn't himself on yesterday's morning walk in the woods, though maybe the treat fairies not being there might have contributed. He didn't want an afternoon walk and just lay in the garden in the sun while I weeded, and didn't want a walk this morning. I'll take him somewhere he loves this afternoon and see if he livens up, but I might need to have a word with the vet. Even if she can't give him a decent examination, she can watch him move and might suggest a trial of painkiller to see if it makes a difference.
Tilly who is 11 in November and very similar to Jasper in looks has lost muscle tone in her back legs and every now and again she has stumbled on her back legs ....she has a green lipped mussel capsule every morning and doesnt seem to be in pain ...they age all of a sudden .....the bigger dogs seem to ...
Tilly who is 11 in November and very similar to Jasper in looks has lost muscle tone in her back legs and every now and again she has stumbled on her back legs ....she has a green lipped mussel capsule every morning and doesnt seem to be in pain ...they age all of a sudden .....the bigger dogs seem to ...

He's my first dog (the two dogs we had when I was a child passed away when I was away from home), which is maybe why I'm finding it hard. He has Yumove, which has green-lipped mussel in, and I'll move him onto Yumove Senior when I've finished the current tub. But I think I'll chat with the vet anyway as I'm not convinced he's not in pain...
As I was just planning for my next project to do...I was wondering, how much do you 'craft' for your dogs or make other useful things to help you with their keep?
I've done things like dog leads, jumpers, baskets, furniture coverings and blankets...things like involves spinning/knitting/crochet/sewing...and I suppose purposely growing veg and certain plants for them can be included to it too..ummm, now I recall I've done bit of hammer work as well knocking together some wood for a wooden dog bed bit of all sorts crafting.
My current plans involve making some dog harnesses. As my girls do tend to get wet during their walks almost daily basis, their harnesses soon get dirty and smelly so they need regular washing. That means we need couple of them per dog. The harnesses that have proved to fit them well are not that cheap..they've been around £20 each.
So you can start seeing how this cost start amounting. I can get all the essentials to make my version of their current harnesses for that £20 and make several of them as well!. I just can't believe how I haven't thought of it before :rolleyes:
I don't think I've crafted anything for Jasper, apart from the odd dog toy, e.g. plaited fleece from an old top. Oh, I did crochet a bone once! He never seemed very impressed with then though!
I don't think I've crafted anything for Jasper, apart from the odd dog toy, e.g. plaited fleece from an old top. Oh, I did crochet a bone once! He never seemed very impressed with then though!
Oh yes...I did couple of toys too. Made huge effort to make them look 'proper' with all manner of 'crunchy' and squeaky things inside to make them interesting. And yes...they chucked them about couple of times and that's it...not good enough..or maybe too good?? o_O So I'm not waisting effort and time for toys. Balls, rope and odd sock 'toy' are good enough to keep them going for now. It is different when they are teeny and much more playful in general.
And now I'm looking at the over flowing toy basket that is not really explored anymore..:rolleyes: 'sigh' another job in waiting...wash, repair and put away for a 'next time round'. ;)
I did that too, for our puppies. Again another brilliant cheap, easy to replace toy.
Never throw away old socks, you never know what they may come in useful for :rolleyes:
Old socks make great 'balaclavas' for ear injuries that bleed. Always have socks in your first-aid box.
Yep, I think even I could manage to craft a ball in a sock! And they'd be much cheaper to replace if the foxes nick them :)
Brought one of those lickmats for Vardy. Seems to be doing the trick. Seems to be helping him be calmer and give me some downtime too ;)
I don't know whether to laugh or cry... with his slightly unreliable rear end, Jasper just went to stand up, farted audibly, and surprised himself so much he collapsed on the floor again :eek::D